Review:75105 Millennium Falcon/Brikkyy13

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Country: Australia     Gender: Male
Day.pngJoined: December 30, 2012 № of Reviews: 15   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
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Hello everybody! Today I have with me another Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens set. This time, I'm reviewing the largest set in the wave: 75105 Millennium Falcon. This set was kindly donated to Brickipedia by the awesome people over at The LEGO Group. This set retails for $149.99 USD, contains 1,332 pieces and includes 7 minifigures.

Box and Contents[edit | edit source]


The box is quite large and is decorated with the new Kylo Ren logo. As usual, the back of the box showcases all of the sets' features.


Inside the box are several bags of parts, labeled 1-9. Note: the instruction manual is also bagged. I love this choice, so many of my sets have come with ruined instruction manuals. Hopefully this will become standard practice and we won't have to face that issue anymore. The sticker sheet is also included with the manual.


Surprisingly, there is only one instruction manual. Usually sets this size have multiple instruction manuals, but that isn't the case here. The manual is produced in the style of those included in the Ideas theme. Like other Force Awakens sets, the back of the manual features a minifigure lineup and an advert for 75102 Poe's X-Wing Starfighter.

The Build[edit | edit source]


Bag 1 contains the parts for the base of the build and two minifigures - Tasu Leech and Kanjiklub Gang Member. This part of the build utilizes technic pieces to build the base of the model. Some builders may find this part tricky if they are inexperienced with the system.


Bag 2 decorates the interior of the ship. This part of the build is straightforward, consisting of standard techniques that are used in almost every set, as well as some interesting techniques that involve attaching pieces by a single stud.


Bag 3 contains Chewbacca and the new variant of Han Solo, and starts to build up the walls of the ship.


Bag 4 contains Finn and continues the wall of the ship. It's at this part of the build that you start to notice some repetition. The outer wall segments are almost identical and are built consecutively rather than concurrently (one by one rather than all at once).


Bag 5 finishes the outer walls of the ship. After completing this part of the build, I was quite annoyed by the repetition.


Bag 6 begins to build up the roof of the ship as well as the cockpit. This section of the build is quite simple and a sigh of relief after using some sophisticated techniques on the walls.


Bag 7 works on the cockpit and the underside of the ship. Most of the differences are unnoticeable in the picture, but the changes include the addition of the smuggling compartment, the landing gear and the ramp leading into the ship.


Bag 8 contains Rey (not pictured) and builds the majority of the roof of the ship. There is a degree of repetition in this part of the build, but the roof segments are built concurrently rather than consecutively so the repetition is less noticeable.

Bag 9 finishes the ship by adding the front end and the case around the cockpit. BB-8 is also built sometime during the build, but I can't remember when and I can't find it in the instruction manual. Overall, it's a really fun build filled with both standard and unconventional building techniques. The repetition can get annoying, but it's worth it for the finished product. The build took me approximately 2 and a half hours, but I build pretty quickly. Looking around, the average build time on this set seems to be around 5 hours, so it is a bit time consuming.

Minifigures[edit | edit source]


This set contains 7 minifigures. Considering that this ship belongs to Han Solo, it seems right to start with him. 30 years after Return of the Jedi, this stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder is still swinging that blaster, but he's no longer sporting the iconic black vest. Han now wears a brown jacket, not unlike the one worn by Indiana Jones (who is also portrayed by Harrison Ford). The most notable difference between this variant and others is the age. Han is now so old that his hair has turned grey. A walking stick wouldn't be out of place on this figure! Han features two faces: A neutral expression and a smirk. This variant is currently exclusive to this set.


What is Han Solo without Chewbacca, the mighty wookiee warrior? Obviously, no Millennium Falcon set would be complete without its famous co-pilot. Chewie hasn't changed much since his massive redesign, but he does include a brand new bowcaster that shoots studs. The piece is amazing and is an excellent compliment to the figure.


The next figure that is included is Tasu Leech, a new character who is to be introduced in The Force Awakens. Little is known about him and his Kanjiklub Gang Member counterpart, but from the looks of it they will be antagonists in the film. Tasu is the leader of the Kanjiklub Gang, and my guess is they're either rival scavengers of Rey or people that Han owes money to. Both guesses are equally likely. The figure is really nice, with printing depicting armor. Tasu uses Qui-Gon Jinn's hairpiece in black. This character is currently exclusive to this set.


The Kanjiklub Gang Member is an amazing figure. The armor printing is just excellent. The Gang Member also wields a musket, which I think is a great choice. Star Wars characters are always wielding blasters, it's nice to see a change in weaponry. This character is currently exclusive to this set.


The next figure included is Rey. As with her appearance in 75099 Rey's Speeder, she wears robes that look like they're from Tatooine. Rey's headgear is absent in this set, as is her staff. She makes up for that by wielding a small pistol.


Also included in the set is Finn, one of the main characters of the new film. This figure is pretty amazing. The jacket looks awesome, and the hair piece is epic. My only complaint with the figure is something that cannot be controlled. John Boyega, the actor who portrays Finn, has a head with a fairly square shape. Unfortunately, that doesn't translate well into minifigure form, causing the head to appear a little bit inaccurate. Finn has a double sided head, with one side depicting a neutral expression and the other an angry expression. This figure is currently exclusive to this set.


The last figure included is BB-8. This figure is awesome, with very detailed printing on both the head and the body. The grey patterns on the body are all unique. BB-8 seems a bit over sized when compared to other minifigures, but that's always been the case with astromech droids. Now, I don't know if it's bad luck or an actual problem, but for me this BB-8 figure and the one included in Poe's X-Wing Starfighter have had poor clutch power on the base. If you've had this issue too, please let me know in the comments.

Overall, I like the minifigure selection. I'm a bit annoyed at the fact that the only way to get some of the main characters is to buy a set as large as this one, but hopefully that will change down the track.

The Completed Model[edit | edit source]


The finished product is simply amazing. The first thing you notice about the Falcon is its size. This ship is massive. I was expecting it to be half the size that it actually is.



On the first glance, you can already see how detailed and accurate this model is. Paying closer attention to the outside shows the minute details that would possibly be overlooked. For example: the radar dish is no longer circular, it's rectangular (Lando Calrissian knocked off the circular one when destroying the Death Star II). When it comes to detail, there's only one thing that disappoints me; The 2x2 circular tiles that represent grilles (shown in the fourth picture in the string above) have been decorated with stickers. Like many people, I dislike stickers, and I question why stickers are used when in the past this exact piece has been printed with the same decal the sticker has.


The turret on the top of the ship can be rotated and adjusted. The turret is on a hatch that can be lifted up, allowing for a small insert to be removed. Two minifigures can be placed on this insert, to allow them to man the turrets.


The underside of the ship isn't much to look at. It has four landing legs and another turret. While the turret can be adjusted in the same fashion as the one on the top, the legs are fixed and cannot be adjusted. This isn't really much of an issue, the ship is a bit too big to be flying around.


Like most recent Star Wars sets, this model also features the spring loaded shooters that were introduced in 2014. To fire the missiles, just stick your finger into the first hole on the nose. Builders with large fingers might have trouble firing these off, but I don't think they'll care, they're more likely to be older builders who build the model for display purposes only.


The cockpit is large enough to fit two minifigures. The interior is quite small so the only detail that can fit in is a 2x2 slope brick with a sticker and an antenna piece representing a joystick. To access the cockpit, the whole casing has to be removed. I find this quite annoying, as it wouldn't have been hard to design it so only the top half had to be removed.


The panels that make up the top of the ship can be lifted up to access the incredibly detailed interior. The way this mechanic works results in small gaps in the top. I don't find it off-putting, but I know other people do. It's just a small price that needs to be payed for an interior that isn't limited to the cockpit.



The interior features additional controls, a Dejarik game board, beds and the ship's hyperdrive. The level of detail is incredible, and offers a lot of playability.


The last two play features in the set are on the inside of the ship. The first one is a smuggling compartment (left). The compartment is large enough to fit a minifigure, and is a great place to store the minifigure's weapons. The second one is the landing ramp (right). Unfortunately, the scale of the model doesn't allow a minifigure to "walk" on it properly, but it is nice to see the ramp included.

Final Thoughts[edit | edit source]


Overall, this set is absolutely amazing. The minifigures are excellent, the model is huge and the build is extremely rewarding. There aren't really any faults with this set. If the worst part about it is the use of stickers, there is no excuse to not love the model. Other reviewers have pointed out that this model is almost identical to the previous version. While I do not own the previous version, looking through the set's instruction manual there are a lot of similarities. If you own the previous version, I would recommend buying this one due to the extremely detailed interior. For $149.99 USD, this set is extremely worth it. I definitely recommend this set to everyone. Thanks for reading this review, and thanks again to LEGO for sending this set out to me to review.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5

Fun Stuff[edit | edit source]

I couldn't resist recreating some shots from the trailers :P

BB-8 exploring the interior.
"Chewie... we're home!
Taking on The First Order

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++

Nice review Brikkyy, I especially love that last image with the TIE :P

  • Just wondering- what's the go with the black piece (usually used as the base of a turntable thing) pictured near the cockpit in File:B75105-9.JPG?
  • Nice to see some of the interior of the set, I haven't really read any other reviews, and good to see that there's a turret on the bottom (I think more recent Falcons have this too... I only have 7190 :D)
  • I didn't notice anything wrong with my BB-8 attaching to anything (from 75102)- going back and testing it now, it does seem to be a bit less grippy than most pieces, but not noticeably, at least to me
  • (Me being annoying- you spelled Wookiee wrong, and from Tasu Leech's background section- "Tasu Leech was the leader of the intergalactic criminal organisation known as the Kanjiklub gang." [info from the Star Wars Databank] So a tiny bit is known about them :P)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++
  • The turntable base is used to attach a roof segment on an angle. You can see the piece in the same part in m:File:B75105-13.JPG.
  • I've read about other people having the clutch power issue too. I guess it's a batch issue, like the x-wing's cockpit.
  • I never check the databank, so I didn't know about that :P
Brikkyy13 +
06:35:00, 22 September 2015 +
75105_Millennium_Falcon +