List of Ninjago weapons

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(Redirected from Blades of the Departed)

On this page you will find a list of named weapons from the Ninjago theme. The descriptions are taken directly from

The Golden Weapons[edit | edit source]

The Four Golden Weapons

Sword of Fire
This golden sword could only be held by Kai, the Master of Fire. The sword had the power of fire so it can burn a lot of things up. It was destroyed when the ninja used the golden weapons to destroy the Staff of Creation/the Mega Weapon The fused weapons wound up on a star known as Arcturus Towards the end of the Nindroid Conflict, the Overlord sent Cryptor and several Nindroids to Arcturus, where they claimed the remnants of the Golden Weapons. Despite their efforts, the Ninja failed to stop the Nindroids from escaping with the fused weapons, which they melted down and turned into the Golden Armor. The armor was worn by the Golden Master, the Overlord's god-like form, as he wreaked havoc on Ninjago using the Ultimate Weapon, parts of which were also built using the Golden Weapons. During the climactic standoff at Borg Tower, Zane sacrificed himself and grabbed hold of the Golden Master's harnesses, which were molded from the Golden Weapons. While being overwhelmed with power, Zane froze the Golden Master, destroying both of their physical forms in the process The Golden Armor was stored away by Cyrus Borg for safekeeping, as Wu had done so many years earlier and Kai reforged the weapon and used it in the battle against the Oni. The weapons were seen with less power after vanquishing the Oni.

Nunchucks of Lightning
This golden pair of nun-chucks could only be held by Jay, the Master of Lightning. The nun-chucks had the power of lightning so it could fry an enemy with a single blow. It was destroyed when the ninja used the golden weapons to destroy the Staff of Creation/the Mega Weapon On the comet Arcturus, Cryptor and the ninja battle over the Nunchucks of Lightning and the remains of the other Golden Weapons, with the Nindroids eventually bringing it back to Borg Tower. The Overlord would succeed in reforging the Nunchucks of Lightning and the remains of the Golden Weapons into the Golden Armor, donning it and using its power to become the Golden Master and Kai Reforged the Nunchucks and gave them to Jay. Jay used them in the battle against the Oni until a wave of golden power swept the The Sixteen Realms. The Nunchucks were seen on the floor unconnected, with just a golden ball on the end of each one.

Shurikens of Ice
This golden pair of shurikens could only be held by Zane, the Master of Ice. The throwing-stars had the power of ice so it could send an enemy into an ice-age. They were destroyed when the ninja used the golden weapons to destroy the Staff of Creation/the Mega Weapon The Nindroids succeed getting the Weapons of Spinjitzu and have burnt them into the Overlord's ultimate weapon. Later, the Golden Master starts to destroy New Ninjago City with his newly formed mech—made out of the gold from the Weapons of Spinjitzu. However, the Nindroids were not the only ones to escape; the Ninja have used their Elemental Shields, and have traveled out of space. The Golden Master gets frustrated, and plans to defeat the Ninja. He now preforms his own Spinjitzu, trying to stop the Ninja from going into The Temple of Fortitude. He, however, fails. The heroes of Ninjago put on armor to resist the Golden Power from him. He, somehow, grabs all the Ninja except Zane. The White Ninja eventually destroys himself and the Overlord and Kai reforged it and gave it to Zane who used it in the battle against the Oni.

Scythe of Quakes
This golden scythe could only be held by Cole, the Master of Earth. The scythe had the power of earth so it could make the earth swallow enemies. It was destroyed when the ninja used the golden weapons to destroy the Staff of Creation/the Mega Weapon and destroyed the weapon, sending its molten remnants into space, where they wound up on a star known as Arcturus Towards the end of the Nindroid Conflict, the Overlord sent Cryptor and several Nindroids to Arcturus, where they claimed the Golden Weapons. Despite their efforts, the Ninja failed to stop the Nindroids from escaping, after which they melted down the weapons and turned into the Golden Armor. The armor was worn by the Golden Master, the Overlord's god-like form, as he wreaked havoc on Ninjago using the Ultimate Weapon, parts of which were also built using the Golden Weapons. During the climactic standoff at Borg Tower, Zane sacrificed himself and grabbed hold of the Golden Master's harnesses, which were molded from the Golden Weapons. While being overwhelmed with power, Zane froze the Golden Master, destroying both of their physical forms in the process The Golden Armor was stored away by Cyrus Borg for safekeeping, as Wu had done so many years earlier and The Golden Armor is later taken by Lloyd and Garmadon, where it is given to Kai to melt down and reforge the golden weapons. He succeeds, and the Scythe of Quakes is reforged, now sporting a slightly different appearance. It is briefly used by Nya against the Oni, but due to her element being water, she cannot harness it's true power, but it is given to Cole soon afterwards, where he is able to make full use of his new weapon..

The Staff of Creation/The Mega Weapon the Staff of Creation also known as the Mega Weapon is a weapon made by Lord Garmadon by fusing the four Weapons together into a "Mega Weapon", otherwise known as the Staff of Creation. This weapon has only the power to create, never to destroy. This was used for Garmadon's dark purposes by creating four Bizarro Ninja, recreating the Grundle, and creating a portal leading to the past. However, the weapon was destroyed by the ninja along with the golden weapons.

Snake Staffs[edit | edit source]

Main article: Snake Staffs

These staffs are the symbols of power for the Serpentine tribes. There are staffs for all five snake tribes: Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Anacondrai, Venomari and Constrictai except Vermillion and Pyro Vipers. The staffs carry an anti-venom to the unique power of each tribe.

Fang Blades[edit | edit source]

Main article: Fang Blades

The Four Silver Fang Blades (also known as Four Silver Fang Swords) were ancient artifacts that capable of unleashing The The Great Devourer. The Serpentine are after them to release the beast.

Elemental Blades[edit | edit source]

The Elemental Blades (also known as Elemental Swords) were first used by The First Spinjitzu Master. With the use of the blades, the ninja were able to give Lloyd more elemental power so that he could become the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master. With his new power he could summon the power of the Golden Dragon.[source?]

Techno-blades[edit | edit source]

In 2014, the ninja get new weapons called Techno-blades that have the power to hack any sort of technology, and allow them to control it. When used together, the blades could reboot the entirety of Cyrus Borg's systems by deleting the Digital Overlord virus from the main hard drive of Borg Tower.

The Jade Blades[edit | edit source]

In 2015, the Ninja get new green blades called Jade Blades (also known as Jade Swords). The Jade blades were originally the ninja's "tickets" toward advancing in the Tournament of Elements, as Master Chen described even though they were used as weapons in the sets.

Aeroblades[edit | edit source]

In the summer wave of 2015, the Ninja get weapons known as Aeroblades. The Aeroblade's material is made from deepstone, which is a type of rock mined from the bottom of the ocean. The Aeroblade is capable of defeating the Ghost Warriors due to the deepstone rock in it. It is used just like a boomerang and a shuriken combined.

Sword of Sanctuary[edit | edit source]

The Sword of Sanctuary (also known as Blade of Sanctuary Sanctuary Sword and Sanctuary Blade) was a weapon whose blade showed images of the near future, allowing its wielder to anticipate the actions of their opponents or avoid obstacles. It was one of three clues to locating the tomb of The First Spinjitzu Master, and could be used to reveal a map to the tomb's location on the back of the Scroll of Airjitzu. It was kept in the Cloud Kingdom for safekeeping but stolen by Morro, only for it to be stolen by the ninja; Ronin later stole it and returned it to Morro in payment of a debt he owed Soul Archer. Morro subsequently used it to make his way into the tomb and faced off with the ninja, and later during his battles against the ninja in Stix before losing it to Ronin and then to Lloyd. What became of the Sword after the events of Curseworld, Part II is unknown, though a replica was included with a statue of Morro and later became one of the Departed Blades.

Djinn Blade[edit | edit source]

In 2016 the Ninja can be captured inside the Djinn Blade (also known as the Jinn Blade Jin Blade Djin Blade Genie Blade Djinn Sword Jin Sword Jinn Sword Djin Sword Genie Sword Sword of Souls and Blade of Souls). The Creators are the Djinn King who gave it to Nadakhan following the destruction of Djinjago. In the sets, all of the ninja and Sensei Wu are trapped in the sword. In the show, the only ninja not captured is Nya, to be captured you must "Wish it all away" or get struck by it.

Yin Blade[edit | edit source]

The Yin Blade (also known as Ying Sword) was a magical weapon discovered by Sensei Yang in his quest for immortality, only to curse him, his students, and the Temple of Airjitzu. It was eventually placed in a case of impenetrable Clearstone and ended up at the Ninjago Museum of History, but was stolen by Cole after Yang tricked him. In a bid to return to human form, Yang used the blade to open the Rift of Return, only for the weapon to be smashed by Cole. However, the rift allowed Yang's students to return to human form, and a repentant Yang allowed Cole to pass through and do likewise while he remained a ghost within the temple, which was restored to its former glory.

Departed Blades[edit | edit source]

During the events of Day of the Departed, the mannequin replicas of the villains are given weapons. When the spirits of the real villains possess the mannequins, Sensei Yang explains that the weapons are called Departed Blades (also known as Blades of Departed Blades of the Departed Departed Swords Swords of Departed and Swords of the Departed) and they possess the ability to allow the wielder to take the victims place among the living should the weapon kill the victim. The weapons are based off of weapons from previous seasons, each with an identical hilt. They consist of:

In the TV series, Morro also wielded a Departed Blade version of the Sword of Sanctuary, but it was never physically released; in the toy line Sensei Yang's Yin Blade replaced it.

Time Blades[edit | edit source]

In 2017, the Ninja seek after four claw-like weapons called Time Blades, (also known as Blades of Time Time Swords Swords of Time Chrono Blades Blades of Chrono Chrono Swords Swords of Chrono Temporal Blades Blades of Temporal Temporal Swords and Swords of Temporal) which each control a different aspect of time. They consist of "Forward" (green), "Slow-mo" (blue), "Pause" (red) and "Reverse" (orange/yellow). The powers within the blades once belonged to Acronix and Krux, the former Elemental Masters of Time. When the two became corrupt, Wu and Garmadon drained their powers using the Time Blades, which were forged by Maya and Ray. The weapons were made from Chronosteel, the only material capable of absorbing elemental power, and cast into a vortex opened using their energies.

The Reversal Time Blade emerged back into Ninjago first along with Krux, and was hidden in the Boiling Sea by Maya and Ray to keep it safe. The Fast Forward Blade returned shortly after Acronix did, and was used by him to cause Sensei Wu to begin aging at an accelerated rate. He and Krux would continue to employ it for various purposes, including capturing Cyrus Borg and later evading the Ninja with him in tow. The Slow-mo Blade was the third to return, landing in a desert outside of Ninjago City. Though the Vermillion reached it first, the Ninja were able to take possession of it.

Unfortunately, though the Ninja briefly took possession of the Fast Forward Blade as well, they lost it and the Slow-mo blade to the Time Twins. The two villains later succeeded in recovering the Pause Blade when it returned to Ninjago. They then blackmailed Kai and Nya into using the Dragon Blade to help them retrieve the Reversal Blade from the Boiling Sea. With all four blades, the Time Twins were able to complete their mobile fortress Iron Doom, which they used to travel back in time to just after their past defeat.

The Time Twins later attempted to escape into the distant future using the blades, but were thwarted when Kai, Nya, and Wu made use of the past version of the Reversal Blade. After delivering that blade to the past Wu, the trio boarded the Iron Doom as it made its way forward in time. Wu was able to remove the Reversal Blade, which he gave to Nya and Kai before dropping them off in the present. After using it to heal Ray from the effects of the Fast Forward Blade as they had Wu, the two gave it to Lloyd for disposal. The other three blades were lost in time with the Time Twins, Iron Doom, and the Vermillion snakes.

Dragon Blade[edit | edit source]

The Dragon Blade (also known as Dragon Sword Fusion Blade and Fusion Sword) is a weapon either created or possessed by Ray, which has the ability to fuse the Elemental Powers of Fire and Water together, something that is normally impossible. This allows the wielders to create a Fire and Water Fusion Dragon, which can be used to traverse the hostile environs of the Boiling Sea. The Blade as served as a key to a chamber in the sunken Library of Hono Mizu, which served as the hiding place of the Reversal Time Blade. Ray and Maya first used it to hide the Reversal Blade, and Kai and Nya were later forced to use it in order to retrieve the artifact. They then employed the Fusion Blade in order to pursue and fight the Time Twins in their Iron Doom mech.

Oni Masks[edit | edit source]

The three Oni Masks (also known as Demon Masks Devil Masks Daevil Masks Deavil Masks Daemon Masks and Deamon Masks and simply known as Masks), each representing one of three Oni warlords, are mystical objects introduced in 2018. Each grants it's wearer a different ability:

  • The red Oni Mask of Vengeance (also known as Mask of Vengeance Mask of Revenge Demon Mask of Vengeance Devil Mask of Vengeance Daevil Mask of Vengeance Deavil Mask of Vengeance Daemon Mask of Vengeance Deamon Mask of Vengeance Oni Mask of Revenge Demon Mask of Revenge Devil Mask of Revenge Daevil Mask of Revenge Deavil Mask of Revenge Daemon Mask of Revenge and Deamon Mask of Revenge) allows it's wearer to grow an extra pair of arms.
  • The yellow/orange Oni Mask of Deception (also known as Mask of Deception Mask of Deceit Demon Mask of Deception Devil Mask of Deception Daevil Mask of Deception Deavil Mask of Deception Daemon Mask of Deception Deamon Mask of Deception Oni Mask of Decepit Demon Mask of Deceit Devil Mask of Deceit Daevil Mask of Deceit Deavil Mask of Vengeance Daemon Mask of Deceit and Deamon Mask of Deceit) gifts it's wearer with the power of telekinesis.
  • The purple Oni Mask of Hatred (also known as Mask of Hatred Mask of Hate Demon Mask of Hatred Devil Mask of Hatred Daevil Mask of Hatred Deavil Mask of Hatred Daemon Mask of Hatred Deamon Mask of Hatred Oni Mask of Hate Demon Mask of Hate Daemon Mask of Hate and Deamon Mask of Hatred) coats it's wearer in virtually unbreakable stone armor.

When all three masks are brought together in the Temple of Resurrection, they open a portal to the Departed Realm which allowed the Sons of Garmadon to summon forth Lord Garmadon.

The three masks are all identically molded, but in different colors with different printing; the mold was later reused for a mask part in 853866.

Dragon Armor[edit | edit source]

The Dragon Armor is a suit of mystical armor found in the First Realm consisting of four pieces:

  • Dragon Helmet
  • Dragon Chestplate
  • Dragonbone Blade
  • Dragon Shield

The Dragonbone Blade has the ability to absorb Elemental Energy, whereas the armor in its complete form was thought to give one mastery of the Firstbourne Dragon. However, this proved to be a myth, as the Iron Baron was unable to use it to command the dragon. The armor was forged by the Firstbourne and the First Spinjitzu Master, with the former allowing the latter to ride her due to her respect for him.

Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu[edit | edit source]

The Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu (also known as Scrolls of the Forbidden Spinjitzu) are a pair of magically powered scrolls created by the First Spinjitzu Master. They have the ability to drastically increase the powers of certain wielders, but also have a corrupting influence that includes heightened aggression. Interestingly, not everyone gains power from holding a Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, as both Kai-after his powers were drained by Aspheera-and Vex showed no signs of the staff affecting them. By contrast, the other Ninja, Aspheera, Garmadon, Wu, and even P.I.X.A.L. all demonstrated signs of their power being increased by the scrolls and could wield their energies. These included glowing eyes, a fiery aura of power emerging from the top of the head, vocal changes and-in the case of Spinjitu users-larger Spinjitzu tornados.

Garmadon and Wu first used the scrolls to defeat Aspheera after she used Spinjitzu to usurp King Mambo's throne. Afterwards, the First Spinjitzu Master attached the scrolls to bladed staves and hid them to keep them from his sons; they were eventually recovered by Clutch Powers. Wu's scroll ended up in the Ninjago Museum of History, while Garmadon's was housed in the Explorer's Club. After escaping her tomb, Aspheera stole Wu's scroll from the museum after briefly battling the Ninja for it.

It not only increased her power, but her Fire Fang was able to pick up Wu's scent and track him to the Monastery of Spinjitzu. Seeking to contend with her, several of the Ninja recovered Garmadon's scroll, and wielded it against her when she breached the hangar beneath the monastery. Eventually, Zane used Garmadon's scroll to encase Aspheera and her Pyro Vipers in ice, only to be banished with it to the Never-Realm by Aspheera's final use of Wu's scroll. Later, P.I.X.A.L. used Garmadon's scroll to send the Land Bounty to the Never-Realm with the other Ninja aboard.

Having been damaged in battle, Zane was forced to use Garmadon's scroll to wield his powers after arriving in the Never-Realm. Taking advantage of a period in which Zane was unconscious, Vex attempted to take the staff, only to find that he was unable to wield its power. Instead, he caused Zane to lose his memories and then convinced him that the scroll staff was his royal scepter. Zane thus became the Ice Emperor, wielding the scroll's power to slowly dominate the Never-Realm, where time passed differently than in Ninjago leading to him spending several decades there.

Zane used Garmadon's scroll to enslave Grimfax's warriors, who along with dark ice constructs became his army of Blizzard Samurai. Other beings formed from the scroll's corruption of Zane's powers included the dragon Boreal and the Ice Behemoth. He also created a shard of dark ice that allowed Vex to observe distant events, and would wield the scroll staff to punish minions like Grimfax and in battle against enemies like Lloyd and Akita. After regaining his memories, however, Zane froze Vex and reversed the scroll's effects; it is unknown if the Ninja brought it back to Ninjago or left it in the Never-Realm afterwards.

Several of the summer 2019 sets came with a sheet of plastic Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu pieces: one depicting the scroll's normal form, one infused with fire energy, and the other with ice energy.

Keytanas[edit | edit source]

The Keytanas are a trio of swords in the game Prime Empire. As their name suggests, they act as keys, specifically enabling the one who possesses all three to shut down the Temple of Madness’ firewall and reach Unagami.

Blades of Deliverance[edit | edit source]

The Blades of Deliverance are a pair of swords originally wielded by Lilly. The Ivory Blade, representing light, and the Shadow Blade, representing darkness, were used by her until she defeated the evil dragon Grief-Bringer. Afterwards, she gifted the blades to the Geckles and Munce, tribes of Shintaro whom the dragon had terrorized prior to her intervention.

Amulets of Wojira[edit | edit source]

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

The Amulets of Wojira are a pair of amulets, the Storm and Wave Amulets, that belonged to the sea serpent dragon and leviathan Wojira and granted it the elemental powers of wind and water. This combination proved so formidable that even the First Spinjitzu Master, the Merlopians, and the islanders were unable to overcome the beast working together. It thus fell to Nyad, the first Elemental Master of Water, who was also the first to discover the existence of the amulets. After failing to dislodge the amulets from Wojira's forehead, she merged herself with the Endless Sea and thus gained the power to overcome the beast, striking both amulets free and sending Wojira into a centuries-long slumber.

The First Spinjitzu Master entrusted the Storm Amulet to the islanders, who became known as the Keepers of the Amulet, while the Wave Amulet was given into the custody of the Merlopians. For centuries, the Keepers kept the Storm Amulet safe, using its power to ward off any intruders. Eventually, however, the amulet was stolen by Clutch Powers, who succeeded in replacing it with a copy while taking the real one back to Ninjago City. Meanwhile, the Wave Amulet was returned to Wojira's forehead by Kalmaar, heir to the throne of Merlopia, who sought to use the serpent's power to destroy the surface world. However, without the Storm Amulet, Wojira could not be awakened, and Kalmaar's attempts to do so disrupted the elemental power of Water and affected the behavior of various sea creatures.

After learning of Kalmaar's plot, the Ninja attempted to secure the Storm Amulet, only to discover Clutch's theft. Kalmaar also became aware that the Storm Amulet had been taken to Ninjago, and a series of battles ensued that culminated in his gaining possession of it. He was thus able to return it to Wojira, who woke upon regaining both amulets, and then goaded her into attacking Ninjago City. Ultimately Nya, who had followed in her namesake's footsteps by joining with the sea, used her newfound power to destroy the Wave Amulet. Without it, Wojira lost control of the Storm Amulet, and both it and her were destroyed by a massive blast of lightning.

Spoilers end here.

Swords[edit | edit source]

Silver Sword
This truly remarkable and expensive blade is a work of art. Those who have it, like to show it off. For some, this means hanging it on the wall, but for those who know the true value of it, they use it for fine slicing and dicing.

Golden Dark Blade
Every skeleton wants the Golden Dark Blade. More dangerous then the dreaded Dark Blade, in the hands of a master, this weapon is unstoppable. In the hands of everyone else, it’s still terrible, thought it looks quite good.

Dark Blade
Not your typical sword, the Dark Blade actually looks for trouble. It pokes and prods life with its jagged point trying to do as much damage as it can. It’s a weapon of great fear, and it was created especially for the Skeleton Army.

Silver Dark Blade
A collector’s edition of the Dark Blade, the Silver Dark Blade was created in limited supply. It’s truly brutal, so only the most destructive skeletons have one... they won it a deadly contest.

Scythe Blade
Big, heavy, and made to slice, the Scythe Blade is great for cutting down large foes. Arm yourself with two, and you’ll be ready for some cool, dicing action. So what are you waiting for? Chop, chop!

Bones[edit | edit source]

Stronger then your average Bone, the Silver Bone is a sign of quality. When you want to make an impression, hit ‘em with a Silver Bone.

Golden Bone
Though no one is born with a Golden Bone in their body, this doesn’t mean you don’t deserve one. They say, silence is golden. Well, nothing makes the good guys quiet quicker then being struck with a solid Golden Bone. A strong, heavy weapon that’s both simple and effective... and being gold, it lasts forever.

Staffs[edit | edit source]

The Staff of the Dragons
A simple weapon, but in the hands of a Spinjitzu Master, it’s an unstoppable force. Spun quickly, it becomes a whirling, twirling crushing wall with the speed and strength of a dragon. It’s so solid, it will knock you out.

The Staff
When you don’t have the words, use a Really Big Stick for getting your point across. It may not be pretty, but – POW – it works. It’s very effective, ‘cause no one likes to get hit with a Really Big Stick.

Thunder Bolt
This weapon wasn’t made for fighting, it was built for smiting. Only one exists, and it’s in the foul hands of it’s inventor, Lord Garmadon. It boosts his Power of Destruction, and makes him happy.

Staff of Control

Staff of Control.png

Rattla's secret - the Staff of Control fuses the powers of all your weapons, and those of your enemy, into a mind-controlling mother of all monsters. Don't look directly at it.

Axes[edit | edit source]

Silver Bone Axe
Hungry for battle? Looking for trouble? No fighting meal is complete without this essential piece of skeletal silverware. So stop using your funny bone, and get yourself a serious weapon. It cuts really deep.

Bronzed Bone Axe
Great for hitting and slicing, this easy-to-use blade is the first weapon young skeletons get. Why is it bronzed? Because that’s what proud parents do.

Golden Double-Bladed Bone Axe
Made to chop through anything, the Golden Double-Bladed Bone Axe is the ultimate cutting machine. Remember, nothing can stand in its way, so… if at first you don’t succeed, slice, slice again.

Golden Hatchet Twins
A true cut above the rest, the whirling blades of the Golden Hatchet Twins are extremely dangerous, incredibly hard to control, and way too powerful. Sometimes it feels like they're alive, but that's impossible, right?

Trusty Axe

Trust Axe.png

If you're just starting out, and you have limited Ninja experience or budget, the Trusty Axe is the way to go. High quality, low maintenance and cost - you can't go wrong. You'll keep this baby forever.

Dark Axe

Trust Axe.png

Standard issue in every Kendo training environment. No magic powers, just reliable, sheer steel superpower.

Spears[edit | edit source]

The Spear
Just point The Spear where you want to go, and charge. Nothing fancy about it, it just works. Also known as Mr. Point, the Sharp One, and Owwww!

Golden Spear
The rarest of all spears, the Golden Spear makes an incredible point. It’s also quite valuable... so, if you have to be struck by a spear, make sure its golden. Then run, ‘cause it’s worth it’s weight in gold.

Major Spear
A very clever weapon, this smart spear is hard to defend against. Able to grab, and then snap lesser weapons with it’s five sharp points, this military weapon does not fool around.

Silver Spear
Incredibly slick, the Silver Spear soars through the air – with a cool whistle – and flies through whatever’s on the other-side. This quality weapon doesn’t just stab, it stabs with style, and accuracy.

The Icicle
Cold to the touch, this extra long, extra sharp icy spear is a real treat. While not made for the desert, it does make a cool dessert. Just dip The Icicle into a Skulkin, and you’ll have the ultimate Popsicle.

The Thorn
While this spear might not seem like the most dangerous weapon in Ninjago, you would be foolish to underestimate it. Carved from the tired wood of the yawning Sleepy Willow, this weapon will knock you out… so sweet dreams.

Pickaxes[edit | edit source]

Golden Pickaxe
No matter who or what you're digging, the Golden Pickaxe makes a deep impression. Made of solid gold, it’s really made for fighting... it has to be, everyone wants it.

Grim Pickaxe
Whether you want to strike it rich, or just strike your enemy, pick up a Grim Pickaxe. Made popular by the snowy dwarfs – who liked to dig the whole day through – there’s nothing a grim mining weapon can’t do.

Maces[edit | edit source]

Silver Battle Mace
If you’re rich and evil, you probably already own this 100% scary, silver ball and chain weapon. It’s big, heavy, and does some serious damage. When you want everyone to fly away fast, just swing the spiked ball around your head.

Golden Battle Mace
Nothing screams Evil Superstar better then a Golden Battle Mace. Made for the truly evil, this ball and chain weapon of destruction makes an awesome impact. It hits ‘em so hard, they’ll see stars... golden, spiked, burning stars.

Daggers[edit | edit source]

Double-Bladed Dagger
Twice the fun of a regular dagger, this handy weapon can attack danger from either side. It’s a great weapon for the new hero.

Double-Bladed Bone Dagger
Twice the danger of your typical Bone Dagger, this dark weapon is always up to no good. It stabs life from both sides, and bad guys love this.

Golden Nick Dagger
Can’t get no stabbing satisfaction... no matter how hard you try and try and try? Then grab yourself the Golden Nick Dagger, a truly classic weapon that only–hey, hey, hey – grows sharper with age.

Bowie Knife
Time may change, but Bowie Knives are timeless. From cavemen to clowns, to sailors fighting spiders in dance halls, everyone uses these classic hip-holstered weapons.

Dagger of the Dragon's Breath
It is rumored that the Dagger of Dragon’s Breath is alive… that it holds a tiny fire dragon in its handle…one that will do its master’s bidding. Even if it’s not true, it doesn’t change the fact that this dagger is on FIRE!

Other[edit | edit source]

Blacksmith's Hammer
Used to make weapons, the Blacksmith’s Hammer also packs quite a punch. Though not typically considered a weapon, anything that can beat metal into shape is great for smashing skeletons.

Ninja Bow+Arrow
Arrows shot from Ninja Bows fly far and true. Able to hit targets a mile away, it’s nearly impossible to outrun these metal tipped projectiles. They’re also good for hunting wild apples in high trees.

Chained Fang
Dinosaurs may be gone, but their skeletal teeth still have bite… especially when attached to the end of a roaring, steel chain. The Chained Fang is a dentist’s worst nightmare. It was made to make cavities.

Dark Talons
High above the clouds of Ninjago live the Dark Condors. These hungry vultures are scavengers, and their sharp talons were made to clean bones. Maybe that’s why their claws have become Ninjago’s most gloved weapons.

Golden Heli-Chains
If you hear the grinding sound of metallic wings, or the wild buzz of a flying chainsaw, then run! Because this means that - Thwack - the Golden Heli-Chain is about to attack.

Groovy Whip
The wild Groovy Vine is one of the most dangerous plants in Ninjago, because once it grabs you, it'll never let go. This whip is from that plant, so be careful or be caught.

Golden Chained Fang
From Ninjago's Golden Age comes one of it's most valuable weapons, the Golden Chained Fang. Made from the mighty tooth of a Golden T-Rex, this dino-tastic weapon was made to fight tooth decay and Skullkins.

Double-Boned Skele-Scythe
Made from the broken bones of fallen Skullkins, no Skullkin likes this deadly weapon. But none dare tell Lord Garmadon this, because no one wants to be his next Double-Boned Skele-Scythe.

Double-Bladed Scythe
While the Double-Bladed Scythe may look like a child's toy, it's not! It's really a fantastic and intimidating weapon. It's quite affordable too - much cheaper than the Gold and Silver versions - so buy yourself a new Skullkin mower today!

Dark Chained Whip
Warning, this weapon is dangerous to all life. Made from the heavy chains of the Underworld, the Dark Chained Whip is cold and deadly. If it touches you, it will pull you down and steal your soul forever.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]