Brickipedia News:BIONICLE 2015 Official Set Images

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Brickipedia News:BIONICLE 2015 Official Set Images

User:BrickfilmNut 0:00, 28 September 2014 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
September 28, 2014

Alright everybody, time for another BIONICLE news blog! Today, we finally have high-res, un-watermarked, 2015 BIONICLE images!

As with today's earlier 2015 The LEGO Movie images, the credit for finding these goes to Just2Good over at Eurobricks, who is keeping his source under wraps. Thanks to this turn of events, we now have share-able and sweet-looking images of five awesome sets from the wave, and also Lord of Skull Spiders.

The images depict five of the Toa, now called Masters, from the 2015 winter wave, as well as the main villain, Lord of Skull Spiders. Each of these sets now has an image of the box, from which one can gleam nice details from the backgrounds, as well as pictures of the sets alone, which are of a bit higher resolution. Thanks to these high-quality sets, we now can see the Skull Spiders, Toa Masks and Tools, and overall builds of the sets rather nicely. Gali's axe blades even are dual-purpose in that they attach to her feet, and it'll be interesting to find out if any of the other Toas' can do something similar.

So, anyway, feast your eyes, and be sure to share your thoughts on the revival of this theme! What do you think of the new gear functions that seem to be included? Are you excited for any of the new pieces? What do you think about the new Skull Spider legs?

As of now, we are still awaiting images of Onua and the Protectors. In the meantime, though, you can learn more about BIONICLE and the new sets at our wiki pages!

Tags: 2015 BIONICLE

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127 months ago
Score 0++
I actually REALLY like the new Hau. And the rest of the sets look amazing. Gali's mask looks a lot better now that we get to see it more clearly. And Lewa color scheme (and design) is absolutely beautiful. He has retained his smile! Overall, I'm looking forward to more. At least we don't have to wait until NYCC...

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

This is so great. I've been waiting for a loooong tim! Well not that long ... :-P

  • I was actually going to buy Kopaka, but it looks like Gali will rent some ca$h from my pocket. It really fits too, cause my element is water ...

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++

Is it just me, or does Pohatu look like he's performing spinjitsu?

"New for Ninjago 2015 - Pohatu, master of spinjitsu"

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
Bioninjago/Ninjonicle 2015 confirmed

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
On the subject of Pohatu, does anybody else see the yellow gear behind his head? It's the same piece that is used as hands on the micro managers from The LEGO Movie. There's also two gears underneath Lewa's left arm.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
Prelim Onua had a wheel on his back too. Functions must be back! :D

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
These are very similar to the prelim images, so I can't see Onua changing much. The only changes in these ones I see are the new Hau and the fact that Gali is holding her trident in one hand instead of two. I think that all the Toa will have unique builds with gear systems and everything and that the protectors will have the generic builds with the gimmicky shooters.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++

Sorry to quadruple post, but somebody on Eurobricks just pointed out that Pohatu's box art shows two moons in the sky. Make of that what you will.


I like where this is going

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
I would say that those are Bara Magna's moons, but if this is part of the old canon, that's impossible. Has anybody said anything about the four-legged things climbing the towers in the background of Lewa's boxart?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++

Knowing me, I'll probably write a lengthy blog or forum post about this later, but:

  • Lewa is yucky. His color scheme is okay, it gets points for being new, but his axes are ugly, his mask is ugly, and his shoulder pads are ugly. I can see why people mistook them for hair on the extremely blurry prelim. I don't know, they still sort of look like it. :P
  • Maybe it is the way he is posed, but Pohatu has turned out surprisingly well. Of these five masks, the Kakama is the most faithful to the original, and might even look a bit better (though maybe the eyes are a little too catlike). I imagine he would look better with tan as a secondary color, but silver looks nicer than I thought it would.
  • Gali also turned out better than I thought. The vents going above her mouth is a weird choice (if it weren't recessed it would look like a mustache), but otherwise she is great too. Lewa's axe blades look better as fins on her feet. Metallics are used nicely too, though I might have liked white instead of silver. Ah well.
  • Tahu looked great in the prelims, but his mask has a weird forehead and jawline combination going on which, looking back at the prelims were there, but I think that the chin was less emphasized and the cheeks were a bit thinner. I hope that these new heads are compatible with the Stars Hau now. Otherwise, the figure is fine, but this has really pushed him down on my list. Unless Onua is worse, I'll probably get Tahu and Lewa last.
  • I'm still unsure about the gold (it just feels so wrong for him, even if it looks good) but otherwise Kopaka is amazing. Well, the shins are sort of weird too, but a mod can take care of that.
  • LOSS looks like a loss to me. I'll probably skip him, but a good review could change my mind.
All in all, the Toa at least look elemental, which is good, though there are probably too many metalics. The Hau and Miru were also butchered, really unfortunate because they were my favorite 2001 masks. I hope the Pakari is better. I still plan to get all of the Toa, probably Pohatu and Kopaka first after seeing these.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, and the box art and chest prints look amazing. I really like the feel they are going for, and hope the story doesn't disappoint.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
What about the "Defenders" or what ever they were called?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
I refer you to the last line. :P
2015 +  and BIONICLE +
23:10:00, 28 September 2014 +
BIONICLE 2015 Official Set Images +