Brickipedia News:BIONICLE 2015 Confirmed... by LEGO Themselves This Time

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Brickipedia News:BIONICLE 2015 Confirmed... by LEGO Themselves This Time

User:BrickfilmNut 0:00, 19 September 2014 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
September 19, 2014


You all probably know the story by now, but BIONICLE's 2015 return (dubbed "The worst kept secret of the year" by Brickset) has finally been revealed by LEGO themselves.

Well, okay, there was last time too, and then the URL slip-up, but this time, it was purposeful on LEGO's part.

After teasing fans every even-numbered day in a four-day countdown, LEGO has finally revealed BIONICLE's 2015 return with a video on Facebook and Google+, as well as a brief Tweet. The video shows what's now confirmed to be the Mask of Creation spinning about and being all shiny and stuff. If you like wob-wob sounds and sparkly stuff, you should really check it out.

LEGO's official Facebook reveal statement is as quoted below.

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from Do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) It is told that there exists a mask that will grant its bearer unspeakable power. Made from raw magic and solid gold, it is an artifact crafted with absolute precision and timeless skill – it is known as the Mask of Creation.

The anticipation is over – get ready for LEGO Bionicle #BIONICLE2015

Yeah... the anticipation was over weeks ago, LEGO. ;)

Now, some readers may be wondering what this reveal means for them. We've gotten lots of unofficial confirmation of the theme's return in the past months, we've seen the mask before, and we even saw low-res pictures of the sets back in summer, leading to the reveal losing some of the impact that it truly could have had. All the same, though, this review is still significant. It will allow more casual fans to learn about and share in the excitement of the reveal now that it's more widespread. We receive new information about the mysterious mask, and the fact that it's the Mask of Creation is quite significant, considering that it was one of Great Masks noticeably missing a physical rendition from the original theme. Additionally, we even get a hint at the nature of the sets; TheThreeVirtues points out that the mask has clips at the back allowing it to attach to the heads, not unlike a minifigure visor, meaning that next year's masks will likely be abandoning the axle connections we're all familiar with.

This reveal, though, is significant in yet another way. It reminds us that the unthinkable is happening. BIONICLE returning was perceived to be an impossibility up until this point, and to see LEGO actually take its first steps in returning something so monumental to its fans is both surreal and exciting. Though most of us may have known it was coming, we still needed this one official reveal to wrap up this first new moment of BIONICLE -- and LEGO -- history.

Most importantly, though, no more "BIONICLE Confirmed" news blogs.

Keep your eyes pealed out for more information on the theme from LEGO in the coming days! BZPower has revealed that more information will be revealed over social media and at New York Comic Con, October 9, though what sort of information will be revealed is up for speculation. Whatever happens, though, Brickipedia will keep you posted.



Tags: BIONICLE 2015

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Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++
I can't wait!! ^U^

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++
Wow I didn't know about this before....

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++


Also, I've discovered if you copy that link into LEGO's search bar a special "coming soon" page comes up.


128 months ago
Score 0++

The mask is made from "raw magic"? K.

Anyway, I AM PUMPED! (Yes, I just used caps.) Does the fact that this is the Mask of Creation suggest a continuation? I really hope not, because I like the old story the way it is.

Now we all have to jump in a hype spaceship, piloted by a constraction figure of Benny, and move at hyperspace towards 2015!


128 months ago
Score 1++
Lol, everyone was calling it the Mask of Creation without evidence on BZP, it was just a nickname from a theory that stuck, so it's weird that of all the masks that never appeared in sets it's this one. Not complaining though, because I'm pro-sequel. I understand the pro-reboot people's arguments but it would be like rebooting Star Wars, in the sense that it's so complex and full or story that it would be such a shame to start from scratch.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 1++

I don't see an issue with rebooting Star Wars either. As long as the new stories are good and don't spit on the source material (poking fun at them can be, well, fun, but I don't like haughty attitudes to what should be respected), then what is the problem? It gives someone with an open mind more things to enjoy while exploring (respectable) "what ifs" and plot twists.

That would be a good reboot though, which as any internet prowler knows, doesn't always happen. :P

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 156++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 2++

Looking forward to Issue #6 of BIONICLE Confirmed??? :P

But really, the "big reveal" is the mask we've already seen for weeks? :/

At least that info about the hinges is half-interesting, shoving a stick down a Toa's throat to attach their masks always seemed slightly wrong to me

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

Anonymous user #1

128 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply (I think that's the second time I've done that)

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

128 months ago
Score 0++
If you want, I can delete your reply and you can repost it as an original comment. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 1++

That's a little disappointing. I was hoping they would at least show Tahu and Kopaka (or any other two Toa, but those ones look the best). I guess we might be waiting until NYCC after all.

I'm glad that they are giving the Ignika a rest. I didn't like it very much. It was just too powerful, and made the other legendary Kanohi, the Vahi and Mask of Creation, seem not so extraordinary in comparison, since they had limits. The Ignika did not. It would have been fine for a year or two, but they milked it for five.

Another reason I am happy to see about them using the Mask of Creation is that if this is a continuation, they won't be jumping right into the resurrection of Makuta and Mata Nui coming out of his self exile (I'm not sure what to call that) which suggests to me that they are going to take care with the story and not immediately tamper with the end of the "first book" or whatever they would call it.

That's if it is a continuation though, and I would still prefer a reboot. The quote kind of makes it sound like one, since the MoC (woah, MOC) didn't really have unspeakable power, but I'm probably looking for evidence where there is none. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 2++
Also, I hadn't heard about the proposed mask connection. That's pretty innovative and could allow for some creative designs in the future. Plus, it is like an actual mask. Pretty cool.

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

128 months ago
Score 1++
Funny MoC/MOC connection. And the mask connection is interesting, though I imagine MOCing with the masks may be more restricted compared to when they used the axles. Maybe there'll be something to prove me wrong, however. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 1++
I didn't even think of that, probably because I can't imagine reusing this one for much else. :P I was just thinking that it might mean faces that look good. \_O_/

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

128 months ago
Score 1++
Hmm, that actually is an interesting point about the faces. I didn't even think of that. :P The axle holes in the old ones did look kind of ugly; made them look like they were blowing bubbles with their "lips".


127 months ago
Score 2++
I always just thought Toa wore masks because their faces were really freaking ugly.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
Of course that makes sense too.
BIONICLE +  and 2015 +
16:04:00, 19 September 2014 +
BIONICLE 2015 Confirmed... by LEGO Themselves This Time +