Brickipedia News:Minifigure for the new Star Wars Visual Dictionary revealed

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Brickipedia News:Minifigure for the new Star Wars Visual Dictionary revealed

User:NovaFlare 21:46, 6 March 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
March 6, 2014

And the exclusive minifigure is... a 1999 Tatooine Luke Skywalker?

Apparently, the reason behind this is to "help celebrate the 15th anniversary of the LEGO Star Wars theme". As can be seen by comparing it with the original Tatooine Luke, the two aren't exactly the same- some of the creases in his shirt are different. And it will presumably have Medium Stone Grey and Reddish Brown printing instead of the now phased-out Grey and Brown colours.

Thanks to Brick Fanatics for the news.

Tags: 2014 Star Wars

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BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

133 months ago
Score 0++
Kind of a nice idea, I guess. Not a super exciting figure, but it makes sense considering the context. They seem to be seriously underestimating how big of a role exclusive figures play in selling their books, though. :P

Stormjay RiderAmateur

133 months ago
Score 1++
Well, he looks better than the newest variant of Luke. :P


133 months ago
Score 0++
This is the best you can do lego! A 15 year anniversary should celebrate a different way for Star Wars it should probably been Sabine since she didn't get a minifigure.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

133 months ago
Score 1++
Book minifigures have always been exclusive variants of characters central to the story, so this would hardly make sense.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

133 months ago
Score 0++
Wait, does this mean that they finally ran out of ideas? Good thing that Rebels and Episode VII are in the pipeline...

NovaFlareMaster Builder

133 months ago
Score 0++

I think they were already running out of ideas- that's why they started turning The Old Republic.

I was expecting a Luke like this myself. Not that one like that would be particularly interesting, but pretty much anything would be better than this.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

133 months ago
Score 0++

* turning to

(we really need an edit comments button)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

133 months ago
Score 1++

Well, now that the EU is gone-may it rest in peace-they can't fall back on things like the OR, and now non-canon posters aren't canon. :(

Good idea though, that would have been unique. I wanted a Christmas Special Leia, with a singing face, but I guess that is also non-canon. :(


133 months ago
Score 1++
"LEGO attempts to remind fans of when Star Wars was interesting and innovative by releasing a 15-year old figure."


133 months ago
Score 0++
Lol,I almost thought of quoting Batman from The LEGO Movie(upon seeing Emmet's double-decker couch).

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

134 months ago
Score 2++
I have wayyyy too many of those Luke Skywalker figs. I don't need more, LEGO!

NovaFlareMaster Builder

134 months ago
Score 1++

What a joke :/ It's the first book of this type I won't be pre-ordering. I might get it on a clearance one day if the minifigure's still intact.

I can't see why anyone would be rushing out to get this- people who have been collecting Star Wars for ages would already basically have him, probably in multiples (unless you really care about the positioning of his creases...) and would more recent collectors really want some weird yellow guy to go with all their flesh-coloured figures?
2014 +  and Star Wars +
21:46:00, 6 March 2014 +
Minifigure for the new Star Wars Visual Dictionary revealed +