Review:7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack/Agent Fuse
:Jan 2 2012 04:25
This battle pack is a nice set. It includes four minifigures and a speeder. The four minifigures, all clones, are two Bomb Squad Troopers, a Clone Commando, and an ARF trooper. The LEGO Company should have put some normal clones in.
- Speeder
The BARC Speeder has a really cool build. The only hard part when I'm trying to build it from memory is the front. It has four white ski pieces on the sides which are a great addition to the set. The controls are made from two 'tap' pieces and two Battle Droid arms, black in colour. I'm not sure what the harpoon guns on the back are for. Are they guns, or are they just bars that are on the BARC speeders in the movies? I haven't watched the Clone Wars episodes, so I don't know.
- Minifigures
The Bomb Squad Troopers are nice, but they have pink helmet markings instead of white. The markings on the armour are well detailed. I don't think they need that many markings though. The Clone Commando is my favourite minifigure in the set. He has both lime green and a darker green for special markings, and he has the black leg markings like the Bomb Squad Troopers, which I think is good. In my opinion, he has just the right amount of colouring apart from black and white, unlike the Bomb Squad Troopers. The ARF Trooper has a normal clone suit, and a special helmet. I like the back of the helmet, but the front looks, to me, somewhat like a fox. I don't know why. He doesn't have any leg markings, unlike the rest of the minifigures. Oh, and by the way, two or three of the clone heads have the normal three holes in the stud at the top, but the other one or two have solid parts there.
- Weapons
The set includes two battle rifles, a blaster, and two new pistols. I like battle rifles better than blasters, but I would have liked it if there was one pistol and two blasters, instead of two pistols and one blaster.
I would recommend this to someone, but I would advise him to get some sets with normal clones in them first. So yes, it's a good set, but if I was going to do it again, I wouldn't get it.

Value for Money

Overall Rating