Review:5004591 LEGO Star Wars Poster 2015 Episode IV/NovaHawk

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avatar NovaHawk

Day.pngJoined: December 29, 2006 № of Reviews: 2   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0

I saw Sibo reviewing this poster, so I thought I may as well write my own.

I received this poster for free as a part of the annual May the Fourth promotion. I ordered online so obviously all my purchases along with the poster were sent to me. Here's one of my boxes:


And I open it to find the contents very well protected with bags full of air:


Let's remove the protection and see what's inside!


Yep. That's right. In this box, I got the poster. Just the poster (and the invoice which listed just the poster). I would have thought that maybe it would have been packed with the rest of my order, but no, it got its own special box. Not that I'm complaining ;)

So here's a picture of the contents of my box, the poster and the back of my invoice:


The poster itself is pretty well done, if you're not sure what it's based on, here's a comparison of the the LEGO version and the original:


As you can see, it mimicks the actual poster pretty well. Leia's expression doesn't really match, but I don't think we have a better expression for Leia to put there. It should probably be noted that unlike several LEGO posters, there's nothing interesting on the back- just some writing in one of the corners telling you to visit the LEGO Shop site to find out how to collect the other Star Wars posters.

Making sure the poster arrives undamaged
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5
Price (free)
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5
The actual poster
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg 4½ / 5

So what do you think? Do you like this poster, and want to collect the other five? Jealous of me getting an extra cardboard box? Leave your comments below!

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Well now you join me and Brikky to be the only users who finished a review in 2015!

What else did you get, with the poster can you review that? :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
I thought we weren't allowed use pictures that weren't are own on reviews anymore :P I'll read yours when I get the chance

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++


117 months ago
Score 0++
Talk about excessive packaging.
NovaHawk +
02:48:00, 7 July 2015 +
5004591_LEGO_Star_Wars_Poster_2015_Episode_IV +