Review:9676 TIE Interceptor & Death Star/NovaFlare

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Day.pngJoined: December 29, 2006 № of Reviews: 17   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 1

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It's no moon, but it's bigger than I expected[edit | edit source]


This is one of the first three in the Star Wars planets series. I wasn't expecting much from these, but they did turn out better than I expected.

Packaging[edit | edit source]

The set comes in a small box, with the planet sticking out. At first, I was wondering why spending so much money on such a small set. But when I opened it, I realised it wasn't as bad as I thought. The pieces are all inside the planet, and it's a pretty tight fit, whereas most boxes are 2/3 empty. The thing I really don't like about the packaging is that the planet pieces are exposed, meaning anyone can stick or do anything they want to on the pieces in the shop- having them covered would be much more desirable.

Main Model[edit | edit source]

The main model is a TIE Interceptor. The build isn't very exciting and takes hardly any time at all, but for the limited pieces it does a pretty good job at representing the ship.

Minifigure[edit | edit source]

The latest version of the TIE Pilot, with face printing and a blaster. Not exactly one of the most interesting figures, but it's always good to have some generic Imps around. The blaster is a welcome bonus too.

Display Stand[edit | edit source]

Not an interesting build, but it does do a great job of making the set look like a well-presented collectable item when the minifigure and TIE Interceptor are placed on it, especially with the printed piece listing the set name and its content.

The planet (or in this case space station) piece[edit | edit source]

The pieces are nicely textured, and also has the indentation in it for the superlaser. There isn't any printing on the pieces, but they really don't need it. The extra piece so that the planet can hang on the roof is a great idea too.

Pros[edit | edit source]

  • Model is well-designed
  • Figure isn't mind-blowing, but still nice to have. Also comes with a blaster which is a plus for a pilot minifigure.
  • Looks great when the minifigure and model are put on the stand
  • Planet pieces are moulded specifically for the Death Star

Cons[edit | edit source]

  • The price still isn't great (I got it cheaper than retail, so I'm not complaining for this series though)
  • Not a lot of playability, but I think these sets are more designed for collectability.

Overall Rating:
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Play Experience:
Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 1 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 1 / 5
Value for Money:
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5

While some of the above ratings don't really show it, I am definitely liking these sets. While the first wave doesn't really have the most exciting range of minifigures, the combination of the minifigure and model sitting on the display stands, with the planets in the background do make them look like a really nicely designed collector's item. Yes, I'm still not completely happy with the price, and the set doesn't have much potential for playability since the minifigure and the model are on different scales, but I think this is the closest we're going to get to Star Wars Collectable Minifigures, and I'm pretty satisfied with the what's being made.

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IchindarBrick Master

126 months ago
Score 0++

Nice review, but needs some pics!

(I just pressed random page)
NovaFlare +
9676_TIE_Interceptor_%26_Death_Star +