Brickipedia:Image Policy

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Green check.png This page is one of Brickimedia's policies.
This page documents an official Brickimedia Policy that the Brickimedia community has accepted and Brickimedians must follow. Except for minor edits, please make use of the discussion page to propose changes to this policy.

Brickimedia is an open project in which anyone can contribute. Part of contributing includes adding images to articles. While anyone is free to add images to Brickimedia like they are free to edit, there are restrictions on what can and cannot be uploaded, thus an image policy is required for all users to abide by. When adding images to Brickimedia, please

  • do not add anything pornographic or otherwise explicit;
  • do not add anything controversial to certain ethnic groups (this includes derogatory messages against a race, religion, political viewpoint or sexuality);
  • do not add anything that would be perceived as an attack against an individual or group of individuals;
  • do not use Brickimedia as an image host for personal or any external purposes; and
  • properly license and attribute all uploads to their authors.