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LEGOLAND badges are promotional pop-badges made available at LEGOLAND Windsor during various events and for other promotions. They all consist of two parts; a back, with a hole in and a specific colour; and a front, consisting of the same coloured background, plus a design. Together they form a badge that can be placed on clothing or other material.

They are produced by Marketing and Promotional Services Ltd.

Badges[edit | edit source]

The badges are often given out at Special Events at LEGOLAND Windsor held at the park, like the After Dark weekends, or to celebrate anniversaries like the park's fifteenth birthday. They are also used to get visitors to re-visit the park, ride specific rides or to eat at the park's restaurants; such as the minifigure badges or ride badges.

List[edit | edit source]

Also see Ride Badges and Minifigure Badges for more details on theme specific promotions

Image Name Released Colour Ride/area associated(if any) Notes
15th birthday badge 2011, April 1, 2 & 3 yellow given out on the park's 15th birthday weekend
15bdp.jpg 15th birthday badge 2011, April 1, 2 & 3rd purple given out on the park's 15th birthday weekend
15bdb.jpg 15th birthday badge 2011, April 1, 2 & 3 blue given out on the park's 15th birthday weekend
15bdr.jpg 15th birthday badge 2011, April 1, 2 & 3 red given out on the park's 15th birthday weekend
15bdg.jpg 15th birthday badge 2011, April 1, 2 & 3 given out on the park's 15th birthday weekend
100px Adventurers Wanted 2008 red Adventure Land given out with children's meals.
100px Annual pass holder 2011 green given to annual pass holders
100px Astronaut Wanted 2008 green given out with children's meals.
Dr. Kilroy 2009 blue given out with children's meals in 2009
Dr. Kilroy 2009 green given out with children's meals in 2009
Dr. Kilroy 2009 red given out with children's meals in 2009
Dr. Kilroy 2009 purple given out with children's meals in 2009
100px Drivers Wanted 2008 yellow Traffic given out with children's meals.
100px Explorers Wanted 2008 yellow Adventure Land given out with children's meals.
100px Firefighters Wanted 2008 blue Fire Academy given out with children's meals.
100px Inventors Wanted 2008 blue Imagination Centre given out with children's meals.
Gold badge gold exchangeable for free entry to the park
100px Knights Wanted 2008 red Knights' Kingdom given out with children's meals.
100px Pirates Wanted 2008 red Pirate Falls given out with children's meals.
100px Police Wanted 2008 green LEGO City given out with children's meals.
100px Vikings Wanted 2008 blue Land of the Vikings given out with children's meals.
LLWYB.jpg Yoda 2011, April 9 and 10 gold For the Star Wars After Dark event, annual pass holders only, given out with a promotional brick

See also[edit | edit source]