Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie now out in theatres

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Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie now out in theatres

User:NovaFlare 10:02, 8 February 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
February 8, 2014
Tlm poster.jpg

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware that The LEGO Movie has been released in theatres in a number of countries, including the US. So far, the vast majority of reviews have been very positive, and as mentioned earlier, a sequel is already in the works. If you're in the UK, you've got just under a week to wait, while people in countries like Australia still have another two months until they can see it.

If you've seen the movie, let us know what you thought of it! However, as a courtesy to readers who haven't yet seen the movie, please don't post spoilers in the comments section.

Tags: The LEGO Movie 2014

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King KahukaAmateur

134 months ago
Score 0++
why don't we just post a whole recording of the movie in English? (we could post different languages later or when we have them) Because if we do it would be a lot easier to see than wait. But, i'm seeing it tomorrow, so who freaking cares? :P

NovaFlareMaster Builder

134 months ago
Score 1++
Because that would be illegal?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

134 months ago
Score 0++

Darth henryNovice

134 months ago
Score 0++
And make sure to see it either at Regal Cinemas or AMC in 3D (you get an exclusive minifigure)
The LEGO Movie +  and 2014 +
10:02:00, 8 February 2014 +
The LEGO Movie now out in theatres +