Review:6858 Catwoman Catcycle City Chase/NovaFlare

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Ok set, terrible price[edit | edit source]


The Catcycle[edit | edit source]

This was a very underwhelming build for me. For some reason, I was expecting there to be more to the bike than there actually was- it's composed of an ordinary bicycle piece, with the purple part clipping on on top of it. Because of the purple piece, the front wheel also doesn't seem to be able to spin freely. That said, it is a nice-looking bike and the grey parts in the sides of the bike are good for keeping the bike standing up.

The Crates[edit | edit source]

Two brown crates and three brown bricks each with a smooth brown plate on top. Obiously very boring on their own, but combined with the rest of the set, they're a nice extra detail.

The Roadside Corner[edit | edit source]

This part of the set actually came as a bit of a nice surprise to me- I was always focussing on Catwoman, Batman and the bike, and just thought that this was an unsupported pole with traffic lights attached. In fact, it has a small grey plate, with what I think it meant to be a small newspaper stand (with two issues of volume 3 of The LEGO News) and a mailbox. The traffic lights also have the ability to fall off the pole, which can give some extra playability to the set.

The Minifigures[edit | edit source]

Batman really is a great-looking minifigure- I think he's got just the right amount of detail on the torso, and his wings are a nice piece to have. The jetpack attached to the wings, while small, is well-constructed, and is able to be easily removed from the wings if needed. The only thing I would say against this is that in the comic books which are included with other Super Heroes sets, this variant of Batman but with a cape is listed as being in this set, but no cape is included, which may be a bit misleading. However, I already knew this when I bought the set.

Catwoman is the main reason why I bought this set- I never collected any of the original Batman sets, so I wasn't going to let another opportunity to get Catwoman go by. This minfigure again to me has just the right amount of detail on the torso print, and it's good to see that the two-sided head has one side without the eyes for the mask, something that Batman is lacking. The mask piece is really well done, and the diamond for the accessoriy is a nice extra detail.

Pros[edit | edit source]

  • Great minifigures
  • Batman's jetpack well designed
  • Playability and detail with the traffic light corner

Cons[edit | edit source]

  • This is the main one, and the reason why I hesitated from buying it for so long- the price. This set has only 89 pieces- compare that to some Ninjago sets released at the same time (prices may vary depending on where you live)- 9440 is roughly half the price, yet it has only 3 less parts, 9441 is approximately the same price, yet it has over twice the number of parts. Of course, licensed themes cost more money, but I even purchased 9488 and 9489 from Star Wars for noticeably less (although I did buy them below the LEGO Shop's official retail price).
  • Front wheel of bike does not spin very well

Ratings[edit | edit source]

Overall Rating:
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Play Experience:
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 1 / 5
Value for Money:
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5

Although I complain about the price, would I buy it again? Definitely. At the end of the day, what's money but potential LEGO sets anyway? However, if you're not set on getting Catwoman, and you just want to get a Super Heroes set, I would recommend waiting for a sale (if you can wait that long) or getting another one- the other sets may cost more, but they do seem to have more substance to them and be a bit more value for money.

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117 months ago
Score 0++
great review!
NovaFlare +
6858_Catwoman_Catcycle_City_Chase +