Brickipedia News:13th LEGO Ideas review results

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User:Berrybrick 20:19, 28 May 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
May 28, 2015. Last updated May 29, 2015.

This is it, let the speculation, the suspense, flow through you. Nine potential sets, only one can be produced (for now). What will be the next Ideas set rolling out?


The Labyrinth Marble Maze! It has beat out a number of licensed projects (which have or had been owned by LEGO at some point), including the Pirates of the Caribbean Flying Dutchman, Lord of the Rings Minas Tirith, The Avengers Helicarrier (hm, I wonder why), and scenes from Jurassic Park and The Goonies. Piano and the Nautral History Museum have also been rejected, while the F7A Hornet will move into the next review, meaning that it is still possible that it will be released as a set.
With so many large licensed projects, there are likely to be some very disappointed fans who hoped to use the platform to expand retired themes or start new ones, but that seems to be the case every review. What are your thoughts, about the Marble Maze and others? Do you think the F7A has a shot in the next period with these thirteen other projects?

Read more about these projects, including Labyrinth Marble Maze, at the Ideas Wiki.

Tags:2015 Ideas Labyrinth Marble Maze

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ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 0++
The GBC people are going to love this set if it actually uses multiple soccer/basketball pieces.

IchindarBrick Master

119 months ago
Score 0++
What about Discworld?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 0++
I think that's in the next period.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 0++
Video says it's in review now (e.g. 14th review)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 0++
Everything else wouldn't fit in an ideas price point so obvious :P


119 months ago
Score 0++
Plus, this is a unique concept. Licensed stuff LEGO all ready do, Goonies is too cult, natural history sounds too much like the science one they did. This is an actual cool idea.
2015 +, Ideas +  and Labyrinth Marble Maze +
05:10:00, 27 May 2015 +
13th LEGO Ideas review results +