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3898.gif Design ID: 3898

Years in production: 1983 Available Colours:
[List of appearances]

Part 3898 Cook's Hat or Chef's Hat (Toque) is a minifigure accessory which fits on only one stud. Traditionally, this piece is coloured white and is meant to be placed on top of a human minifigure's head to represent a cook or a chef. This piece has usually been featured in Town or Paradisa sets, but has also been included in SpongeBob SquarePants, and a Harry Potter set as a Jellyfish, and has been used in another SpongeBob SquarePants set as jellyfish also.

Cook's Hat as Jellyfish[edit | edit source]

The Cook's Hat first appeared as a Jellyfish in the Harry Potter set 4762 Rescue from the Merpeople. Instead of the usual solid white color, the piece was produced with transparent light-blue plastic. Later with the introduction of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme in 2006, the Jellyfish would return in a transparent pink colour.

Colours[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

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Trans. Light Blue

Trans. Pink


Gallery[edit | edit source]

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Amphibians & Reptiles: Crocodile | Frog | Snake | Turtle
Arthropods: Ant | Butterfly | Scorpion | Spider |
Birds: Bird | Chicken | Crow | Duck | Falcon | Ostrich | Owl | Parrot | Penguin | Seagull
Land Mammals: Bat | Bear | Bison | Cat | Chimp | Camel | Cow | Dog | Elephant | Fawn | Foal | Giraffe | Goat | Hedgehog | Horse | Lion | Monkey | Mouse | Panda | Pig | Polar Bear | Pony | Seal | Squirrel | Rabbit | Rat | Zebra
Sea Animals: Clam | Crab | Dolphin | Dolphin (Friends) | Fish | Jellyfish | Lobster | Octopus | Sawfish | Shark | Starfish | Stingray
Non-avian dinosaurs: Brachiosaurus | Spinosaurus | Stegosaurus | Pteranodon | Raptor | Tyrannosaurus rex | Baby Tyrannosaurus rex | Triceratops | Coelophysis | Mosasaurus | Styracosaurus
Fictional Animals 1: Dragon | Baby Dragon | Jun-Chi | Lava Monster | Rock Monster | Tygurah | Unicorn | Yeti
LEGO Racers 2 animals: Martian Plant Animal
Avatar animals: Momo the Flying Lemur
Harry Potter animals: Aragog | Basilisk | Thestral | Hippogriff | Phoenix | Three-Headed Dog | Hedwig
Fictional Animals 2: The Lord of the Rings creatures: Cave Troll | Shelob | Mirkwood Spider | Warg | Great Eagle
Ninjago animals: Dragons | Ultra Dragon | The Great Devourer | Cragling | Grundal | Mud Monster | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen
Pharaoh's Quest animals: Cobra | Scarab | Scorpion | Sphinx
Star Wars animals: Acklay | Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Nexu | Rancor | Reek | Roggwart | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Varactyl | Wampa