Brickipedia News:Super Heroes, Star Wars and Collectable Minifigure news

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Brickipedia News:Super Heroes, Star Wars and Collectable Minifigure news

User:NovaFlare 0:00, 18 October 2013 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
October 18, 2013

Some more news has been posted on Eurobricks about a couple of upcoming themes.

"Sir von Lego" has some details a few Super Heroes sets and some of the Star Wars sets we haven't seen images of:

Star Wars
Super Heroes

Also, "Itaria No Shintaku" is saying that Series 12 Minifigures will come in electric blue packaging, and some may be of licensed minifigures.

Tags: Super Heroes Star Wars Collectable Minifigures

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138 months ago
Score 0++
Isn't series 12 meant to be The Simpsons ones? Or is that 13? Or 11? I'm not sure what series they are up to :P

NovaFlareMaster Builder

138 months ago
Score 0++


  • Series 11: out now
  • Series 12: based on The LEGO Movie (and the movie contains licensed minifigs)
  • Series 13: The Simpsons


138 months ago
Score 0++
Ah, okay. Stopping editing means basically I have no clue what happens. I'm interested in Simpsons though. I might have to get some figures if they look good. It would be the first LEGO I'd brought since probably joining here though :P


138 months ago
Score 1++

Well, unless this is classic Electro, I don't care.

We need TASM2 sets, not Ultimate.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

138 months ago
Score 0++
We need anything but USM sets :P With the Marvel universe so huge, I don't really get why sets haven't branched out a bit more, instead of three USM sets every wave, why not one USM, one X-Men and one F4 or something to make it a bit more diverse?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

138 months ago
Score 1++
Why not the same thing with DC? :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

138 months ago
Score 1++
Anyway, I think that the USM sets did help make the Marvel theme diverse, with characters like Iron Fist, Nova, and Dr. Doom, but these really don't have anything special. Just repeat characters, uninteresting characters, and downright ugly characters. Same thing with the sets....

NovaFlareMaster Builder

138 months ago
Score 0++
True with DC, but as least it's starting to expand a bit this wave with The Flash, Batgirl, Nightwing and possibly the Green Lantern. But Marvel's universe seems to be getting narrower :S

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

138 months ago
Score 1++

Yeah, I've noticed that too. :P

Still though, 2015 will have another Avengers film...and more Batman and Superman. :D

NovaFlareMaster Builder

138 months ago
Score 1++

Airborne Clone Troopers! Finally! And I can't wait to get a Phase II Wolffe (ref pic)

But... while I was very happy to get my first Spider-Man figure after missing out on the Spider-Man theme, I don't need a whole army of them... at least give us a few variants or something. No other heroes to go with him is very disappointing as well. Stop with the Spider-Man theme and bring on the X-Men sets already.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

138 months ago
Score 2++

Yeah, especially since it sounds like Power Man and White Tiger are being skipped in favor of Mary Jane and an armored truck driver. I'm not counting on Ock changing his appearance, either, and I have no interest in Electro.

It won't help either if the spider-copter is the one from the video game.
Super Heroes +, Star Wars +  and Collectable Minifigures +
20:32:00, 18 October 2013 +
Super Heroes, Star Wars and Collectable Minifigure news +