Review:41015 Dolphin Cruiser/Soupperson1

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avatar Soupperson1
Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing a summer 2013 set: 41015 Dolphin Cruiser. This set is a 70€/$ Friends set. This is my first by request review, I will eventually get around to your request it's just the search for missing pieces I struggle with. On to this weeks review(by the way the new reviews come out every Wednesday or Thursday):


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figures[edit | edit source]

Yay we get three mini-dolls!! This set debuted Andrew the first Cacausain boy under the friends line and our first Asian character? Mia is the mini-doll of choice here. Her head and hair are common, as always. Her torso was originally exclusive but now it's pretty common. Unfortunately it's only one sided which is pretty annoying since it's striped. Her skirt is pretty uncommon, which is weird for a Cacausain mini-doll as there's so many of them. :P

Andrew is probably the most stereotyped boy in the history of the world :P It annoys me that Andrew reuses Surfer's hair piece, it should've been recoloured in Cool Yellow. His face is nice and is useful if you want to make a boy with blue eyes like every old comic book character :P Andrew's torso is okay

I guess but he looks like he's going golfing not cruising for dolphins. His legs are pretty useful, though every Cacausain boy seems to want to wear these trousers. I wish instead of Andrew we got Jacob as all it would take would be switching Max's hair which is less common then the surfers anyway.

Maya is the third and final mini-doll. Her head are still exclusive and will continue to be till at least summer 2015. Her hair is just Stephanie's just in black, but I imagine its pretty useful for Friends fans who want to make themselves. I have a friend who's hair is similar enough. She is the only LEGO character to ever have deep dark brown eyes, scientific name-black, which is mainly common on Asians. Maya's torso is nice and represents a branch of a traditional Asian tree branch with light pink flowers on it. Her leg piece is a magenta towel, which really urks me as the other mini-dolls aren't dressed for beach time.

Dolphins[edit | edit source]

The dolphins are cute and I could imange the grey one (who is currently exclusive) to appear outside a "girls" set, either in MOCS or just "boys" sets. It should be noted your supposed to stuff their blowholes with accessories :\

Jet Ski[edit | edit source]

Apparently the designer of this set likes to steal designs from other designers. This build is literally a tweaked version of Kate's jet ski. It's the same colour as it aswell! :/ I do however like that there's a rope attached to the back of the jet ski, for a mini doll to hold onto and go water skiing.

The boat's exterior[edit | edit source]

Let's go bottom then exterior left to right and then interior... The hull of the boat is white and is made up of three large pieces. Nothing really else to say there :P There's a ladder up to a magenta slide, magenta does not fit in with the colour scheme of this set an azure slide would've been much cooler and more attractive. To the opposite side there's a bucket with fish, which angered animal protection units against this set. There's also an exterior shower, ew! The shower build is clever however using the frying pan as the shower head. The interior of the main part of the boat is mainly azure and white, with an amber ascent in the middle. Also there's a ton of transparent windows, which look into the boat including the bathroom :S. There's a higher part in the middle of the boat, which includes a purple rail in the middle (for no reason :/), on it includes a lemonade bottle and a glass filled with it. To the front there's a steering wheel and a sonar system to track the dolphins. At the top theres two black wi fi signal thingies (I don't know :P) and two speakers to blast music from the phone glued on the wall below. The front of the boat is triangular and sits on a tan baseplate. Two lounge chairs with a bowl of fruit sit on it, though there should really be three chairs :/ There's also a pink flag at the front because why not? :P

Interior of the boat[edit | edit source]

Now here's where it gets semi interesting :P. There's a magenta sofa on the far side which looks quite nice. There's a potted plant to the left of it. The opposite side has an almost empty black kitchen with a grey sink. There is a white freezer (which looks out of place) that includes three ice creams on top (why on top? :S) and an orange juice stuffed inside.

The bathroom contains a funky looking toilet, on the far side. But it's the first friends set to feature toliet roll! For some reason the toilet paper is on a 2x2 lime brick, instead of a toilet paper holder or just on the toilet. The opposite side of the bathroom has a sink which is grey, yay? It features a pink stud as a bar of soap and for some reason that annoys me. :P No mirror sticker is included which is weird for a Friends set of such a large size. It should be noted that dark purple hair accessories are stuck to tan bricks in the bathroom. There's open doors to the toilet and windows looking in, which I personally find rather disturbing.

The bedroom is by far the best part. The close side includes a magenta bed and the far side features a lavender one. The bed builds are lovely and look rather comfy. I love the duvet design and it's a rather clever one too. What would put this over the top would be including a teddy on each, but you cant have everything :P Across from the magenta bed is a box of dark purple hair accessories in a light pink box. On the wall there's a t.v. showing a girl scuba diving because why not :P. Opposite the lavender bed is a magenta lamp and a to do list stuck on the wall.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg 4½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5

Overall, this is a great play set! The kitchen design is rather bland and annoying, and the windows into the toilet is pure creepy. The rest of the design is pretty good. The playability is pretty good, though another bed should've been included! The pieces are pretty decent too. The price is good for the amount of pieces we get, considering the hull is made out of three huge pieces. Though if you only want the set for the dolphins they don't go to high on bricklink, and one appears in Emma's Lifeguard Post. Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

P.S. Please comment on which Friends review you want to see next, new review every week!

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Comments (3)[edit | edit source]

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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 1++

Yay! I have the Dolphin Cruiser (Well, had. I broke it into pieces. :-P) myself. I love(d) it! :-D Also, this is the most natural-friendly cruiser ever! :-P #cruisersrock

That Andrew hairpiece kinda annoys me. xD If he had brown, shorter hair he could've been me! :o

Great review Soup! :-)

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score -2++

I don't like cruisers.

Nice review, though :)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 1++
Why do you keep reading my reviews when they're in progress? :P I don't see how it's anyway a nice review in the WIP state
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41015_Dolphin_Cruiser +