Forum:An even newer parts numbering system
To any bot owners[edit source]
Per CJC. I think the message should say, "may be outdated" instead of the absolute "is outdated".
I'd also suggest adding a similar message to inventory articles. Something like this: "Brickipedia is currently undergoing a change with the naming of part articles and this inventory lists parts that may have incorrect or outdated design IDs."
Names?[edit source]
Implementation[edit source]If people suddenly start naming parts according to this new system, it'll be a bit crazy. We will have twice the problem as before because all around the wiki there will be Design IDs from two or more sources. No one will know which are correct and which aren't, save for the few who actually follow this sort of stuff. Looking around on Brickset, I noted that every single torso design of any colour, printed or not, that was ever released, has the design ID 76382. This creates another rather substantial problem, as the torso for a Stormtrooper is not the same as the one as Jay's, obviously. And yet they have the same ID. So what I'm suggesting is to create a "master page" for the torso part. (I'm using torsos just for example; this would apply to all parts.) This "master page" will include in the gallery of variants every single torso variation we know of and it will link to the individual variations' articles. We'll change the name of the variations like so: Part 973-1177c01 will be changed to Part 76382/Pre Vizsla. That will identify the variation as Pre Vizsla's torso piece while also linking to the master page. To implement this, we must first stop all part and inventory article creation. If people continue to use bricklink's and/or Peeron's system, we'll have the problem I mentioned in the beginning: a widespread problem of IDs from two sources. So to prevent that, we have to handle the part articles as I just mentioned, with the master pages. We can then proceed to convert the rest of the part names. What do you think?
Berrybrick 01:49, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
Question[edit source]Can someone please summarise the numbers system for me? I think that there are Part/Element/Design IDs, which ones are the ones inside the brick, and which ones are the ones in the instructions? User:Captain Jag/sig1 02:35, November 24, 2012 (UTC)
The Curious Case of Catwoman[edit source]