Brickipedia News:Ninjago images revealed

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Brickipedia News:Ninjago images revealed

User:NovaHawk 23:16, 12 November 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
November 12, 2016

Hoth Bricks has done it again, finding images of the first wave of 2017 Ninjago sets. The wave features vehicles for their latest enemies, the Vermillion, including a tank in 70624 Vermillion Invader and a mech in 70626 Dawn of Iron Doom. The ninja also get new vehicles including a bike for Jay in 70622 Desert Lightning and a baby Destiny's Bounty called Destiny's Child Shadow. There's also a Samurai dressed in dark blue who's fighting with Nya in 70625 Samurai VXL- the names of the minifigures on the tops of the boxes are too small to make out though. Some clues may point toward the Samurai being Ronin- the name of the vehicle (Samurai VXL) has some similarities to the naming style of Ronin's vehicles (Ronin R.E.X. and Salvage M.E.C.) as well as "Ronin" meaning a Samurai without a master, but it could be anyone. Perhaps the highlight of the wave however is the largest set, 70627 Dragon's Forge, complete with two-headed dragon, blacksmith's shop, a snake-like Vermillion mech and Kai and Nya's parents. Anyway, check out the images below and let us know what you think!

Tags: 2017 Ninjago 2016

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

101 months ago
Score 0++
Interesting. Some sources have identified the samurai as Samurai X, but now that she's a ninja I see little use in having her be Samurai X as well. Hopefully it is Ronin, because it would be nice to see Ronin in samurai armour outside of the videogames.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

101 months ago
Score 0++
Well, time travel is involved so I guess it could be two Nyas and it does look like there are some Samurai X-like gogges on the figure inside the vehicle. But since Samurai X has always been red, I don't really understand why she'd go dark blue (she's already got two colours as it is). If it is Samurai X, I'll be hoping Nya passed the title on to Ronin
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2017 +, Ninjago +  and 2016 +
23:16:00, 12 November 2016 +
Ninjago images revealed +