850486 Rock Band Minifigure Accessory Set

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System → Minifigures → Exclusives850458 << 850486 >> 850487
Rock Band Minifigure Accessory Set



Drummer (Minifigures)
Silver Rapper
Black and White Rocker Girl


US $14.99
DE €12.99
AU $21.99




August 2012



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850486 Rock Band Minifigure Accessory Set is a Minifigures set released in August 2012 at the LEGO Shop. It is an exclusive set to the LEGO store and LEGO Shop. The Minifigure Rock Band Pack is a set featuring the Rapper from Minifigures Series 3, the Punk Rocker from Minifigures Series 4 (As a drummer rather than a guitar player) and the Rocker Girl from Minifigures Series 7 in new colour variations. This set includes a drum set, speakers, lights, brick-built guitar, and a microphone stand.

LEGO.com Description[edit | edit source]

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from LEGO.com. Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) Put together your own LEGO® Rock Band!

Set the stage for a LEGO® Rock Band concert scene, featuring small drum set, speakers, spotlights and 3 musician minifigures!

Minifigures Included[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

€12.99 +
RockBandPack.png +
Music_Set_Drummer.png +
Music_Set_Rapper.png +
Music_Set_Guitarist.png +
US $14.99
DE €12.99
AU $21.99 +
Regular sets +
Put together your own LEGO® Rock Band! Set the stage for a LEGO® Rock Band concert scene, featuring small drum set, speakers, spotlights and 3 musician minifigures! +
Rock Band Minifigure Accessory Set +
Set +
$14.99 +