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Princess Koriand'r/Starfire

DC Comics Super Heroes


DC Comics Super Heroes


Energy (Two)


2015, 2017

[List of appearances]

Starfire (also referred to as Koriand'r and Princess Koriand'r) is a member of the Teen Titans who appears in the set, 76035 Jokerland. She is a playable character in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham with the "Heroines & Villainesses" DLC pack installed. She was also included in 71287 Teen Titans Go! Fun Pack, as part of the Dimensions line of sets.

Background[edit | edit source]

Hailing from the alien world of Tamaran, Princess Koriand'r (which translates to "Starfire") is next in line for the planet's throne despite having an older sister, Komand'r (translation: Blackfire), because Komand'r is seen as an embarrassment for her inability to fly. After failing to kill Kory herself, Komand'r betrays her planet to a race of alien conquerors. Sold into slavery, Starfire became rebellious, leading to Blackfire ordering her execution. Before this can transpire, both sisters are attacked and captured by the Psions, whom experiment on them, giving Starfire the ability to fire solar energy in "starbolts" which allow her to escape and rescue Blackfire. Ungrateful, Blackfire attacks her sister. Kory escapes in a spaceship and lands on Earth, destroying the apartment of Grant Wilson, Deathstroke's son, when she crashes into his apartment. Soon meeting the Teen Titans, Starfire joins them and becomes romantically involved with Robin, nearly marrying him before the wedding is ruined by a demonic Raven.

Many years later, Starfire joins Donna Troy's investigation of a hole which has formed in the universe and helps to prevent Alexander Luthor, Jr., from recreating the multiverse in his image. Following the battle, Starfire is stranded on a deserted planet with Animal Man and Adam Strange. After an attack by the bounty hunter Lobo, the trio is separated, but Starfire is later discovered and rescued by the Green Lantern Corps. Starfire continues her partnership with Animal Man and Adam, spending much of her time with the Baker family.

After Starfire and Animal Man's son are attacked by a water demon in their swimming pool, Starfire reunites with former Titans Nightwing, Raven, Donna Troy, Kid Flash, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Red Arrow to fend off Raven's father Trigon. Discovering that Trigon and his sons are using the seven deadly sins to weaken the Titans, Starfire notices that she and Nightwing are being influenced by lust when they show interest in renewing their relationship. Fearing that his affection is not real, she asks Nightwing if he still loves her, but realizes that he does not, and admits that he does not.

Starfire fights alongside her friend Raven

During the Blackest Night, Starfire is attacked by the Black Lantern controlled corpse of Lilith Clay, which traps Kory in a vision of her greatest desire, marrying Nightwing, before she is rescued by Beast Boy. Following this event, Starfire is invited by Donna to join the new Justice League, but she does not stay long. Deciding to return to Tamaran, Starfire finds that it is missing and teams up with LEGION, beginning a relationship with Captain Comet in the process, to find what has become of her home world.

Following the timeline reset, it is established that Starfire was once a member of a team alongside Dick Grayson and Roy Harper, and in a relationship with the former. After the team dissolved, Starfire suppressed her memories of Dick and feigned amnesia when Red Hood comes into her life, bringing Roy with him. They form a team together, and Kory enters into a relationship with Roy until he discovers that she has yet to move on past her breakup with Nightwing. She eventually exits her partnership with Jason and Roy, striking out on her own as a solo hero.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Video game appearances[edit | edit source]

Gallery of variants[edit | edit source]

76035 Starfire.png
DC Comics Super HeroesDimensions

Gallery[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit DC Comics Minifigures
Heroes: Ace the Bat-Hound | Aquaman | Arsenal | The Atom | Batgirl | Batman | Batwoman | Beast Boy | Black Lightning | Blue Beetle | Booster Gold | Cosmic Boy | Cyborg | The Flash | Firestorm | Green Arrow | Green Lantern (Jessica CruzJohn StewartHal Jordan) | Hawkman | Katana | Krypto | Lightning Lad | Martian Manhunter | Mera | Nightwing | Plastic Man | Raven | Red Hood | Robin (Damian WayneDick GraysonTim Drake) | Shazam! | Starfire | Superboy | Supergirl | Superman | Vixen (Amaya Jiwe) | Wonder Woman
Villains: Ares | Bane | Batzarro | Bizarro | Black Manta | Brainiac | Brother Eye | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Catwoman | Cheetah | Clayface | Darkseid | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Doomsday | Faora | Firefly | General Zod | Gorilla Grodd | Harley Quinn | The Joker | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Killer Moth | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Man-Bat | Mr. Freeze | Ocean Master | OMAC | The Penguin | Poison Ivy | Ra's Al Ghul | Reverse-Flash | The Riddler | The Scarecrow | Sinestro | Steppenwolf | Talia Al Ghul | Talon | Tor-An | Trickster | Two-Face
Other: Alfred Pennyworth | Atlantean Guard | Bruce Wayne | Clark Kent | Colonel Hardy | Commissioner Gordon | Dick Grayson | Dr. Harleen Quinzel | Farmer | Guard | Joker Henchman | Jor-El | LexCorp Agent | Lois Lane | Parademons | Penguin Minion | Steve Trevor | Truck Driver | Two-Face Henchman
Video game characters released in other themes: Black Canary | Calendar Man | Clock King | Condiment King | Eclipso | Mr. Freeze Henchman | Gentleman Ghost | Hawkgirl | Hugo Strange | Kite Man | Lashina | Mad Harriet | Police Officer (Super Heroes) | Polka-Dot Man | Raven
Non-physical: Adam Strange | Adam West | Amanda Waller | Ambush Bug | Anti-Monitor | Aqualad | Arkillo | Artemis | Asylum Inmate | Asylum Patient | Atomica | Atrocitus | Azrael | B'dg | Bat-Cow | Bat-Mite | Batman (Terry McGinnis) | Big Barda | Billy Batson | Bizarra | Black Adam | Black Beetle | Black Hand | Black Mask | Bleez | Blight | Bonk | Booster Gold | The Brain | Brainiac Goon | Brine King | Bronze Tiger | Captain Clown | Chang Tzu | Cheshire | Composite Superman | Conan O'Brien | Copperhead | Count Vertigo | Creeper | Cyborg Superman | Cyzarro | Darla Dudley | Deadman | Deathstorm | Desaad | Detective Chimp | Dex-Starr | Diana Prince | Diggle | Doctor Fate | Doctor Light | Doctor Poison | Doctor Sivana | Donna Troy | El Diablo | Enchantress | Envy | Eradicator | Etrigan | Eugene Choi | Felicity Smoak | Felix Faust | The Flash (Wally West) | Frankenstein | Freeze Goon | Freddy Freeman | Giganta | Gizmo | Gluttony | Golden Glider | Grail | Granny Goodness | Gray Ghost | Green Loontern | Greenzarro | Geoff Johns |Grid | Guy Gardner | Heat Wave | Heavy Joker Goon | Huntress | Hush | Impulse | Indigo | Indigo-1 | Indigo Tribe Warrior | Inque | Jim Lee | Jimmy Olsen | Jinx | John Constantine | Johnny Quick | Kalibak | Kanto | Kelex | Kevin Smith | Kid Flash | Kilowog | King Nereus | King Shark | Klarion the Witch Boy | Lady Shiva | Lara | Larfleeze | LexBot | LexCorp Heavy | LexCorp Pilot | LexCorp Security | Livewire | Lucius Fox | Mad Hatter | Malcolm Merlyn | Mammoth | Mantis | Manchester Black | Mary Bromfield | Mayor | Mazahs | Mercy Graves | Metallo | Mirror Master | Mister Miracle | Miss Martian | Mongul | Monsieur Mallah | Monster Man | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Mr. Terrific | Mr. Zsasz | Murk | Music Meister | Nora Fries | Old Lady | Orange Construct Warrior | Orion | Owlman | Parasite | Pedro Peña | Perry White | Phantasm | Plastique | Platinum | Poison Ivy Goon | Power Girl | Power Ring | Pride | Prometheus | Psimon | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Atlanna | The Question | Rainbow Raider | Ravager | Reach Warrior | Reign | Renee Montoya | Red Lantern Warrior | Red Robin | Red Tornado | Riddler Henchman | Rookie | Saint Walker | Sara Lance | Saturn Girl | Scarecrow Goon | Sea King | Security Guard | The Shade | Shazam (wizard) | Silver Banshee | Simon Baz | Sinestro Corps Warrior | Skeets | Solomon Grundy | Solovar | Spectre | The Spoiler | Star Sapphire | Stargirl | Stompa | Superboy (Jon Kent) | Superwoman | Swamp Thing | Terra | Thunderer | Tim Drake | Toyman | Trench Creature | Trigon | Ultra-Humanite | Ultraman | Vandal Savage | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Vibe | Vicki Vale | Vigilante | Virman Vundabar | Vixen | Vulko | White Lantern | Wonder Girl | Wrath | Zamaron Warrior | Zatanna | Zoom
view · talk · edit Dimensions figures
Heroes: Abby Yates | ACU | Aquaman | B.A. Baracus | Bad Cop | Bart Simpson | Batgirl | Batman | Beast Boy | Benny | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Chase McCain | Chell | Cole | Cragger | Cyborg | Doc Brown | The Doctor | E.T. | Egon Spengler | Emmet | Erin Gilbert | Eris | Ethan Hunt | Finn the Human | Gamer Kid | Gandalf | Gimli | Gizmo | Green Arrow | Harry Potter | Hermione Granger | Homer Simpson | Jake the Dog | Jay Walker | Jillian Holtzmann | Kai | Krusty the Clown | K9 | Laval | Legolas | Lloyd Garmadon | Lumpy Space Princess | Marceline | Marty McFly | Michael Knight | Newt Scamander | Nya | Owen Grady | Patty Tolan | Peter Venkman | Raven | Ray Stantz | Robin | Scooby-Doo | Sensei Wu | Shaggy Rogers | Sloth | Sonic | Supergirl | Superman | Tina Goldstein | Uni-Kitty | Winston Zeddemore | Wonder Woman | Wyldstyle | X-PO | Zane
Villains: Bane | Cyberman | Dalek | Gollum | Harley Quinn | Lord Voldemort | Shelob | Slimer | Stay Puft | Stripe | The Joker | Wicked Witch of the West | Winged Monkey
Non-playable: Atlas | Aragorn | Auntie Em | Auton | Balrog | Boromir | Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen | Cave Johnson | Cave Troll | Charlie the Funderland Robot | Chen | Clara Oswald | Cyber-Controller | Dada-Doo | Dalek Emperor | Dana Barrett | Daphne Blake | Davros | Dorothy Gale | Einstein | Fred Jones | Frodo | General Zod | GLaDOS | Griff Tannen | Griffin Turner | HAL 9000 | Jack Harkness | Jeremy Freedman | Jimmy Olsen | Krait | LexBot | Lex Luthor | The Lion | Lisa Simpson | Lord Business | Lorraine Baines | Madame Vastra | Maggie Simpson | Marge Simpson | Marlene McFly | Marty McFly Jr. | Mayor Quimby | Metalbeard | Merry | Micro Manager | Missy | Montgomery Burns | Mumsy-Doo | Munchkin | Munchkin Mayor | Orc | P-Body | The Riddler | Robo SWAT | Rusty the Friendly Dalek | Samwise Gamgee | Saruman | Sauron | The Scarecrow | Seamus McFly | Special Weapons Dalek | Silence | Talking Tree | The Tin Man | Toto | Two-Face | Velma Dinkley | Weeping Angel | Wheatley | Winkie | Zygon
... more about "Starfire"
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DC Comics Super Heroes
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