Brickipedia News:2015 Friends: Another day, another reveal

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Brickipedia News:2015 Friends: Another day, another reveal

User:NovaHawk 22:52, 7 October 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
October 7, 2014

In today's episode, we take a look at the Friends theme, where we seem to have images of the majority of the sets. We have a few new characters added to the theme, sadly, they're not called "Name", "Mom" and "Dad" like they were in the preliminaries.

200px200px 41085 Animal Care Clinic

200px200px 41086 Vet Ambulance

200px 41087 Rabbit Mother with Babies

200px 41088 Puppy Training

200px 41089 Foal Care Stable

200px200px 41090 Olivia's Garden Pool

200px200px 41092 Stephanie's Pizzeria

200px200px 41093 Heartlake Hair Salon

200px200px 41094 Heartlake Lighthouse

200px200px 41095 Emma's House

200px200px 41097 Heartlake Hot Air Balloon

Tags: Friends 2015

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++

41085-great set, lots inside. I can see many boys buying this one 2 new animals! My boyfriend was trilled as he has a tabby cat. :) I would've per faired Sophie to Mia though. 41086-such an ugly build :/ Darn me being a completionist 41087,8,9-why are you replacing animal packs with animal boxes LEGO? :/ Also a recurring animal! Oh no you didn't! :P why not include the grey dog instead of this recurring animal :( Love the rabbit babies! And yay a brown foal. 41090 is a cool set, new sunglasses piece(please come in black!) and flower accessory! :D Also Olivia has a lovely new torso 41092-I'm disappointed with you! You look like Stephanie stole you from the mall :/ I'm also mad Stephanie doesn't have a uniform. But yay a red bike! :D 41093-Hair Salon. The sign is really nice, so is Natasha and her uniform, I love the lavender accessories but everything else is meh. It's annoying we only get 2 space hair pieces for a hair salon! :/ 41094-Lighthouse should be red! Stephanie should stop starring in all the sets! :/ Give Andrea and Olivia some love LEGO. Kate is back :/ why is she appearing with Stephanie again. The interior looks cool of the lighthouse/palour but why is the lighthouse pink! 41095-Amazing! Lots of lavender yay! And there seems to be amazing building techniques, and a parents bedroom under the roof! :D love the mini-dolls in this set, to bad there's no kid or baby :(

41096-PERFECT-Asthoshing! Could not ask for better! Amazing builds, amazing figures! Noah should have a new leg piece as Andrea does not need yet another pair of shorts :P


127 months ago
Score 0++
The smaller sets aren't that interesting, but the large ones this year look quite nice.

NBP3.0Brick Master

127 months ago
Score 0++
Wow that hot air balloon looks pretty cool!


127 months ago
Score 0++
Friends is disappointing this year. Elves all the way!
Friends +  and 2015 +
22:52:00, 7 October 2014 +
2015 Friends: Another day, another reveal +