Brickipedia News:Star Wars Episode VII video game announced!

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Brickipedia News:Star Wars Episode VII LEGO announced!

User:NovaHawk 03:49, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
February 2, 2016
Viiposter.jpg has just put up a listing for a new video game: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The video game will feature content based on the movie, and also in between Episodes VI and VII. We'll likely get a bit more info when WB Interactive Entertainment makes their "massive announcement" tomorrow.

Update: The trailer's out, you can check it out below: <videoflash> i0IJqIzO_YM </videoflash>

It's also been confirmed that the Stormtrooper Finn polybag will be the pre-order bonus, but will only be for a Season Pass orders that are currently available only for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Tags: 2016 Star Wars

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

Finn's sweat <3

I guess this is supposed to make up for the fact there's not going to be any Star Wars dimensions sets, we still haven't seen wave 6/heard about yet.


111 months ago
Score 0++
Aww. Disappointed. I was hoping they'd hold off on a new Star Wars game until after Episode IX is out so they could make the complete complete saga.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
So- season pass seems to be only for Xbone and PS4. I find it amazing that after all these years, LEGO still seems to forget that a lot of little kids have a Nintendo console, not the latest generation of more expensive consoles whose average rating for games lies between "T" and "M".


111 months ago
Score 0++

Kids probably are less likely to buy season passes. Does Nintendo even "allow" such things? Nintendo consoles aren't exactly known for having tons of DLC. More surprising is the lack for a) PC and b) 360 and PS3. Both are more used to DLC models. I'd suggest that only being on PS4 and XBone would perhaps just be due to not wanting to have too many people working on DLC, and gambling that they will be the platforms people are more likely to buy it on.

Also, perhaps there has been a demographic shift in consoles? Sure, every kid had a Wii back 5 years ago, but I think now if a 10 year old has a console its just as likely that it will be a PS4. (Perhaps less likely an Xbone, but that is just because the PS4 is massively outselling them last I heard)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

There's a DLC link in the main menu of LEGO Marvel's Avengers so I'm guessing there's DLC there, I just haven't had my Wii hooked up to the internet to check, so I get an annoying error message every time I start the game saying there's no internet connection. I figured this was a big step forward with Nintendo/LEGO since it's the first LEGO game I know of that Nintendo has DLC for, looks like I'm wrong.

I'm guessing there's no 360/PS3 support because they don't want to commit to making versions of the games for the older in 2019, and I guess the same could be said for the Wii U really. It's still pretty slack though- why would you buy this game on an older generation knowing that you're going to have to re-buy it on a newer console if you want to play Episode VIII? They really should have waited until IX came out.

And the 10 year old kids you know are a lot richer than the ones I do :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

Wii U all the way <3

The NX is heavily rumored to come out this year, which explains the lack of Wii U DLC

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
There's also a trailer for it.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

Good trailer, actually. A few notes:

  • I wish the actual games had that quality of animation in their cutscenes. Maybe this one will, because it is Star Wars, but I remember the announcement trailer for Batman 3 being similar.
  • The characters not speaking is appreciated, like in the classic games. It'll be different that they do.
  • That boat in the X-wing scene...Harry Potter reference? Maybe not...the stud launcher on the back makes it different from the one in the old set.

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
I have a dream that LEGO games will actually have such good graphics one day, either just in the cutscenes or maybe even while you play, though that's unlikely to happen any time soon.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++


  • The characters don't speak because they don't in the first Episode VII teaser
  • Boat scene- I think that's just become a repeated "joke" in LEGO games (there was a random fisherman in a boat in both Batman 3 and Avengers that I can remember off the top of my head)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
  • Oh. Right. The teaser I wasn't impressed with because I thought it tried to hard to be nostalgic. I guess it works when it is in LEGO. :P
  • The boat uses a design from a Hogwarts set, just with a stud launcher in the back. The more I think about it the less I think it is a reference, but eh. :P


111 months ago
Score 0++


111 months ago
Score 0++
I wish we could play through Episodes I to V... Or atleast 3 part levels like LEGO Marvel's Avengers.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
That's what LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was for :P


111 months ago
Score 0++
Are they going to promise to add DLC for Episode VIII and then not do it?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, The Hobbit game is what I immediately thought of when I saw the news

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Just read checked [[wookiee:Timeline of canon media|]] again, and there's still nothing much between Epsiode VI and VII. It's pretty much just the Shattered Empire comics with Poe's parents, and the story about how 3PO got his red arm (comic coming out in March). And then there's Before the Awakening, which covers some stories based around Rey/Finn/Poe before Episode VII. But the rest are pretty much purely space battles. I can't see there being any interesting levels in here...

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Oh yeah, there's Aftermath too (was sure I mentioned that in the previous comment.. weird)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Heh. Looks like there is a level about 3PO's arm after all- there's a "Phantom Limb Level Pack" for the season pass :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

Somehow I read this as a confirmation of Ep VIII sets. This is more of a surprise. The last Star Wars LEGO game was forever ago....

Jabba had better be playable this time.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

I thought "video game" but typed "LEGO". Fixed it :)

Yes, Jabba better be there, and he'd better be able to double-jump.
2016 +  and Star Wars +
03:49:00, 2 February 2016 +
Star Wars Episode VII video game announced! +