Brickipedia News:New Justice League vs. Bizarro League Clip!

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User:Nexus 0:00, 17 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Nexus
January 17, 2015

A new clip from the Justice League vs. Bizarro League animated movie has been released! Showcasing Bizarro (Superman) and Superman. In this clip we see Bizarro (Superman) attacking a playground after seeing an octopus toy and believing it's a villain.


  • Source: Warner Brothers

Tags: Super Heroes

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124 months ago
Score 0++
Personally, I kinda wish/hope that the Octopus for some reason was in a sense a reference to Starro. It's probably not but that's what I thought it was when I first saw the video
Super Heroes +
01:43:00, 18 January 2015 +
New Justice League vs. Bizarro League Clip! +