Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie 2015 Rumors

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Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie 2015 Rumors

User:Berrybrick 20:16, 14 August 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
August 14, 2014

Now Idle Hands is sharing a list of supposed sets from The LEGO Movie. In addition to 70817 Batman & Super Angry Kitty Attack, also listed are 70818 Double-Decker Couch and 70819 Bad Cop Car Chase. Please remember to take these with a grain of salt and wait for further confirmation before creating Wiki articles. We do know that one of the new TLM sets will include the version of Unikitty pictured below. If this rumor proves true, it is likely the Double-Decker Couch.

Tags: 2015 The LEGO Movie

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129 months ago
Score 0++
Can we expect the pig wagon in 70819? I sure hope so! And, thank God I don't have to purchase the Sea Cow now.

NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 0++
Yay more Bad Cop! Also really like that Unikitty variation, seems like the chillest of them all.


129 months ago
Score 2++
A smaller set that comes with thw Double-Decker Couch? now I won't have too buy the Seacow!
2015 +  and The LEGO Movie +
20:15:00, 14 August 2014 +
The LEGO Movie 2015 Rumors +