Brickipedia News:Polybag promotion for Bristol Post

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Brickipedia News:Promotion that affects no Brickipedians to take place

User:CJC95 0:00, 22 March 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
March 22, 2014

The Bristol Post, which somehow manages to produce five issues a week of local news, despite the fact that the newspaper industry is dead, is having a LEGO promotion next week (March 24-28) . To celebrate this, they wrote a story on how the Millard's from Downend like LEGO, and uploaded a picture of some cardboard boxes to Facebook.

The sets are 30260 Lone Ranger's Pump Car, 30108 Summer Picnic, 30213 Gandalf at Dol Guldur,30240 Star Wars Z-95 Headhunter, 30105 Mailbox and 30222 Police Helicopter. (Don't ask me how there are 6 in 5 days). To get the toy, you need to be at a specific supermarket within the arbitrary time slots, that change every day.

Of course, most of you stopped reading after the word "Bristol", because according to the statistics, none of you live in Bristol. So, as the only person reading this who lives close to Bristol would appear to be the author, who isn't going to buy a train ticket just to go to a Morrisons and pick up a polybag, thank you very much, we can all just get back on with our lives.
Tags: Promotions UK

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131 months ago
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And there was much rejoicing?
Promotions +  and UK +
15:18:00, 22 March 2014 +
Polybag promotion for Bristol Post +