Brickipedia News:LEGO Worlds - A New Video Game Has an Ad Discovered

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Brickipedia News:LEGO Worlds - A New Video Game Has an Ad Discovered

User:BrickfilmNut 5:10, 27 May 2015 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
May 27, 2015

An ad for a new video game, LEGO Worlds, has been discovered on the back of 60097 City Square's instruction booklet. As of now, information on the game is incredibly vague. We have a tagline, as well as the unsurprising revelation that it's being made by TT Games, but no information on gameplay, story, release date, platforms, etc. It is interesting to note that the environment is entirely built out of LEGO, though, as well as the fact the game would seem to be focused on construction rather than conflict so far. This leads some fans in discussions at Eurobricks, Brickset, and the like to hope for a sandbox-type game similar to LEGO Creator (or Minecraft), which would, interestingly, be the first time a LEGO game for consoles focused on building, rather than conflict, in a long time. At this point, however, it is just speculation.

The advertisement also references a LEGO.COM/worlds site, but the site is, apparently, not active at this time. Hopefully, however, with E3 2015 coming up, we can gain some more insight into this game fairly soon. Until then, comment below with your own thoughts and hopes!

Thanks to Eurobricks for being the source of this information, as well as Brickset for passing it along.

Update: a HothBricks comment, translated by Jamesster here, supports the idea that it will bear similarity to Minecraft and LDD in terms of gameplay.

Tags: Video games

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119 months ago
Score 0++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 2++

What? Why would a LEGO game focus on building? That's just stupid. Minifigures fighting and making fart jokes is where it's at! :D

Interesting, but I hope it doesn't outright replace LDD, at least not without the same functionality.

Not my hacks. :c

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

119 months ago
Score 0++
I find it unlikely that it'd replace LDD. But if it did... can you imagine the outrage? XD

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

119 months ago
Score 0++
I think there's a large enough chance of it replacing LDD and just adding a LDD type sub section to keep people quiet (sort of like the build part in minecraft (there's a build part right?))

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

119 months ago
Score 2++
This looks pretty good so far, I may get it. And is 2015 the year of the slip-ups or am I wrong? Tons of stuff has just been leaked way earlier than it usually is, and the company is at blame, for the first time in a while.

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

119 months ago
Score 0++
Well, hopefully this will be like a single player of Project B.U.I.L.D. :P It's about time actual game developers with the resources to make things like this got to work, rather than leaving it to fans to put the creativity back into virtual LEGO.

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

119 months ago
Score 1++
Ah, Project B.U.I.L.D. It had such potential. But agreed, it's about time that LEGO goes back to this. Since it is a TT game, it's (apparently) going to be offline (although this would seem ideal for an online game, as well.), which would make it the first building game for offline use in a long while.
Video games +
05:10:00, 27 May 2015 +
LEGO Worlds - A New Video Game Has an Ad Discovered +