Review:70778 Protector of Jungle/Brikkyy13

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Country: Australia     Gender: Male
Day.pngJoined: December 30, 2012 № of Reviews: 15   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
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Hello again! Today I'm reviewing 70778 Protector of Jungle, one of the new BIONICLE 2015 sets (BIONICLE's back yay!). Unlike the last review this set was not donated to Brickipedia by our friends over at The LEGO Group. I bought this set along with the other protectors in the rush when the new sets went live on So, is this set worth it? Read on to find out!

Box and Build[edit | edit source]


Like the other new BIONICLE sets the box is a hexagonal shape and is made out of a thin cardboard. Last review I compared it to the Speedorz boxes but after some thought its like a box of crackers. Inside the box you get 2 bags of parts and an instruction manual.


In the cover of the instruction manual is a short comic that depicts the Protector fighting fighting some skull spiders, loosing and then being freed by Lewa. Nothing to see there.


New and interesting pieces include:

  • The new head and eyestalk
  • Skull Spider and Protector masks
  • Clip on armor that resembles a Mata torso
  • The new rapid fire 6-stud shooter
  • Recolors of the bones/shells in Keet-orange and trans green

The new shooter is wonderful. It can hold 6 studs and trust me when I say it shoots far. It works because of that little yellow insert (which does not come out). There's a ridge on it that pops off the studs and sends them flying. Its a pretty simple concept, it kind of makes you wonder why nobody thought of it earlier.

The build is short, simple and fun, and a lot better then that of your typical Hero Factory set.

Contents[edit | edit source]


Included in the set is one "Metru-blue" Skull Spider and the Protector of Jungle. The Skull Spider is beautiful, It looks amazing and has great posability, even though it only has 4 points of articulation. The Skull Spider is of amazing value, though I do wish that more than one would be included, it doesn't seem like much of a math for the mighty protector.


The Protector of Jungle is a wonderful figure. Like all the new BIONICLE figures it uses the CCBS system introduced in Hero Factory, which grants it a smooth look and amazing posability. The look of the set is amazing, it looks like it could actually be a living creature! One of the best things about this figure is the back armor, which was never included on Hero Factory sets.


Another thing I like (but others might not) is the asymmetry in the arms. The right arm has armor while the left arm doesn't, though it seems it was only added for variety. Like all new BIONICLE sets the mask can be popped off by pushing down on the eyestalk. The mask clips on to the head much like a visor attaches to a minifigure helmet, which means the heads no longer have that annoying axle hole in the middle of their face (which I always thought looked ind of like lips). Once the mask is off you can replace the mask with the Skull Spider, and create an evil-looking character.


One of the only gripes I have with this set is the ("future predicting") tentacles on the feet.


I think they get in the way and break up the color scheme, but they do help add character to the figure.

The Protector's only weapon is a giant bow. And giant it is! The bow is made of the 6-stud shooter (which works by tuning that little gear) on a long stick with two "flame" pieces sticking out of each side.


That has to be my other gripe with the set. The bow is too big, it makes it very difficult to pose the figure. Nonetheless, it's still a great weapon.

Final Thoughts[edit | edit source]


Overall, it is a great set. It has decent posability, excellent pieces and, did I mention, IT'S BIONICLE! If you are looking for a cheap, good-for-money set definitely look towards this one, I believe it's worth the money. Overall, I give this set a 4 out of 5.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5

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Toa AquinusBricktastic

123 months ago
Score 0++
Perfect review! THAT LINE-UP THOUGH (Below) :-O

IchindarBrick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++
Your sets?
Brikkyy13 +
04:39:00, 21 January 2015 +
70778_Protector_of_Jungle +