Mat.96, the new account of a former member Mat96 has recently rejoined our community. His old account was indefinitely blocked on this wiki, and he has since disabled that account in hopes to start a clean slate on wikis he has caused trouble on. There's been some confusion about whether or not he should be allowed back or not. He appropriately came to us asking for another chance, in which I unbanned his new account (once banned for being a duplicate account, but now his main account), and let him with another chance. He has not caused any problems since, although Berrybrick blocked him due to the fact of his old account being indefinitely blocked. Mat came to me on Community Central for help, which he did appropriately, thus I talked to Jeyo who unblocked him. Berry has since rebanned him, although I see it unnecessary, but to clear up confusion and reach an agreement, I'm starting this forum. Mat has been quite appropriate in chat since being unblocked here, and he's acted appropriately on other wikis as well. I see no need for him to still be blocked. So let's take a vote. Unblock/Unban Mat.96[edit source]
Leave Mat.96 Blocked/Banned[edit source]Comments[edit source]