Brickipedia News:New LEGO Batman trailer released

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Brickipedia News:New LEGO Batman trailer released

User:Soupperson1 15:49, 4 November 2016 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
November 4, 2016

A new trailer for The LEGO Batman Movie has been released and IMO it's much better than the last.


Gremlins attack the Batplane!

Besides the plot and the message of the film, the trailer teases some potential sets and new minifigures. The trailer also shows were going to get some licensed characters that aren't from DC, namely Gremlins!

What did you think about the trailer and what characters do you want to see? Sound off in the comments below!

Update:Two new sets have been revealed!

Tags: 2017 The LEGO Batman Movie

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101 months ago
Score 0++
Saw the trailer a couple days ago, pretty excited for it!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 1++

I can't watch the trailer right now (probably shouldn't even be checking here until I've done some work :c ) but those sets are pretty wonderful. I don't know about the arbitrary bit in the Balloon set, but it at least looks nicer than the Freeze scenery. Joker's jetpack is a fun idea, but I'll probably skip.

The Scuttler though, wow. Ivy and Barbara (I wonder what they are doing with her in police garb) are gorgeous, and Gordon almost is, if we just had a more accurately toned face to swap out...I guess that JJJ's might work, or I'll just go with the TDKR version. Minifigures aside though, it's fresh and over the top fun. It would be hard to say no to this one.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 1++

Watched the trailer.

I liked it. I'm not sure if the humor is for me, but the animation is gorgeous and their satire of Batman seems pretty much on point. After BvS, I think I'll really need that....

Also: King Tut! Mr. Polka-Dot Man! The Eraser!

Not sure if I like Barbara as the police commissioner (especially when she is doing something most adaptations give to her father), but honestly, I think her origin has been a little broken for a while, so I am up for them trying something new.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++
Are you going to try and collect every Batgirl/Barbara figure to add to your clown collection? :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++

Batgirl isn't part of my clown collection. :P

Probably not. I'm not interested in the Arkham Asylum, so I'll at least skip the commissioner variant, and then while her mini-doll is very good, I'd probably go for some of the other DCSHG sets before the Batjet. Glad that she is getting so much attention now though. :3

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 1++

Wow The Scuttler is great! It has such a cool and unique design which so refreshing. I love the characters and Ivy has always been my favourite, I can't wait to give this hairpiece to minidoll Ivy! :D I love Barbara and Jim too! Oh and Dick's suit is cute too.

The Joker Balloon Escape will be great for casual fans and the builds are quite good.

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 1++

Great trailer and sets!! Can't wait =D

Here is a List of Easter Eggs/References/Potential Plot Points for TLBM:

0.03: GCN aside (Gotham Cable News?), its interesting to note that apparently Gotham is having winter in that point in time due to the freezing temperatures (-5 degrees, and its just slightly cloudy =P). Also, the new baby mold.

0.05: Interesting building, my first thought is that its Arkham, but it didn't seem to fit the set revealed. My guess is the Gotham Police Department, or just some random bank. (maybe a reference to the Dark Knight's bank scene?) Another thing to note is that the police car that appears in the set with Arkham is parked in front.

In the other scene, HOLY IS THAT MOHAWKS USED FOR BUSHES?? Thats genius!! Also sign saying "Batman Forever". I love such cheeky references =3

0.11: When Batman jumps into his Batmobile, two companies names are seen: the GCPB (pretty sure its a B..shouldn't it be D?), and Gotham Broadcasting Co. Also, closeup of Batmobile shows that apparently Batman names it Speedwagon lol!

0.15: The golden statue is pretty interesting, as it is one of the rare objects that doesnt look like its made out of Lego..but hey! Batman fireworks! =D

0.19: Apparently when Batman pushes the button in his batwing another vehicle came in underneath it to support the Batwing! Most interesting..

0.27: We get to see Wayne Manor in its entirety! And its...MUCH larger and isolated than I imagined XD

However, in all seriousness, all the water and clouds aren't rendered in Lego, which leads me to speculate that live action elements wont play as big a role in this movie compared to its predessor.

0.27: When batman is eating a lobster in his pool, Im calling it that the ship on the right is definitely inspired by Ultra Agents. =P Also, new lobster piece maybe? One can dream

0.36: Nanofigures!!

0.38: Stickered cup on top of the waiter's tray! Is this the first time a sticker has been shown in lego movies?

0.42: Kavern's cape on Bruce's mother and waitt is that the fateful day at the movies? Cos if its so Lego is just rubbing salt in DC's wound XD

Also, Thomas Wayne is Tony Stark apparently! DUNN DUN DUNNN!

0.45: Can someone identify whats the pieces in front of the fireplace? Reminds me of ski poles but they couldn't be possibly arranged in such a manner...can they?

0.52: ILLEGAL TECHNIQUE SPOTTED!! Those backs of chairs are not possible unless there is some hidden parts between the 2X3 tile and the 1X2 plate

1.06: Ninjago Jade Blades?!

1.07: Pirate Batman spotted! U need to freeze frame in order to see it =P Anyways the sequence of batsuits are: Pirate, Electric, White, Prom Suit, Unknown, Scuba. then cuts to: Winged Avenger, Reagee Man, The Bat Pack, Classic Bat

1.14: What are those things stacked at the right? Rifles I presume, possible new mould??

1.16: Omg all these villains! Joker, Pokka Dot Man, Bunny Girl (?), Manbat, Pharaoh, and apparently a cylinder-head man? (Idk pls do enlighten me =P) Also, are those the iconic gates of Arkham?? Would we be seeing a pison break?

1.17: Joker in a new outfit (with VERY LONG coat tails!) throws a bomb (a 3L bar attached to a stud with hole on a ball) on top of a bridge. But who is in the foreground? Cant tell and it could literally be anyone. Another fun thing to note: One of the smoke cloud from the bomb exploding is a palm tree leaf in white.

1.18: Next is a cool shot of the bridge disintegrating and Joker activating his balloon jetpack (same build as those in Anngry Birds I must quip), using the paint roller in black and some other pieces which I cant identify..really hoping to get it in a set soon!

1.21 HAHAA BVS reference!! I love it!! Except for the fact that the flashback is inaccurate as Batman is not in his tech suit and Superman is in his classic costume and hairstyle =P

1.29: Love Joker's reaction while also referencing his desire to become Batman's greatest nemisis.

1.32: Great shot of the ball hosted in Wayne Manor, and jewels work great as lights. Also, is that a new cloth skirt piece for Gordon?

1.35: Nice reference to the classic Bruce Wayne hairpiece by having it pop up intially, then reverting back to the updated one for the movie.

1.39: Pretty sure that's Nya frm Ninjago in the background!

1.41: Hahaha love how Bruce's torso just disintegrated for a split frame there, with his arms and hands detached, while also showing the new bowtie piece in all its glory.

1.45: Gremilns attacking the Batplane!! Omg!! And why is Alfred wearing a purple cape?

1.50: Now Alfred is definitely wearing a Batman suit! Now why would he do that...?

1.50-1.56: This action scene is defintely cool, but some interesting things to note: This is in Gotham city, but with lava and if you freeze frame at 1.54, giant Clayface!! However at 1.56 the bat vehicle is flying into another creature's mouth, which i cant identify..anyone out there has any luck?

2.04: Yupp thats definitely Arkham with the sign behind, and a overturned police car, and since the dialouge mentions the Joker, I would certainly expect a prison break. Gordon's cloak looks soo good. Looking forward to something of that sort being released in a set.

2.16: We get to see our clearest look at Arkham, and oh boy it looks good. Apparently the set lacks a staircase in front of the main door.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++

Whoa, that Scuttler is amazing :O Definitely want that. And those minifigure parts too (Ivy's hair looks amazing now we have a decent shot of it, Gordon's body, Robin's bow-tie, the GCPD vest)

The other set- much less exciting, but pretty nice if it's in the price range I think it is.

My second biggest fear with this movie is that they did what they did with The LEGO Movie- pack pretty much every single joke into the trailers so by the time you get the movie it's just not funny. @Soup- how could you not like the other trailers for this? :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++
The only one I can remember that wasn't in the trailers which I actually found funny was Benny's "SPACESHIP!" sequence, maybe that was just me though :)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++
It was a series of meh jokes until this trailer, IMO. This was funnier and had heart to it!

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++

I thought the first two trailers were pretty poor, but this was really enjoyable. The movie looks kinda good now. :P

Robin's new origin has grown on me and it had to be made compact. I like what they're doing with Babs too, but she's a little too old compared to Dick. Could she have been an intern? I'm disappointed in The Joker being the main villain, I was hoping for someone new or a good Ivy/Freeze...oh well. The message looks cute though and I'm really liking the sets.
I love all the wacky characters they chose besides Mad Harriet, she looks hideous! Why not give her a full on bunny costume or just the bunny ears? :/ I'm beginning to become alarmed we have no Ace, Egghead, Phantasm or Baby-Doll yet. :P Mr. Polka Dot is bae though!

Since we have Gremlins, SCOOBY!!!! I don't care about anything else, just give me my Scooby. :P Apparently there's another LEGO Scooby film coming out next year so hopefully they'll continue the line in some way.
2017 +  and The LEGO Batman Movie +
15:45:00, 4 November 2016 +
New LEGO Batman trailer released +