Brickipedia News:Partial set list for second half of 2017

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Brickipedia News:Partial set list for second half of 2017

User:NovaHawk 08:52, 16 October 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
October 16, 2016

We don't even have finalised names for several sets coming out in January 2017, but yesterday Brickset put up a list of a lot of the the sets coming out in next year's second wave. Most are just numbers, but Hoth Bricks has also recently published some of the names of the Star Wars sets, which Brickset added in to their existing list. It's also possible that some of these are first-wave retailer exclusives that weren't part of previous rumour lists. Without further ado, here they are:

DC Comics Super Heroes
DC Super Hero Girls
Marvel Super Heroes
Star Wars
The LEGO Batman Movie
The LEGO Ninjago Movie

Tags: 2017 2016 Star Wars Marvel Super Heroes DC Comics Super Heroes The LEGO Batman Movie The LEGO Ninjago Movie TECHNIC Creator Minecraft Juniors Friends Elves Disney DUPLO City Architecture

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Only two Disney sets is lame, I imagine at least one of these will be a non princess set to justify the name change though. Now is it Alice or Wendy?

10 sets seem like a lot for DC Girls, I wonder if they'll have any new characters besides Flash, Eclipso and Mad Harriet. The invisible jet is long overdue as well as the other super pets.

I'm glad all the super hero films are getting sets next year, but I still think we should get a Wonder Woman DC girls one. Sorry Berry :P Speaking of which there's two villains in Wonder Woman, the big bad (most likely Ares) and then that scared woman (most likely the baroness) it'll be interesting to see who they choose. Oh and I bet Mera is in the most expensive JL set. :(

9 juniors sets is amazing, let's hope Nexo Knights, Minecraft and Elves dive into the line.

On a side note: No "sports" sets, no brick headz were leaked. :S

Oh and does anyone have the full leaked CMF batman series list?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Well we could be getting more Disney sets, although the lists for the themes that are there seem pretty complete :S

No list for Batman minifigures yet, there was a fake image going around recently. As far as I know, the only real info is what Delta Customs has said a few days ago- 7 Batsuits, 10 villains and 3 "neutral-ish characters".

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Star Wars: not happy with what we know on the whole.

  • 75166-67: Already knew we were getting two more battlepacks, good to see this hasn't changed nonetheless.
  • 75178 Quadjumper: Seriously? Why? With all the stuff that's missing, we're now getting stuff this insignificant, from the film that's possibly got the least missing from it in terms of scenes that can be represented in sets? The figure selection would be pretty boring too- Finn, Rey, BB-8 and at a stretch Unkar Plutt and/or Constable Zuvio are the only real options here. A lot of people seem to be hoping for Bobbajo... am I the only one who doesn't get why he's so popular?
  • 75180 Death Gang: Wouldn't mind some some of the soldiers because they'd look cool as minifigures, guess it'd be ok to have Bala-Tik (he did have a whole line in Episode VII). Most likely will have a Rathtar in a cage. Still not overwhelmed by the choice here.
  • 75182 Imperial Hovertank: The only one I'm actually liking the sound of. Probably means the IFT-T is being brought into canon via Rebels which is fine by me. Even though we already got the IFT-X (the Republic version) and I can't see there being a huge difference in the build since the two tanks are so similar, I'm still happy to be getting the Imperial version.
  • 75183 Darth Vader Transformation: meh. Can see updated Vader and Sidious, maybe slightly bigger, but still pretty much the same as the original.
  • 75184 Star Wars Advent Calendar: totally didn't see that coming :P
  • 75185-86: Really? Two Freemaker sets again? I don't think the first two are selling well, would've thought they would have reduced it to one. Even though I like the series, I still very much hate this idea of LEGO LEGO Star Wars sets.
  • 755xx are buildable figures, so don't care.
  • 75187-92: Most likely means that we're getting 6 Episode VIII sets?
Interesting to see we're getting three MCU Spider-Man sets though, did not expect that many.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Quadjumper <3 It's going to be overpriced and have some weird exclusive character, like every Star Wars set. :P I still want a BB-8, so hopefully him being thrown into everything will mean he'll be cheaper right? Please? :P Oh isn't episode 8 out next year, hopefully he'll appear in a cheap set, that's set in that irish bird sanctuary place.

Oh and Death Gang sounds like something out of Sister Act 2.

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

102 months ago
Score 0++
"6 episode 7 sets" haha where's cloud city
in hell

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

VIII = 8 :P

But yes... I find the lack of Cloud City sets disturbing. But I don't think we'll be getting one any time soon, because possibly the most iconic part of Cloud City (the Carbon Freezing Chamber) has just been released. Not having a modern Episode V Lando is getting a bit ridiculous- smuggling Lando's blue and gold cape out from Imperial-controlled Cloud City was even the focus one of the recent Freemaker Adventures episodes :/

@Soup- I was wondering if the Death Gang set was actually a Star Wars set or just an add-on for Gangster Hunting on the Quad :P Yeah, I can definitely see BB-8 being in a cheaper set this year for Episode VIII. Maybe not in a Jedi Temple of the Irish Birds set since (I think) only Rey and Chewbacca went off to see Luke, but he should be in there somewhere.
2017 +, 2016 +, Star Wars +, Marvel Super Heroes +, DC Comics Super Heroes +, The LEGO Batman Movie +, The LEGO Ninjago Movie +, TECHNIC +, Creator +, Minecraft +, Juniors +, Friends +, Elves +, Disney +, DUPLO +, City +  and Architecture +
08:51:00, 16 October 2016 +
Partial set list for second half of 2017 +