Brickipedia News:Welcome to the Temple of Airjitzu

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Brickipedia News:Welcome to the Templr of Airjitzu

User:Soupperson1 18:59, 8 July 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
July 8, 2015

Many people have been unimpressed with (and ranted about) Ninjago because it focuses a lot on machines and vehicles. This lovely Japanese styled village goes in the opposite direction and is mainly based of Ancient Japanese culture. The set will be released in Setember of this year (2015) and will retail for $199.99. Prices in more countries, as well as other additional information, can be found in the set's Brickipedia article!

Special thanks to Eurobricks for posting the information and photos! Description

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) Join the Ninja at the beautiful Temple of Airjitzu!

Enjoy the ultimate LEGO® NINJAGO™ building experience as you construct the majestic Temple of Airjitzu and surrounding village! The highly detailed Temple building has many delightful architectural features including Oriental–style decorated windows and sliding doors. The intricate wooden-frame-style walls of the nearby Blacksmiths and beautiful curved roofs of the Smugglers Market will also test your LEGO building skills. And with every Ninja included in one set for the first time, plus loads of other key characters, you can role-play all your favorite NINJAGO adventures. Take tea in the reception area of the Temple, practice your Ninja moves in the training room or join Wu in his study to read or paint. Discover the Ninja glider upstairs at the Blacksmith’s workshop, cross the bridge guarded by the stone dragons and seek out hidden treasure at the Smugglers’ Market. Then turn off the lights in your room to watch the Temple’s illuminated spinning shadow theater!

  • Includes 12 minifigures with assorted weapons: Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya, Wu, Misako, Dareth, Postman, Jesper and Claire.

  • Village features the Temple of Airjitzu, Blacksmith’s workshop and Smugglers’ Market connected by paths, steps and bridge with 2 stone-style dragons on either side, plus a statue of Sensei Yang and grass stalk elements.

  • Temple of Airjitzu features transparent plastic windows with new Oriental-style decoration and sliding doors, reception area with a geometric floor carpet, table, teapot and bowl, shadow theater with a light brick and spinning elements, Ninja training room with weapon holders, 2 Ninja swords, Ninja bow and a practice target, Wu’s study with 3 books and art canvas elements, and an attic with storage box for Cole’s stuff.

  • Blacksmith’s workshop features wooden-frame-style walls, opening door, sign with anvil and hammer image, realistic interior with anvil, hammer and other assorted tool elements, upper floor with Ninja glider relic with detachable spear elements, rat element in the attic, 2 trees outside with fallen leaves on the roof and grass stalk elements.

  • Smugglers’ Market features curved Oriental-style roof, golden Oriental details, 2 hidden treasure chests filled with assorted golden weapon elements, sign with bread image, sign with fish image, plus assorted elements including: 2 Ninjago trading cards in a sack, barrel with 2 fish, 2 fishing rods, food and grass stalk elements.

  • Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole and Nya minifigures all come in new black Ninja outfits.

  • Misako, Dareth and Postman minifigures are new to LEGO® NINJAGO™ sets.

  • New Wu minifigure outfit.

  • Drink tea, train to be a Ninja and study with Wu at the Temple!

  • Find the Ninja glider at the Blacksmith’s workshop.

  • Seek hidden treasure chests at the Smugglers’ Market!

  • Put on a show for your friends with the illuminated spinning shadow theater!

  • Recreate your favorite scenes from the NINJAGO™: Masters of Spinjitzu TV show.

  • Village measures over 16” (42cm) high, 20” (52cm) wide and 13” (35cm) deep.

  • Temple of Airjitzu measures over 16” (42cm) high, 7” (19cm) wide and 7” (19cm) deep.

  • Blacksmith’s workshop measures over 5” (15cm) high, 5” (15cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.

  • Smugglers’ Market measures over 5” (14cm) high, 5” (14cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.


Designer Video


Tags: Ninjago 2015

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CaptainjacksterBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 0++
Dareth looks cool.

Toa AquinusBricktastic

117 months ago
Score 1++
lol, I've taken half my sayings back! That little glider made my day! I really like this set - no tech! I love this! Misako too!

Toa AquinusBricktastic

117 months ago
Score 0++
Also, this set will then be like 1899,- NOK so I'm happy. My birthday is on August 28 ... Muahaha. Well, at least It'll might be affordable for me. :-P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++

If your a VIP member you can have it on your birthday!

You should review it too!

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 1++
Probably the best-looking set I've ever seen. I'll be drawing a lot of inspiration from this with my own creations.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score -1++
I could go on for ages, but basically my opinion- really nice set, but a really disappointing minifigure selection.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++

What did you want for figures? Theres 6 exclusive characters and it has all 6 ninja together!

The only reason why the minifigures are the worst part of this set is because everything else is spetacular!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
Never knew Wu was exclusive, I thought that was the variant used in the second wave sets (or at least the book) since that's the only variant that's appeared in the TV series so far. Makes it slightly better then. Misako's great, and although the ninja are boring, I can understand why they're in there, fair enough. But an Airjitzu variant of Lloyd and/or a Deepstone or Airjitzu Nya would have made things much better. As for the other four- boring. A new Dareth variant's ok I guess, but the other three are a complete waste of space. They could have stuck in some elemental masters, a human Morro or something as opposed to useless civilians.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
I personally like when action themes add civillains it gives the hero people to save. Here the only thing there saving them from is the postman from a papercut

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 0++

I agree different variants of LLoyd and Nya might help, but really, the Ninja already have way too many different outfits. Their closets make fashionistas jealous.

For the civilian characters... The Postman should be making some fans of the show happy. He had a somewhat-funny role in the show, and really does add to the feeling of Ninjago's world ("Would a postal service be different in a world of ninjas? Would they have to climb a bunch of mountains to get to the dojos?"). :P And hey, a purple mailman outfit is interest, something we probably won't see again. His appearance doesn't really surprise or disappoint me much; I think it's cool. :P

Claire, I have to concede, seems kind of arbitrary, but maybe she plays a role in the show or something eventually? I mean, per everyone else on how she's interacting with Jay. If there's a romance going on, this could just be fanservice to those who'd want to act it out via minifigs. :P The shopkeeper is honestly the most disappointing minifigure in a sense. On one hand, I do think a shop needs a shopkeeper, and though the re-used prints fit, they are admittedly less appealing than something new.

These things always sound a lot shorter in my head... to sum up, I can understand some disappointment, but at the same time, the selection still sort of makes sense, and has some interesting additions. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 2++

I love it! Sibo can't say Ninjago isn't like Ninja now! This is perfect! If your interested in Acient Japan whatsoever get this set! I honestly love everything the bridge, the market, the blacksmith, the temple itself! All the builds look gorgeous from the outside and boast some previous techniques (that garage roof is Bae). The interior everywhere is brilliant too! The cinema, the study, the training area I could go on and on! The new colour pieces are fabulous too! I adore this set! €200 is to high for me (thanks for rubbing off on me Berry! >:( :P). If 2016 isn't as good as expected (or if I win money) this set is on my radar!

I don't think this affects the set as I don't care about Ninjago figures but, I find it weird that all the characters one could want are here, besides Garmadon. Why spend around the same amount of money collecting all the main characters when you could buy one of the three best sets from Ninjago? (others being fire temple and wu dragon). Sensi Wu looks fantastic! Misako is really faithful to her on screen appearance. This set has more female characters then we had from (including both uears) 2011-2014. The only girls were missing are Skylor, PIXAL and the ghost female. Speaking of wish why is there no villains in this set? Oh well they would probably just add a pointless mech or bike so I guess Ninjago should avoid villains? If we get more sets like this I'm all for it :P I think it would've been nicer if Claire was a causal Skylor or got the new prints instead of the postman. Claire is the exact same as a City mini figure from earlier this year par the hair. Why is there a postman with no post box anyway? Is he the purple ninja and his element is post! :O

To summarize:I love this set but to quote Berry: "It's too expensive for me"

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 2++
Claire is clearly a villain. Tourists are never good news, and we can clearly see her seducing Jay (that'll cause some drama with Nya) and fighting Zane with a stolen glider.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++

Thanks, Soup. :)

I really like the look of this set, especially the puppet show. Anyone have any idea what's going on with Jay and Claire in that one photo? :S

Naturally, it's too expensive for me, but oh well. I might like to get Misako's torso loose though....

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Thank me? Thank you and BFN! All I did was add a few images and create the news blog. :P

Seriously BFN deserves the credit!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
I did less than you (just copied the press release from the article), so thank BFN. :P :D

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 1++

What about Nigma, for creating the set's article? :(

Seriously, though, all I did was upload the images and add a video. Much obliged to the thanks in any case. :P
Ninjago +  and 2015 +
18:59:00, 7 July 2015 +
Welcome to the Temple of Airjitzu +
Join the Ninja at the beautiful Temple <b>Join the Ninja at the beautiful Temple of Airjitzu!</b>Enjoy the ultimate LEGO® NINJAGO™ building experience as you construct the majestic Temple of Airjitzu and surrounding village! The highly detailed Temple building has many delightful architectural features including Oriental–style decorated windows and sliding doors. The intricate wooden-frame-style walls of the nearby Blacksmiths and beautiful curved roofs of the Smugglers Market will also test your LEGO building skills. And with every Ninja included in one set for the first time, plus loads of other key characters, you can role-play all your favorite NINJAGO adventures. Take tea in the reception area of the Temple, practice your Ninja moves in the training room or join Wu in his study to read or paint. Discover the Ninja glider upstairs at the Blacksmith’s workshop, cross the bridge guarded by the stone dragons and seek out hidden treasure at the Smugglers’ Market. Then turn off the lights in your room to watch the Temple’s illuminated spinning shadow theater!* Includes 12 minifigures with assorted weapons: Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya, Wu, Misako, Dareth, Postman, Jesper and Claire.
* Village features the Temple of Airjitzu, Blacksmith’s workshop and Smugglers’ Market connected by paths, steps and bridge with 2 stone-style dragons on either side, plus a statue of Sensei Yang and grass stalk elements.
* Temple of Airjitzu features transparent plastic windows with new Oriental-style decoration and sliding doors, reception area with a geometric floor carpet, table, teapot and bowl, shadow theater with a light brick and spinning elements, Ninja training room with weapon holders, 2 Ninja swords, Ninja bow and a practice target, Wu’s study with 3 books and art canvas elements, and an attic with storage box for Cole’s stuff.
* Blacksmith’s workshop features wooden-frame-style walls, opening door, sign with anvil and hammer image, realistic interior with anvil, hammer and other assorted tool elements, upper floor with Ninja glider relic with detachable spear elements, rat element in the attic, 2 trees outside with fallen leaves on the roof and grass stalk elements.
* Smugglers’ Market features curved Oriental-style roof, golden Oriental details, 2 hidden treasure chests filled with assorted golden weapon elements, sign with bread image, sign with fish image, plus assorted elements including: 2 Ninjago trading cards in a sack, barrel with 2 fish, 2 fishing rods, food and grass stalk elements.
* Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole and Nya minifigures all come in new black Ninja outfits.
* Misako, Dareth and Postman minifigures are new to LEGO® NINJAGO™ sets.
* New Wu minifigure outfit.
* Drink tea, train to be a Ninja and study with Wu at the Temple!
* Find the Ninja glider at the Blacksmith’s workshop.
* Seek hidden treasure chests at the Smugglers’ Market!
* Put on a show for your friends with the illuminated spinning shadow theater!
* Recreate your favorite scenes from the NINJAGO™: Masters of Spinjitzu TV show.
* Village measures over 16” (42cm) high, 20” (52cm) wide and 13” (35cm) deep.
* Temple of Airjitzu measures over 16” (42cm) high, 7” (19cm) wide and 7” (19cm) deep.
* Blacksmith’s workshop measures over 5” (15cm) high, 5” (15cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.
* Smugglers’ Market measures over 5” (14cm) high, 5” (14cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.) high, 5” (14cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.