Brickipedia:Welcome to ShoutWiki

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Welcome to your... virtually the same, mostly working Brickipedia.

As you may have heard, Brickimedia is now part of ShoutWiki.

We've not changed much. We want you, the Bricki(p|m)edia community to shape your experience here at ShoutWiki. The Brickimedia experience declined in months prior to ShoutWiki, and it'll take a while to restore to everything that was missing. Therefore, we've compiled this short guide on what has changed, some ideas on what you can do in future, and all the basics you need to know about ShoutWiki.

Changes[edit source]

  • User database - now part of ShoutWiki's global user database, your one account can now be used on 12493 as well as to create your own wiki
  • The most recent MediaWiki release, up to date with all the latest security fixes, core MediaWiki features and support for various add-on features.
  • Advertisements - we run ads on all our sites to cover our costs and improve our service, as Brickimedia did. Refreshed is new to our network, and therefore we're still dialling in the advertising configuration for it. If you notice something you don't like or think needs to be changed, please let us know!

Bugs[edit source]

We've enabled a few new things that were used on Brickimedia but not anywhere on ShoutWiki. These include Refreshed and Echo, so we're still getting our heads around them. There will be some bugs; any editors are helpful in finding them all. If you find something that's not right, please let us know by filing a task on our Phabricator instance.

Ideas[edit source]

Just a few to start you off, if you've got an idea, discussing it with the community is a great place to start. When you've got a clearer picture of what you want to do, let us know, and we'll assist in any way we can.

ShoutWiki need to know[edit source]

ShoutWiki is a wiki farm with a shared user database (as stated above). We're a UK Limited Company, with no paid staff. We're all volunteers here, which means our revenues get reinvested into the company, and as such, the service that we provide. We try to respond to any support requests as quickly as possible, the same goes for fixing bugs, but we're real people, just like you, with jobs, school and other commitments.

As you should have recognised, many staff members are part of this community. Some of us started out or spent our early wiki lives at Brickipedia; others have joined more recently. That being said, we won't necessarily see everything that goes on, so therefore we require things go through the right channels that we monitor so we can deal with everything efficiently.

  • Phabricator - for software bugs and issues. You can use your ShoutWiki and/or GitHub accounts to log in.
  • - for all other support requests, from advice to extension requests, and everything else that requires staff attention.
  • Our Facebook page & @ShoutWiki on Twitter to stay up to date with goings on.

Questions[edit source]

If you have any questions that aren't answered and don't contain sensitive or personal information, leave a message on the talk page.