Review:Computer Programmer/Captain Jag

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Firstly, his face… he has nice big glasses, a somewhat worried/nervous expression, and black hair. The hair is combed partly to the left, but mostly to the right. I like it, as I don't have any others. I don't think that the normal hair would have looked that good on him. Just checked - It looks okay, but the effect is better with the combed hair. His face has a somewhat nervous expression - I don't know why he would be nervous. It says in his Bio that he can fix any computer, so… His top is well-designed. He has a light blue long-sleeved shirt, a green bowtie, and a sand colored vest with a pattern on it, which, strangely, matches his vest and bowtie perfectly (in colour). He has brown legs, I don't mind that, it fits him.

His cup is cool - C:\. Not really much else to say about it.

The real reason I got him, however, is, the LAPTOP. The LEGO laptop was one piece that I have really wanted to get, but there hasn't been a cheap set in the last several years. The laptop's the wrong colour (it should be white, really, with an Apple logo on the back :P) but still cool.

So, overall, I would recommend this minifigure to people, and especially if you want a laptop.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Value for Money
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Captain Jag +
Computer_Programmer +