Brickipedia News:LEGO becomes the world's most powerful brand

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Brickipedia News:LEGO becomes the world's most powerful brand

User:Brikkyy13 12:47, 21 February 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Brikkyy13
February 21, 2015

75899.png In addition to being the world's #1 toy company, LEGO is now the world's #1 brand after beating out Ferrari in an annual survey conducted by Brand Finance.

LEGO pushed Ferrari from poll position after the car manufacturer failed to do what it's possibly best known for: win car races. Now Ferrari is sitting in tenth place and LEGO is having a blast in the winners circle.

But how did LEGO manage to take out top spot? We will never know for sure but if I had to take a guess it would be the box office phenomenon known as The LEGO Movie.

What's next for the company? That would be "Most Valuable Brand," but that's going to be hard to beat because Apple proudly holds that title. If LEGO wants to truly be #1 they'll have to beat out other giants such as Microsoft, Google and Samsung.

It might be a long way to the top, but LEGO has built a spaceship to send them flying there!

Source: How Lego bricks have built a stronger brand than Ferrari's cars
Tags: LEGO

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

122 months ago
Score 0++
Interesting, I didn't think that would happen any time soon.


122 months ago
Score 3++

hm.. Its worth noting that valuable and powerful are treated differently: Apple is most valuable - LEGO finishes 382nd on that list.

"Calculate brand strength on a scale of 0 to 100 based using a balanced scorecard of a number of relevant attributes such as emotional connection, financial performance and sustainability, among others. This score is known as the Brand Strength Index."

That is why LEGO has won that - it has the emotional connection and a good financial performance - but in terms of value, it will be no surprise to find a toy-maker behind technology giants and oil companies and other mncs.

IchindarBrick Master

122 months ago
Score 0++
LEGO needs to make a competitor to Google's modular smartphone, make it built completely from normal bricks.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++
How is red bull number 3 :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 4++
It gives you wings.


122 months ago
Score 1++
How are Ferrari or LEGO bigger than, say, Coca-Cola? I'd be interested in the methodology (and also, a source)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++
12:47:00, 21 February 2015 +
LEGO becomes the world's most powerful brand +