Brickipedia News:DC Super Hero Girls sets revealed!

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Brickipedia News:DC Super Hero Girls sets revealed!

User:Brikkyy13 10:06, 4 October 2016 (UTC)

avatarby Brikkyy13
October 4, 2016. Last updated October 6, 2016.


LEGO has revealed three of six DC Super Hero Girls sets due for release in February next year. Pictured above is 41232 Super Hero High. You can find the rest of the images on the set pages.

What are your thoughts on the sets? Let us know in the comments below!

Update: images of the other three sets have also been posted on Facebook:

Tags: DC Super Heroes Super Hero Girls

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

103 months ago
Score 0++
I thought these were bad until I saw Lena Luthor. I'm always welcoming of Lex Luthor related things. Is that a piece printed with the Lexcorp logo? Oh boy.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++

Dream theme for me as a child! The builds are kind of meh, but the figures are all outstanding!

That bat jet has grown on me since the prelims. I still think the purple should be dark blue though. The crystal creature's vehicle is hardly noteworthy! :P It's a shame we couldn't have got a second figure, even Supergirl or Ivy would've worked fine.

I'm not a big fan of Capes and Cowls. The shaping is off and it's only six studs deep on the bottom. I like Harley's vehicle's joke though! :P

Superhero High looks pretty good though and seems to be full of play features! I like the idea of the building turning into a ramp too. The interior looks great from what we can take a sneak peek at and I honestly can't wait! It's just a shame there's no teacher.

The crystal creatures are cute and I wonder will they be popular amongst children. I'm super surprised and impressed they're different colours though. I'm sad by the lack of super pets (par Krypto who've we are still yet to see) Ivy's plant creature looks hideous though! :P

Those mini dolls!!! I was not expecting new faces for any of them besides Lana! The eyes on Ivy, Harley and Batgirl look a little off but oh well. It's strange to see all the girls besides Lana get new hairpieces too, I'm shocked they aren't using Olivia's for Supergirls after the prelims! Why on earth can we get 24 new mini doll pieces here (that's not including Wonder Woman, Bumblebee and Lashina) over the course of three sets and we only got four in the amusement park line which has five sets? I know this is licensed but still. Lets hope we can get more new mini doll parts now, or at least a grey and hazel eyed face. :P

  • Batgirl- While I love her headpiece and legs, the design of the character in universe doesn't excite me all that much. Her mouth looks very thin and shaky, but that could just be this copy of the figure. The mask should be super useful for mini doll Halloween customs though! I'm glad we're starting to get mini doll next pieces too and a jet pack is a great start!
  • Harley's shoes could've really used some prints... Her face and torso are both great though! Her headpiece looks oversized and it seems it doesn't fit well. :S Why didnt they use TLBM Harley? I have no clue. :P
  • Steve looks perfect! I love how they did the hair! The face, the head and the legs are all great. Hopefully they'll use this legpiece in Friends so everyone can stop stealing Peter's legs!
  • Im not sure if the bodysuit worked well on that legpiece (there's pockets mounded in too.., :P) but I appreciate the effort. Angry mini dolls! Finally an amber hairpiece too! I'm in love!
  • Supergirl also looks spectacular! Her face is the best by a mile! I'm not sure the design works with the character they crafted in the show, but I love the cockiness of it nevertheless. The hairpiece is stunning and I really hope it comes in many different colours. Hopefully Emma and Olivia with finally get hairbands to match Supes. The torso and skirt are both great too.
  • Ivy-Oh Lord I would've killed for this figure as a child! Ivy in mini doll form!!! :D I love her hairpiece, it may be a bit bright but I'll take it. I really like how they gave her a smirk to show off her villianess side. Her torso is fantastic and I can see my Friends wearing that. Leggings for the win! Ivy is my favourite on bias nostalgia reasons, but Supergirl is objectively the best.
I can't wait to see the others! Will Wonder Woman have nougat skin? (I'm 99.5% sure no, but I can dream!) Will Bumblebee's set turn out not to be awful? What on earth does this Lashina look like? I'm also intrigued to see if we're going to get a summer wave or not and what builds and characters it will bring. We still need Katana after all!

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++

Toyark showed the inside of the school and it's kind of basic, but at least everyone has a locker.

  • 41233 Lashina Tank-That tank build is really really good. I love the design and the colour scheme! Red catapults are welcome and I like the design of the roof of the kennel. The rest of the kennel is meh, but what can you expect for the price?
    "When there's a whip there is a way!" I'd probably wear Lashina's outfits without the silver strings is that weird? :P I really like the figure design and her hairpiece. The only thing I'm iffy about is the fact that there's a string going across her face. I still find it weird they chose a villain for a small set, but I'm not complaining! Krypto looks perfect and hopefully we can get a lot more super pets as the theme goes on!
  • 41234 Bumblebee Helicopter-Meh. I like how they're trying something new, but it didn't really pay off. I actually quite like the garbage bin build. :P Bumblebee's figure looks fantastic (except the hair). I'm shocked to see she didn't reuse Kate's face and I really hope they start using Bumblebee's as well as Jasmine's in Friends. Her hair looks awful here, but it does look bad in the show too. I don't mind the yellow highlight, it's the shaping that's hideous.
  • 41235 Wonder Woman Dorm Room-I don't get the hype, this set looks familiar to me with a patriotic colour scheme. I thought her room in the show as Greek inspired? Oh well. I'm thrilled that they did stick to a colour scheme and it did pay off visually. Per Berry on the closet trick, I think they could've at least added a pair of roller skates or a hat inside. The bike stand is okay, I'm happy such a male centric activity is featured though. The invisible motor cycle is nice too, let's hope the jet is in production!
    Wonder Woman looks older then the others I.M.O., perhaps it's the face and the hair. I do like her figure though and a younger me would've killed for her and Ivy!

A summer wave is confirmed with Eclipto, Flash and Mad Harriet. Hopefully we'll get some more heroes too, Katanna is a must and Hawkgirl and Starfire seem to be in wave 2 of Mattel's dolls. I can't wait to see what they do for sets as well!

I wonder if this theme does well will we get more mini doll sets for other themes? I don't mean a wave, but I imagine a small set with Rey or a set with Daphne and Velma would perform well.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++
It won't surprise me if these turn out to be the best Super Heroes sets of the year. Builds are generally good (not without issues, but generally), being a sort of marriage between the City/Batman styles and Friends/Elves, and these are probably some of the best mini-dolls they have released. Batgirl particularly looks good, but I want Supergirl, Harley, and maybe Ivy's hairpieces to improve their minifigure versions. I look forward to seeing the rest and what they bring out in the future.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++


Not big (ha) on the Bumblebee set. She herself looks really good aside from the yellow highlight (it is weird how it looks like she has a splotch of honey in her hair), but the copter is a weird design. I do like that the girls are getting action vehicles though; Lashina's tank is surprisingly good, though Krypto's doghouse is a miss.

The Wonder Woman set is great however. I love the colorscheme and, again, the mini-doll is pretty good. I'm not crazy about her design in this continuity, but some of the changes LEGO inexplicably made improve on it, and the invisible bike is fantastic. The only thing that really bothers me is the closet with the "extra" clothes being depicted as a sticker; I always thought that sort of thing was a cheap trick. Still, I might actually get this one.

So, overall, liking these much better than most of the TLBM sets we have seen so far, plus the Marvel prelims if we want to toss those in. Who would have thought? :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++

I nearly cried when I saw that Wonder Woman set... it's so pretty... and there's an invisible motorbike... and a lamp made out of a telescope and a fez... but there's one obvious reason why I can't get it ;(

But yeah, the yellow colour on Bumblebee's hair just looks dumb... from what I can see after a Google image search, the yellow area seems a bit bigger and more in the center on the show, I think that may have made it look a bit better :S

Does anyone else find it a little weird that this is the only apparent thing LEGO seems to be promoting at NYCC? I know NYCC's nothing compared to SDCC, but promoting this and only this, a girl's theme, at an event that still do this day has a significantly larger male audience seems strange to me :S I'm not saying don't mainly promote this, but I'd imagine even previewing a single 2017 Star Wars/normal DC/Marvel set would draw a much larger group to the LEGO booth. Or are the TLBM sets there too? (not that they really interest me much)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 1++
Yeah, that is weird. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 1++
TLBM movie sets are there, but only the three revealed. I'm not sure why they can't show the SDCC ones as we'll but oh well.
DC +, Super Heroes +  and Super Hero Girls +
10:06:00, 4 October 2016 +
DC Super Hero Girls sets revealed! +