Brickipedia:Project Ultra Agents

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Project Ultra Agents is a project set up to improve all Ultra Agents-related articles.

To join, simply state you wish to join the BrickiProject in the comments section below, and what Ultra Agents minifigure you want to represent you- depending on your minifigure, you will be put in the Agents or Villains team. If you wish to participate, but are just here to improve articles and aren't worried out getting points, please choose either the Astor Guard or Astor Scientist. Please note that users who sign up but do not improve any Ultra Agents articles after two weeks will be removed.

Monthly Targets[edit source]

Improving any one of these articles so that it reaches Class 2 status will earn you 25 points!

Current Ratings[edit source]


Participants[edit source]


Total score: 0


Comments (4)
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++

I pick spyclops.

And why was this thing with Ninjago removed? It was fun

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score 0++
Can I join? :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
No :P Just pick a character and I'll add you in

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score 0++