Brickipedia News:News Roundup - June 12 2014

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Brickipedia News:News Roundup - June 12 2014

User:CJC95 0:00, 12 06 2014 (UTC)

default_m.gifby CJC95
06 12, 2014

Look. Lets be honest. I forgot it was Thursday, so this is rather last minute.

  • EXTRAS: The DVD of The LEGO Movie will have an "Everything is Awesome" sing-a-long and some fan films.
  • EXTRA EXTRAS: The Blu-Ray has the DVD stuff and commentary and something Batman-y and this and a Ninjago thing and a making of and outtakes and deleted scenes and some other stuff. Brickset
  • FUTURE EXTRAS NEWS: Despite the first movie not being on DVD yet, Yahoo have helpfully rounded up all we know, or perhaps better termed, all we are guessing. This includes more Benny and maybe Marvel, but who knows since it, you know, hasn't even been written yet. Yahoo
  • Business argument news: Amazon and Warner Brothers are fighting and as punishment you can't preorder The LEGO Movie in America, but don't worry, Amazon and Warner still love you very much. No, its not your fault they are fighting. Yes, you still can go to the pizza place for your birthday. BBC
  • Dreams that will no doubt be crushed: The Lightsaber project got enough supports.
  • Sport News: Brazil 3 - 1 Croatia.
  • LEGO BATMAN 3: Dark of the Moon News: E3 happened and so some characters were announced. Here is an interview/demo I haven't watched.
  • Future film tie-in news: Harrison Ford has hurt him self on set. On a garage door. He was airlifted to hospital. What do you mean is this news? Its the most read story at the BBC right now. Yes its more important than Iraq. Look, this isn't my fault, its the mainstream media. So judgemental. BBC
  • ROYAL NEWS: They put hats on the figures at LEGOLAND Windsor. Metro
  • Crime-spree news: The thief continues to plunder Australian LEGO stores. Sky News

Tags: untagged

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131 months ago
Score 0++
An update from last week, LEGO asked the UK Government not to use their characters to promote the union, as they are politically neutral.


131 months ago
Score 0++
Is there anyone Amazon isn't fighting with at the moment?


131 months ago
Score 2++
Me, Berry and Ms Pennywhistle a few doors down.


131 months ago
Score 0++
The thieves are planning to come to me D: They know about my stash D:
untagged +
23:31:00, 12 June 2014 +
News Roundup - June 12 2014 +