Brickipedia News:News Roundup (Dec 5 - Dec 12)

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Brickipedia News:News Roundup (Dec 5 - Dec 12)

User:Brikkyy13 12:10, 12 December 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Brikkyy13
December 12, 2014

Throughout the week there have been some pretty interesting news topics, including new sets, video games and even a small bit of story information.

Firstly, pictures for the remaining Elves sets have been found (this time not in a catalogue leak). 41074 Azari & The Magic Bakery and 41075 Treetop Hideaway look like decent sets with solid builds. The sets also include a number of rare-ish element colours such as the shades of pink, purple and green seen below. Even if you're not a fan of the sets you should definitely look into buying them for the parts.

Next up, we have the news of a new Ninjago video game: Shadow of Ronin (sounds like something that belongs in the Super Heroes theme). With it not being based on the TV series, one can speculate that it might just be the build up to the new movie. We will not know much until it gets closer to the release date, but what we do know is that it will centre around a new villain named "Ronin" who at first glance looks a little bit like Sensei Wu... Shadow-of-ronin-game.jpg

On the subject of Ninjago, teaser images for the 2015 Ninjago story have been uploaded to the Message Boards.

[1] [2]

The first image shows a picture of what looks like Zane with a dagger in it, with the words "You are invited to the tournament" across the top and bottom. We already knew of the tournament before, but we haven't really been given any information about it.

The second image changes that, however. Shown are the four surviving ninja (who are oddly not in their new outfits, but rather DX, Original, Techno and ZX) looking over the invitation to a mysterious island. This image is labeled "Only one can remain." In piecing these two images together we get a familiar concept: a tournament where there can be only one survivor. Will next year's Ninjago storyline be based around some sort of Ninja Hunger Games? Only time will tell...

Lastly, there has been a small amount of BIONICLE news. The new sets have been listed on s@h, but aren't that easy to find. To view them you must go directly to the set's URL ([3]) and you just be on either the U.S. or Canadian site. Also, it appears that LEGO has unintentionally given away the plans for a BIONICLE app, with an advertisement for one appearing in the back of the instructions available for download on their website. What the app will give us is currently unknown, but based on what is being advertised it will contain both games and mini movies.

What do you think about this week's news? Is there anything that seems interesting, or maybe even something that's been overlooked? And most importantly, what does "only one can remain" mean? Discuss at your leisure.
Tags: News Ninjago Elves Video Games S@H 2015

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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
Why do this? :~P

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
Only one can remains means that there is only one who can remain.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
We got pictures of the remaining juniors sets too! :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
Also two DUPLO

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
Do you have links?


125 months ago
Score 1++
I doubt it, but perhaps.
News +, Ninjago +, Elves +, Video Games +, S@H +  and 2015 +
11:36:00, 12 December 2014 +
News Roundup (Dec 5 - Dec 12) +