Brickipedia News:New 'Star Wars Rebels' set teased!

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User:Berrybrick 21:02, 28 January 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
January 28, 2014 has shared a cropped image of 75053 The Ghost from the Nuremberg Toy Fair. The set is based off of the ship of the same name from the upcoming TV series Star Wars: Rebels, a replacement for the popular Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which just ended a five season run a few months ago. The Phantom is reportedly the ship used by the main protagonists in the series and is based off of the original concept art for the iconic Millennium Falcon. According to preliminary images leaked earlier this week, the set includes a Stormtrooper and new characters Zeb, Kannan Jarrus, and Hera Syndulla. All three new characters can be seen in's image, revealing a new hairpiece for Kannan, a new head mold for Zeb, and that, unlike the Clone Wars figures, Rebels will feature minifigures with less detailed, classic LEGO eyes.


Source: "LEGO Star Wars Rebels Chopper Toy Reveal" by Toy Reporter at


Here are some stills from's video from Hothbricks. Aside from The Ghost, these images also feature 75048 Phantom, another Rebels based set. The Phantom is a smaller ship which detaches from The Ghost. 75048 also includes two new Rebels figures, Ezra Bridger and an astromech droid.

Tags: 2014 Star Wars

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

135 months ago
Score 0++
Um, I may have gotten Zeb and Kannan Jarrus mixed up...any idea which is which? :P

NovaFlareMaster Builder

135 months ago
Score 1++
Zeb's been described as the gunner, and Kannan Jarrus sounds like a human name to me, so what you have sounds about right

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

135 months ago
Score 0++
Zeb is a real world human name though (short for Zebulen, I think), so that's why I was confused. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

135 months ago
Score 0++
Yay for new normal eyes, and I hope that hairpiece on Jarrus is used outside of Star Wars soon. It looks like it will be more versatile for short haired men than Bruce Wayne's is...I just hope it doesn't have a braid or something on the back.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

135 months ago
Score 0++

Normal eyes- what a relief :) Now I've just got to hope for OK-looking Stormtroopers, there's no comparison in the quality between Episode II and TCW clones, I just hope that doesn't happen again.

I don't know why they've blocked out the Astromech Droid- after their "big reveal", it seems pretty obvious it'll be Chopper (I could be completely wrong of course). Unless they're sticking in another figure that wasn't on the prelims and we have no idea about like the Inquisitor.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

135 months ago
Score 0++

Yeah, it would be sort of odd if the only villain in these sets is a single stormtrooper. :P

Hiding the Inquisitor would also be strange though, since he was already revealed and it would make more sense to hide any character but him.

I don't understand Disney anymore though. :P
2014 +  and Star Wars +
21:02:00, 28 January 2014 +
New 'Star Wars Rebels' set teased! +