Brickipedia News:Next Ideas set - Women of NASA

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Brickipedia News:Next Ideas set - Women of NASA

User:NovaHawk 22:52, 28 February 2017 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
February 28, 2017

The project Women of NASA will be the next Ideas project, as revealed in the latest Ideas blog. More info on the set will be given in late 2017/early 2018, so it won't be released any time soon. Voltron - Defender Of The Universe is the only project still under consideration from the Second 2016 Review.

Tags: Ideas 2017

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

98 months ago
Score 2++
I'm sorry but I'm sick of these kinds of sets passing through Ideas. Totally nothing at all wrong with celebrating these women of course, but exactly how many minifigures are there based on real-life men from NASA? But of course we couldn't have a Men of NASA set, because "that would be sexist". Couldn't we have just had a "People of NASA" set that celebrates leading people in NASA and doesn't just focus on their gender? When did Ideas become a series of "women of..." sets?


98 months ago
Score 0++

You can't please everyone - and there is clearly based of votes and the large sales of that past scientist one demand for this, so it makes sense business wise. Plus the NASA side of it will help sales, as will the space film, as will that movie about black female mathematicians that just came out.

I wonder how feasible a series of famous scientists would be overall.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

98 months ago
Score 1++
Just another example of feminism not being about equality. :)

Omega XAmateur

98 months ago
Score 0++
Personally i dont hate this set, but not hyped about it either..I appreciate the recognition given to NASA and particularly showing the contributions of women in NASA, but agreed on the point that the set should be focused on NASA as a whole and not just women in NASA
Ideas +  and 2017 +
22:52:00, 28 February 2017 +
Next Ideas set - Women of NASA +