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(Redirected from Bird (Friends))



2012, 2013

[List of appearances]

Goldie is Olivia's pet bird appearing in a few Friends sets and in the TV show LEGO Friends of Heartlake City.

Description[edit | edit source]

Goldie has small yellow feet, yellow wings, and a yellow tail. Its eyes are black and slanted, and its beak is red. It has short plumes protruding from the back of its head. Like many of the Friends animal figures Goldie is a one-studded mould.

Background[edit | edit source]

It is Olivia's pet bird, as Olivia feeds him and takes care of him. He lives in a white and red birdhouse next to Olivia's treehouse. He possibly got his name after his colour.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The same mould (although in lime green) is used in 41024 Parrot's Pearch set, so Goldie is probably a parrot too.
  • The identical bird included in 850581 Brick Calendar is defined in the description as a ‘baby chick’ and the Stephanie’s flying companion in 3063 Heartlake Flying Club is simply called ‘bird’. Both remain unnamed.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit Animals
Amphibians & Reptiles: Crocodile | Frog | Snake | Turtle
Arthropods: Ant | Butterfly | Scorpion | Spider |
Birds: Bird | Chicken | Crow | Duck | Falcon | Ostrich | Owl | Parrot | Penguin | Seagull
Land Mammals: Bat | Bear | Bison | Cat | Chimp | Camel | Cow | Dog | Elephant | Fawn | Foal | Giraffe | Goat | Hedgehog | Horse | Lion | Monkey | Mouse | Panda | Pig | Polar Bear | Pony | Seal | Squirrel | Rabbit | Rat | Zebra
Sea Animals: Clam | Crab | Dolphin | Dolphin (Friends) | Fish | Jellyfish | Lobster | Octopus | Sawfish | Shark | Starfish | Stingray
Non-avian dinosaurs: Brachiosaurus | Spinosaurus | Stegosaurus | Pteranodon | Raptor | Tyrannosaurus rex | Baby Tyrannosaurus rex | Triceratops | Coelophysis | Mosasaurus | Styracosaurus
Fictional Animals 1: Dragon | Baby Dragon | Jun-Chi | Lava Monster | Rock Monster | Tygurah | Unicorn | Yeti
LEGO Racers 2 animals: Martian Plant Animal
Avatar animals: Momo the Flying Lemur
Harry Potter animals: Aragog | Basilisk | Thestral | Hippogriff | Phoenix | Three-Headed Dog | Hedwig
Fictional Animals 2: The Lord of the Rings creatures: Cave Troll | Shelob | Mirkwood Spider | Warg | Great Eagle
Ninjago animals: Dragons | Ultra Dragon | The Great Devourer | Cragling | Grundal | Mud Monster | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen
Pharaoh's Quest animals: Cobra | Scarab | Scorpion | Sphinx
Star Wars animals: Acklay | Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Nexu | Rancor | Reek | Roggwart | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Varactyl | Wampa