6265 Sabre Island

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Sabre Island
Item №:





Lt. de Martinet, Imperial Soldier (2)




    Imperial Soldiers

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6265 Sabre Island is an Imperial Soldiers set released in 1989 as a part of the Pirates theme. The set includes 92 pieces and three MinifiguresLt. de Martinet and two Imperial Soldiers.

Description[edit | edit source]


The three-story outpost building is the main part of the set. This consists of a tower, with a gate on one side. A flagpole with a flag connected onto it connects onto the top of the first story. On the third story there is a low wall.
Next to the tower, there is a small wall that encloses a cannon. At least six cannon balls are included in the set.

The other parts of the set are a palm tree and a red boat.


The set includes three minifigures: Lt. de Martinet and two Imperial Soldiers.


The set includes several accessories. Among these are two muskets, three cutlasses, a pistol, two oars, and two brown backpacks.

Minifigures Included[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit Pirates sets
1989: 6235 Buried Treasure - 6245 Harbor Sentry - 6251 Pirate Mini Figures - 6255 Pirate Comic - 6257 Castaway's Raft - 6260 Shipwreck Island - 6265 Sabre Island - 6270 Forbidden Island - 6274 Caribbean Clipper - 6276 Eldorado Fortress - 6285 Black Seas Barracuda
1990: KC18 Imperial Soldier Key Chain
1991: 1481 Pirates Desert Island - 6234 Renegade's Raft - 6259 Broadside's Brig - 6267 Lagoon Lock-Up - 6273 Rock Island Refuge
1992: 1464 Pirate Lookout - 1492 Battle Cove - 1696 Pirate Lookout - 1889 Pirates Treasure Hold - 6237 Pirates' Plunder - 6247 Bounty Boat - 6258 Smuggler's Shanty - 6261 Raft Raiders - 6271 Imperial Flagship - 6277 Imperial Trading Post
1993: 1970 Pirates Gun Cart - 6252 Sea Mates - 6266 Cannon Cove - 6268 Renegade Runner - 6286 Skull's Eye Schooner
1994: 1713 Shipwrecked Pirate - 1729 Barnacle Bay - 1733 Shipwrecked Pirate - 1871 Pirates Cannon - 1872 Soldiers Forge - 1873 Pirates Treasure - 6236 King Kahuka - 6246 Crocodile Cage - 6256 Islander Catamaran - 6262 King Kahuka's Throne - 6264 Forbidden Cove - 6278 Enchanted Island
1995: 1788 Treasure Chest - 6254 Rocky Reef - 6263 Imperial Outpost - 6279 Skull Island
1996: 1747 Treasure Surprise - 1795 Imperial Cannon - 1802 Tidy Treasure - 6232 Skeleton Crew - 6244 Armada Sentry - 6248 Volcano Island - 6280 Armada Flagship - 6289 Red Beard Runner - 6296 Shipwreck Island - KC19 Pirate Key Chain
1997: 6204 Buccaneers - 6249 Pirates Ambush - 6250 Cross Bone Clipper - 6281 Pirates Perilous Pitfall
2001: 6290 Red Beard Runner - 6291 Armada Flagship - 6292 Enchanted Island - K6290 Classic Pirates Collection
2002: 10040 Black Seas Barracuda
2003: 4224458 Pirate Key Chain - KC43 Pirate Key Chain
2004: 850301 Pirate Key Chain - 4224498 Pirate Captain Key Chain
2005: 851933 Pirate Sword
2009: 6239 Cannon Battle - 6240 Kraken Attackin' - 6241 Loot Island - 6242 Soldiers' Fort - 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty - 6253 Shipwreck Hideout - 6299 Pirates Advent Calendar - 8396 Soldier's Arsenal - 8397 Pirate Survival - 852227 Pirate Playing Cards - 852543 Pirates Magnet Set - 852544 Pirate Captain Key Chain - 852711 Admiral's Daughter Key Chain - 852749 Imperial Soldier Key Chain - 4553029 Pirate Captain Key Chain - 4560059 Admiral's Daughter Key Chain - 4563622 Imperial Soldier Key Chain - K6243 Big Pirates Collection
2010: 10210 Imperial Flagship
2015: 70409 Shipwreck Defense - 70410 Soldiers Outpost - 70411 Treasure Island - 70412 Soldiers Fort - 70413 The Brick Bounty
Unknown: 3983 Captain Roger Key Chain - 9403 Captain Redbeard Key Chain - 9409 Islander Key Chain - 4204349 Pirate Captain Key Chain
... more about "6265 Sabre Island"
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