Modular Buildings

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Modular Buildings

2007 - present

Subtheme of:


Related themes:

Creative Building
Bricks and More
LEGO Master Builder Academy

Modular Buildings is a sub-theme of Creator introduced in 2007, which features large, detailed, connectable buildings, aimed at adult fans of LEGO. To date there have been thirteen sets ranging from fire houses to town halls. Each set costs an average of £100/$150 USD, though more recent sets have cost more. The most expensive set is 10255 Assembly Square with a price of $280 USD.

Street Layout[edit | edit source]

The Street Layout is the combination of any of the following: 10182 Café Corner, 10185 Green Grocer, 10190 Market Street, 10197 Fire Brigade, 10218 Pet Shop, 10211 Grand Emporium, 10224 Town Hall, 10232 Palace Cinema, 10243 Parisian Restaurant, 10246 Detective's Office, 10251 Brick Bank, 10255 Assembly Square, 10260 Downtown Diner, and 10264 Corner Garage. It utilizes TECHNIC pins to connect the buildings together. Café Corner, Grand Emporium, Palace Cinema, and Brick Bank are connecting corners by which two sides of the layout can be joined together. The street possesses some 1930's design elements, although more modern elements have been introduced.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Sets[edit | edit source]

Image # Set Pieces Figures Price Released
10182 box.png 10182  Café Corner  2056  Townsperson (3)   $139.99  2007 
10185.jpg 10185  Green Grocer  2352  Townsperson (four)   $149.99 / €149,99  2008 
10190 box.png 10190  Market Street  1248  Townsperson FourTownsperson FiveTownsperson Six   $89.99  2007 
FireBrigBox.png 10197  Fire Brigade  2231  Firefighter (3)Woman   $149.99 / €149.99  September 1, 2009 
3-10211 box side large.jpg 10211  Grand Emporium  2182  CashierChildBride MannequinGroom MannequinShopper (2), Window Cleaner   $149.99 / €149.99  March 3, 2010 
Lego10218.jpg 10218  Pet Shop  2032  GirlPainterPet Shop OwnerWoman   $149.99 / €149.99  May 10, 2011 
10224 alt1.png 10224  Town Hall  2766  BrideGroomMayorPress WomanSecretaryChildChildJanitor   $199.99 / €179.99  March 1, 2012 
10230.jpg 10230  Mini Modulars  1356     $79.99 / €69.99  January 1, 2012 
10232-21.jpg 10232  Palace Cinema  2196  Minnie Figure, Chauffeur, Female Guest , Male Guest, Photographer, Cinema Worker   $149.99 / €139.99  March 1, 2013 
10243 alt1.jpg 10243  Parisian Restaurant  2469  5   $159.99 / €149.99  January 1, 2014 
10246-18.jpg 10246  Detective's Office  2262  Ace Brickman, Al the Barber, Dart Player, Police Woman, Pool Player, Woman in Red   $159.99 / €149.99  January 1, 2015 
10251.jpg 10251  Brick Bank  2380  Bank managerSecretaryTellerMomChild   $169.99 / €149.99  January 1, 2016 
10255Box.jpeg 10255  Assembly Square  4002  Dentist, Barista, Baker, Florist, Music Store Assistant, Dancer, Photographer, LEGO Fan, Baby   $279.99 / €239.99  January 1, 2017 
10260-Box.png 10260  Downtown Diner  2480  Bodybuilder, Boxer, Chef, Manager, Rock Star, Waitress   $169.99 / €149.99  January 1, 2018 
10264 box.jpeg 10264  Corner Garage  2569  Girl, Mechanic (Female), Mechanic (Male), Man, Woman, Veterinarian   $199.99 / €179.99  January 1, 2019 

Gallery[edit | edit source]