List of LEGO Abbreviations
From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
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This is an incomplete list of LEGO-specific abbreviations. Many of these are unofficial.
- ABB - Automatic Binding Brick
- ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
- ADU - Armored Drilling Unit, Aerial Defense Unit, Alien Defense Unit
- AFOL - Adult Fan Of LEGO
- ALE - Adult LEGO Enthusiast, synonymous to AFOL
- ATT - All Terrain Trapper
- ATV - All Terrain Vehicle
- Bley - A blueish-grey color
- BOLOC : Built Of Lots Of Colours - a model made up of parts in various colours
- BURP - Big Ugly Rock Piece, referring to Part:6082
- Dio - Diorama
- DX - Dragon eXtreme, a type of character from Ninjago
- FOL - Fan Of LEGO, denoting a LEGO lover of any ge
- KFOL - Kid Fan Of LEGO
- KIC - Kids Inner Circle, a group of LEGO fans under the age of 14 that test out new LEGO products
- LDD - LEGO Digital Designer
- LU - LEGO Universe
- LUG - LEGO Users Group
- MBA - Master Builder Academy
- MLN - My LEGO Network
- MOC - My Own Creation, a fan-made LEGO model
- POOP - Parts which can be made Out of Other Parts
- S@H - LEGO Shop at Home, the official online LEGO store
- SNIR - Studs Not In a Row, an advanced building technique that uses diagonally oriented bricks
- SNOT - Studs Not On Top, an advanced building technique in which studs face different directions
- SHIP - Significantly Huge Investment in Parts, a very large LEGO creation
- SPUA - Special Part Used Again, a part which is seemingly only for a particular set or theme, but is used again for another
- STAMP - STickers Across Multiple Parts, a sticker-placement technique
- TFOL - Teenage Fan Of LEGO
- TLC - The LEGO Company, synonymous to TLG.
- TLG - The LEGO Group
- UCS - The Ultimate Collector's Series of sets
- Vig - Vignette, a small scene built on a 6 by 6, 8 by 8 (most common), or 16 by 16 baseplate
- WIP- Work In Progress
- YFOL - Young Fan Of LEGO, synonymous to KFOL
- ZX - Zen eXtreme, similar to DX but different outfit (See Ninjago)