Brickipedia News:2013 Hobbit sets found

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Brickipedia News:2013 Hobbit sets found

User:NovaFlare 0:00, 19 October 2013 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
October 19, 2013

Images of the "Desolation of Smaug" sets from The Hobbit have been found, and can be seen below. Of course, the image of 79013 has been around for a while, I've just included for completeness.

Tags: The Hobbit

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NovaFlareMaster Builder

139 months ago
Score 0++

If you bought that Azog figure on ebay for $1000, you're probably not too happy right now since the only rare thing about it is the box ;) Good to see Radagast, but sad to see it's one of those flimsy hat+beard pieces, I was disappointed with Saruman and Arwen when I first got them and found they had the same kind rubbery parts (I thought it was normal plastic, right up until I got the set)

I'm really liking 79012, it reminds me of 9471, a nice little mini castle with a high concentration of generic minifigures
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The Hobbit +
19:22:00, 19 October 2013 +
2013 Hobbit sets found +