Brickipedia News:2014 Spider-Man and Avengers Sets Revealed

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Brickipedia News:2014 Spider-Man and Avengers Sets Revealed

User:Berrybrick 0:00, 6 December 2013 (UTC)

35_m.pngby Berrybrick
December 6, 2013

Eurobricks member 'TinyPiesRUs' shared a catalog image showcasing next year's Marvel sets for release in the (Northern hemisphere) Spring, featuring classic Avengers and Spider-Man inspired characters in LEGO. These sets include:

Marvel2014 zpsca99ae35.png

Tags: 2014 Super Heroes Marvel

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

135 months ago
Score 0++
I spy the Batcave. (Trolol)

LFY1547Thinking With Bricks

137 months ago
Score 1++
Thanks for the news - They look fairly decent minus 76015. Bit too small for my liking.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

137 months ago
Score 1++

Thanks for the news Berrybrick :) Anyway, guess I'll put down my thoughts too :)

  • 76014- Obviously it's all about Electro and the lightning, which is good enough for me for something that should be very cheap
  • 76015- Again, looks to be a pretty small set, and if we have to have more Spider-Man sets, I'd much prefer them to be these small ones so the larger ones are focused on other more interesting things. Not exactly the most interesting model ever, but it seems to be well constructed, and this new Doc Ock is a huge improvement over the other one
  • 76016- I actually like the look of the helicopter, and Power Man and MJ are a must-have for me. I'm not a fan of/don't understand the point of a big-fig Green Goblin, I guess he's big in some universe I don't follow. But I would much prefer the original variant from the movie series.
  • 76017- Strangely, I'm the complete opposite of Berrybrick- this is probably the the best-looking set to me overall :P The tank looks pretty well made to me, and the figs look great
  • 76018- Eugh. Looks like a bad cross between the helicarrier and the Batcave. The only point to getting this is for the amazing figs (good to see Hulk in purple pants again)

Not a bad wave, but far from what want- (mostly Spider-Man yet again, no F4 or X-Men). And I still really don't get why they didn't do Thor 2 or Cap 2 sets, even if it was just one set per movie I would've been very happy :/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

137 months ago
Score 1++

Okay, I'll just copy and paste what I posted over at EB. :P

  • 76014: I don't care for the spider-trike, but Ultimate Electro actually looks cool. I think I'll get this for him and all of those lightning pieces. I still have none.
  • 76015: Sadly, this is probably the best set (build wise) but it's something that could be featured in the City line. Classic Ock is cool, but I might skip this. It's too costly, and doesn't offer much new. Replacing the guard with a more interesting character would be a good start....
  • 76016: I still don't like that Goblin fig or the copter, but I might get this anyway for Power Man and MJ if I can find it at a decent price. $50 is just too much...I'm hoping it's no more than $40.
  • 76017: This is my least favorite. I'd like to get Cap, but that tank. I don't care about Red Skull much either, I don't know much about him, so I'm not going to say why. I might get this, but I doubt it. I'll probably just wait for Avengers 2 sets for Cap.
  • 76018: Seems pretty lackluster. Kind of like the Helicarrier set but with a few better (or maybe more diverse would be more correct) minifigures, more colors, and a worse design. I'm not going to say I won't get it, but I'm not sold on that Thor or MODOK (but I've never actually liked MODOK, so...).

So, I guess that I'm mostly unsure about this wave. It has some cool stuff, and nothing quite as bad as the flying Bat-claw, but the wave overall just doesn't feel much better. At least Marvel is trying harder with minifigure variety, I suppose.

I hope that the X-Men stuff and a later DC wave (I'm assuming that we'll get GL this year until I'm wrong) show some improvement.
2014 +, Super Heroes +  and Marvel +
01:26:00, 7 December 2013 +
2014 Spider-Man and Avengers Sets Revealed +