Fan:Pirates vs Ninjas
Pirates vs Ninjas | |
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Completion Status: |
Incomplete |
Chapter one: The pirate plan.
Captain Jack Knife: Argh, mateys! Them ninjas have been stealin' our stuff long enough! Lets raid 'em!
Pirate Bob: Are you crazy? Those ninjas have every square inch of their planet booby-trapped. We'll never get close enough to steal our things back.
Rolly Joger: Maybe we could use creativity and imagination to reclaim our booty.
Captain Jack Knife: We're pirates! We never use imagination and creativity. We never use our brains, for that matter.
Pirate lookout: Look out! NINJAS!
Pirate Bob: Run! Ninjas!
Captain Jack Knife: Into the ship, mateys! Blast the ninjas with the cannon!
Black-hearted Kevin: We're out of cannonballs!
Captain Jack Knife: Fire Diablo Phil at 'em!
Black-hearted Kevin: He won't fit... besides, that's a stupid idea. We need Phil. He's the brawler, after all.
Pirate Bob: Will Morty Mizzenmast fit?
Black-hearted Kevin: Maybe.
Ninja: They are on the ship! Shall we board it?
Ninja leader: Board it!
Ninja: Prepare the board!
The ninjas ram a giant board into the ship*
Pirate Bob: We're sinking!
Chapter two: Hang-gliding pirates?
Jack Knife: Get out the hang gliders, mateys!
The pirates get on their hang gliders and begin flying away*
Ninja Tashi: They are escaping!
Ninja leader: Not for long! Fire the cannon!
Ninja Tashi: The cannon is on the ship, sir.
Ninja leader: Then retrieve it!
Ninja Tashi: It is not that easy. It is very heavy.
Ninja leader: Then get the rest of the ninjas to get it off the ship.
Ninja Steve: Sir! The ship sank and the pirates escaped!
Ninja leader: Steve, you fool! You should've shot holes in the hang gliders with your bow!
Ninja Tashi: Please do not give Steve a hard time. He is a horrible shot. If he tried to shoot the pirates down, it would've gone straight backward.
Ninja Steve: Hey! Cut the flattery, will ya? It would've gone straight DOWN, not backward!
Ninja leader: Okay, I rest my case. Now, get those pirates!
Chapter three: "Run fer yar life! Them ninjas got F-22s!"
Pirate Bob: Captain Jack, we escaped! WE'RE ALIVE!
Morty Mizzenmast: Hey, Bob's right!
Captain Jack Sparrow: Hey! I'm the REAL Captain Jack!
Pirate Bob: Sorry, Captain Jack. I was referring tto Captain Jack Knife.
Captain Jack Sparrow: Alrighty. I'll leave now.
Captain Jack Sparrow leaves*
Pirate Fred: Captain Jack Knife, we have something on sensors.
Captain Jack Knife: We got sensors on these hang-gliders? Cool.
Pirate Fred: Sir, we have F-22s on the sensors.
Captain Jack Knife: What's an F-22?
Pirate Fred: A very fast jet. They're closing in on us!
Morty Mizzenmast: Hey! There's ninjas in them F-22s!
Ninja: Master, the pirates are directly ahead. Fire missiles?
Ninja Master: Fire all missiles!
Pirate Bob: The ninjas are firing! Go land on that there island!
The pirates land safely on the island and avoid the missiles*
Pirate Bob: Hurray! WE'RE ALIVE!
Morty Mizzenmast: Isn't that the second time you said that today?
Pirate Fred: Yeah. Hey, anyone seen Diablo Phil?
Chapter four: Kumquats, Guavas, and Phil.
Fred: So, anyone seen Phil?
Jack Knife: Naw. Mebby he landed somewhere else.
Phil: Guys! I'm up here!
Bob: Phil! How did you get in that tree?
Phil: I crashed. Hey, Bob! I found food!
Jack Knife: Yup, we did need food.
Phil: You may not like it. Try this.
Phil drops a small orange object down from the tree*
Jack Knife: What's this?
Phil: A kumquat. Try it.
Jack Knife: *CHOMP* Blech! It's nasty! Got anything else?
Phil: Try this.
Phil drops another fruit from the tree*
Phil: It's a guava.
Jack Knife: *CHOMP* It's terrible!
Phil: You must have bitten the core, with that huge CHOMP. Try eating the outside only.
Jack Knife: All righty. Hey, it's pretty good!
Bob climbs up another tree*
Bob throws a kumquat at Phil*
Phil: Hey! Watch where you throw those!
Bob throws another*
Phil: This here calls fer SUPREEM retaliatin'!
Phil throws a guava at Bob*
Bob: Ouch!
The other pirates climb trees and begin throwing fruit at each other*
Jack Knife: Oh boy... Hey! Stop the fighting!
Bob: Captain, come up and try this! It's fun!
Jack Knife climbs the tree and participates in the fruit-fight*
Jack Knife: Hey, it is fun!
Bob: What's that on the horizon... Ninjas?
All the pirates get horrified looks on their faces*
Chapter Q278: Sentinels can't comprehend Quantum Theory. Stunning.
Bob: Run! We're all gonna die!
Random pirate gets hit by a watermelon*
Jack Knife: Hey, them ninjas ain't usin' lasers. They're usin' watermelon guns!
Bob: We ain't gonna die! Hooray!
The ninjas begin flying away*
Ninja Steve: Drat! We brought the watermelon guns, not the kumquat rays! Blast!
Ninja Zashi: Hey what's that space-fleet doing behind us... Sentinels?
Sentinel Pilot: Get those ninjas!
Steve: Provide radio interference!
Ninja Mashi (over the radio): Hey Sentinels! Ever heard of relativity?
Sentinel Pilot: No, why?
Mashi: Ever heard of Quantum Theory?
Sentinel Pilot: No... Care to explain it?
Mashi: Stunning. It's where energy is passed around in little packets call Quanta.
Sentinel Pilot: And this has to do with... What?
Mashi: That's what I'm gonna turn you in to!
Mashi fires watermelons at the Sentinel ships!
Sentinel Pilot: Arrrrgh! My fresh paint job!
The Sentinels fly away*
Ninja Leader: Well, the Sentinels are gone... Where did the pirates go?
Zashi: Umm....
Chapter six: Pirates of the (Ant)arctic.
Pirate Fred: Are we lost?
Jack Knife: Naw. We're in the Arctic, for shore.
Pirate Bob: Explain why I'm seeing penguins, Captain.
Jack Knife: Yar hallucinatin'. We're in the Arctic.
Pirate Bob: Penguins are only in the ANTARCTIC.
Pirate Fred: Those might be puffins...
Diablo Phil: ...Which are Antarctic...
Pirate Fred: Puffins are Arctic! Now, back to the original question: ARE WE LOST?
Jack Knife: I already answered that question!
Pirate Bob: Incorrectly! Those are Penguins, not puffins.
Morty Mizzenmast: WAMPA! RUN!
Jack Knife: Hey, we ain't in the Arctic or the Antarctic! WE'RE ON HOTH!
Pirate Bob: Blast! How'd we end up here?
Diablo Phil: I dunno.
Pirate Bob: Oh, well. Is there any food here?
Morty Mizzenmast: The Wampa is closing in! Run to that base!
All the pirates run to the base, but find something interesting...*
Chapter seven: How pirates and ninjas changed the flow of history - Part 1.
The pirates run through the base, and eventually find Han Solo*
Jack Knife: Mister Solo, we was thinkin' about borrowin' some ships. We need to defeat them ninjas.
Princess Leia: Oh no you don't! I like ninjas. Don't you dare attack the ninjas!
Jack Knife: Can we at least borrow some ships to get offa this here ice ball of a planet?
Han Solo thinks for a minute*
Fine, we'll loan you some ships. How many?
Jack Knife: Two fit in each one... We'll need ten.
Han Solo: Okay, that'll be...
Princess Leia: You're reverting to your bounty hunter phase! Just loan them the ships. For free.
Han Solo: All right, all right. Take your ships, pirates.
Rebel Scout: Sir, fiery missiles are colliding with the planet! The planet will melt!
Han Solo: Everyone! Into your ships!
The pirates and Rebels escape the planet*
Jack Knife: Whew, I thought we were done for there.
Ninja Tashi: The pirates are escaping!
Ninja Leader: Get them!
Ninja Steve: Hey, another space fleet... Imperials?
Darth Vader: Hold it right there, Rebels. Hey... what happened to the planet?
Ninja Tashi: We're not Rebels. The Rebels and pirates escaped the planet while we melted it.
Ninja Leader: We know where they went.
Darth Vader: Really? Where did they go?
Ninja Leader: Mustafar. They wanted to mine for fuel to continue their trip.
Darth Vader: Thanks!
The Imperial fleets leaves*
Ninja Tashi: Nice save, Master. Where did they actually go?
Ninja Leader: I'm not sure. But, we do have them out of our hair... for a while.
=Chapter 8 How the Pirates and the Ninjas Changed the Flow of History - Part 2.
Jack Knife: Rebels, thanks fer savin' us from them there ninjas. We'll be on our way.
Han Solo: Bye. Stay out of trouble.
The Pirates return to Gnarled Forest*
Ninja Leader: Fellow ninja, we have disposed of the Imperials but we still have a problem.
Ninja Mashi: What is that?
Ninja Leader: The Pirates have escaped.
Ninja Tashi: Curses! Now what will we do?
Ninja Leader: Find the Rebels.
Tashi: The Rebels? How will that help us?
Ninja Leader: With any luck, they will know there the Pirates went.
Tashi: Aha...
Ninja Leader: We're wasting time. Let us go.
The Ninjas arrive at the Rebel base on Yavin 4*
Ninja Leader: Hello, Rebels. Tell us where the Pirates have gone, or else.
Han Solo: Or else what?
Ninja Leader: We reveal your location to Darth Vader.
Han Solo: Hmm...
Tashi: Well? Make up your mind!
Chapter Nine: How the Pirates and the Ninjas changed the flow of history - Part 3.
Han Solo: Well... They went to Gnarled Forest. There ya go, now beat it.
Ninja Leader: Thank you.
Tashi: Finally! Now, let's get off this rock.
The Ninjas leave Yavin 4 and return to Forbidden Valley*
Tashi: Master, we must attack the Pirates.
Ninja Leader: Indeed. They have stolen our most prized possession: Forbidden Cherries. Ninja! Prepare for attack!
The ninjas grab their katanas and board their airships*
Pirate Bob: Augh! The ninjas! Run!
Ninja Leader: Attack!
The Pirates throw assorted fruits at the ninja*
Tashi: Quick! Launch the banana-rangs!
Mashi: No need to tell me twice! Fire!
The ninja launch their banana-rangs*
Jack Knife: FOOD FIGHT!
Pirate Fred: Yahoo!
The food-fight goes on for hours*
Chapter ten: The Battle continues.
Pirate Bob: Retreat, ye ninjas! *Throws a cucumber at a ninja*
Tashi: An insult! Ninja, fire the cannons!
Pirate Fred: Cannons? What cannons? Oh! REAL CANNONS! RUN!!!!
Captain Jack Knife: No, we ain't runnin'. We can hold off these pesky ninjas.
Random pirate gets smashed by a cannonball*
Jack Knife: I've got a better idea. RUUUUN!!!!
The Pirates work together and quickly assemble a pirate ship*
Jack Knife: Set sail, mateys!
Tashi: Master, they're escaping!
Ninja Leader: Indeed. Quick, build a boat, ninja!
The ninjas construct a Chinese Junk*
Jack Knife: Accelerate the ship, ye scurvy dogs! The ninjas are catchin' up!
Diablo Phil: Where're we goin' anyway?
Jack Knife: A secret island not far from here. There, we can signal for pick-up by the Venture League.
Diablo Phil: Hey... The ninja ship just passed us. But look, their engine's on fire!
Pirate Bob: It ain't on fire. They got jet engines on that thing! They're crazy!
The ninja ship explodes*
Tashi: Well, Master, hopefully we're close enough to shore to swim there.
Ninja Leader: Ninja! Grab pieces of wood from the ship!
Chapter eleven: Venture vs. Paradox.
The Pirates land on a nearby island*
Jack Knife: Whewee! Wasn't that excitin'!
Pirate Bob: Yeah... but... LOOK! A PARADOX ATTACK CRUISER!
Rolly Jodger: Run for it, boys! Them ninjas' got turrets!
Pirate Fred: We could really use a...
Pirate Fred: Hey! You interru... a VENTURE CRUISER! WE'RE SAVED!
The Pirates are beamed onto the Venture Cruiser*
Hael Storm: Well I'll be. Them Pirates!
Jack Knife: Hael! Ya saved us! Thanks.
Hael: Well, time to go. Warp 8.7! ENGAGE!
Put, put, sputterpt*
Hael: I said, ENGAGE!
Rolly Jodger: Are we out of fuel?
Hael: Of course not. Just a minute.
Hael walks to engineering and checks the fuel amount*
Hael walks back to the bridge*
Hael: Well, we're out of fuel.
Chapter Twelve: Rock Monsters.
Hael Storm: I think we could open a hyperspace window and...
The Venture League ship enters hyperspace*
The Venture league ship exits hyperspace, then crashes into something*
Hael Strom: Well, we're all alive.
Pirate Bob: Speak fer yoreself.
Jack Knife: Where is we, anyway?
Hael Storm: It appears we're in some kinda cave.
Pirate Fred (in a whisper): Hush, guys! What is that thing?
Fred points to a rock-like glowing object*
Rolly Jodger: Rock Monster. Critter that digs around in caves lookin' for crystals.
Pirate Bob: Yikes! Let's get put of here!
Hael Storm: We're stuck in these caves. The ship didn't plow through any rocks 'cause we was in hyperspace.
Jack Knife walks forward to the Rock Monster*
Jack Knife: Howdy, feller. Me and my friends got lost in these caves and we gotta get out.
Rock Monster: *Burp* Grunt.
Jack Knife: Grunt gruntity gurrump.
Rock Monster: Grunt? Grrrunt. *Burp* Gurrunt.
The Rock Monster points to a tunnel and walks toward it*
Pirate Bob: What does he want?
Jack Knife: I think we better follow him.
Chapter Thirteen: Dingy tunnels, earth ninja, and bad luck.
The Rock Monster walks into a tunnel, and the Pirates follow him*
Pirate Bob: It stinks in here! This is worse than the local DMV office!
Pirate Fred: Nah, about the same. Hey Cap'n, can ya ask your Rock Monster friend to tell us where we are?
Captain Jack Knife: Alrighty. Grrump geipr guqump?
Rock Monster: Grrughum DMV Groffitz.
Jack Knife: We're passing by the Rock Monster DMV office.
Pirate Bob: Ugh...
Pirate Fred. Yech. This can't get much worse.
The Rock Monster and Pirates keep walking for a while*
Pirate Bob: Say, what are these sticky clumps all around here? Where are we?
Jack Knife: Grrump geipr guqump?
Rock Monster: Grrughum grublikh gristrums.
Jack Knife: The Rock Monster Public Restrooms.
Pirate Fred: Well, Bob, it got worse. So sue me.
Bob passes out*
Jack Knife: Phil, couldja carry Bob for the rest of the way?
Diablo Phil: It's Diablo Phil. Say it right.
Jack Knife: All right, DIABLO Phil, couldja carry Bob the rest of the way?
Diablo Phil: Shore thang.
Phil, whose first name is actually Diablo, picks up Bob*
Rolly Joger: Hey, he's leading us into a room, with no tunnels leading through i-
Pirate Fred: NINJAS!
Earth Ninja Leader: EARTH ninja. Remember the element, and drop the 's'.
Rolly Joger: Whatever.
Earth Ninja Leader: So, answer one question: What're you boys doin' down here?
Hael Storm: Takin' a tour. What're you doin' down here?
Earth Ninja Leader: I live here.
Jack Knife: Actually, we crashed a spaceship and landed here.
Earth Ninja Leader: Well, I might let you out... If you can survive the challenge.
Chapter Fourteen: The Ninja's Challenge.
Jack Knife: Well, what's yer challenge?
Earth Ninja Leader (ENL): Follow me.
The ENL leads the Pirates toward a noisy room*
ENL: Here we are.
Rolly Jodger: Pie? PIE! THIS IS WONDERFUL!
ENL: Not really, ya see. The aforementioned challenge is to eat twenty-four o' these pies in one sittin'.
Jack Knife: Hold up. Does we all have to do it? 'Cause Bob passed out, and Fred has a weak sto-
ENL: No, just one o' ya.
Jack Knife: Awright, boys, who'll it be?
Each pirate points to another pirate*
Jack Knife: Don't do that! We ain't gonna git nowhere doin' that.
Rolly Jodger: I'll do it.
Jack Knife: You sure?
Rolly Jodger: Just as long as the nickname "Roly Poly" doesn't stick.
Chapter Fifteen: Out of the Frying-pan, into the Fire(s)... of Mordor.
Earth Ninja Leader: Take a seat, Pirate.
Roly Pol- I mean, Rolly Jodger, takes a seat*
ENL: Ready, set... GO!!
Rolly eats two pies in one bite for twelve seconds*
ENL's jaw drops to the floor*
Hael Storm: Can we go now?
ENL just sits and stares at Rolly*
Hael Storm: Well? WELL???
ENL: Ummm... OK! This way.
ENL leads the pirates out of the caves*
ENL: Goodbye. I'll e-mail ya when one of us beats that record. Which ain't gonna be for a while.
Jack Knife: Bye, Ninja.
The Pirates begin walking in unfamiliar territory*
Diablo Phil: Man, he's picky.
Hael Storm: You're one to talk.
Diablo Phil: You want a fight? 'Cause yer askin' fer a fight.
Hael: Yes I do. Draw yer sword.
Diablo Phil: I don't got one.
Hael: What? No sword?
Diablo Phil: No, Ah don't! Do the words that are floating above my head, "Pirate Brawler," mean anything to you?!
Morty Mizzenmast: Break it up, mateys.
Hael: No, they don't, Phil!
Diablo Phil: DIABLO PHIL!
Morty Mizzenmast: BREAK IT UP.
Diablo Phil and Hael Storm: NO!
Morty Mizzenmast: Okay, fight all ya want. Be my guest.
Jack Knife: Say, anyone got an idea where we are?
Pirate Fred: Heck, I dunno.
Jack Knife: Let's look for landmarks. What do you boys see?
Hael: Mountains.
Fred: Volcanoes.
Diablo Phil: Lava.
Pirate Bob wakes up and looks around*
Bob: Hey, what's up with thet giant gate?
Hael: Even weirder, check out that tower. It's got a giant flaming eye on top o' it.
Fred: I think we're in-
All the Pirates: MORDOR!!