Brickipedia News:21313 Ship in a Bottle revealed

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Brickipedia News:21313 Ship in a Bottle revealed

User:NovaHawk 01:09, 11 January 2018 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
January 11, 2018

21313 Ship in a Bottle, the latest LEGO Ideas set to be produced, has been revealed by The LEGO Group. The 962-piece set will go on sale in just under three weeks, on February 1.

Tags: Ideas 2018

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Jack PhoenixBuilding Bigger

87 months ago
Score 0++
Talk about fancy! At ~70€/$ it seems rather affordable, too, given that there are close to 1k pieces. I'm guessing that one of the many reasons why the price is somewhat lower than what I'd expect is that it's an Ideas set and not a licensed one (like some fancy, big cars, such as 10242 MINI Cooper, which has over 1k pieces).
Ideas +  and 2018 +
01:09:00, 11 January 2018 +
21313 Ship in a Bottle revealed +