Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Related themes:

Avatar: The Last Airbender
SpongeBob SquarePants (Theme)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a theme officially released in 2013, although it was available in stores in some areas as early as December 7th, 2012. It is based on the Nickelodeon TV show that premiered on September 29th, 2012 in the US. Seven more sets were released in 2014, with three being based on the upcoming Ninja Turtles movie.[1] On February 12, Mattel acquired Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' construction line for MEGA Brands, marking the end of LEGO's license.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

Ninjutsu master Hamato Yoshi (Splinter) is carrying his four pet turtles through the streets of New York City when he encounters members of an alien race called the Kraang. During an altercation with these aliens, Hamato and the turtles are exposed to an alien chemical called mutagen and they undergo major physical transformations. Hamato Yoshi becomes a humanoid rat and the turtles become human/turtle hybrids. Splinter retreats to the New York City sewers, where he raises the four turtles as his sons and imparts to them his knowledge of ninjutsu. Now teenagers, the Turtles venture to the surface for the first time and learn that the Kraang is using the mutagen as part of their plan to take over New York City. The Turtles befriend the teenage April O'Neil after she and her scientist father Kirby are abducted by the Kraang. While Kirby remains a prisoner of the Kraang, April becomes an ally of the Turtles as they help her to find out where the Kraang have taken her father. The Turtles also learn that Splinter's long-time enemy Oroku Saki (Shredder) has ordered his Foot Clan to track down Splinter and his sons, and put an end to their clan.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Although the theme was officially launched in January 2013, the sets have been available at Toys R Us, LEGOLAND, the LEGO Store and Shop At Home since at least December 2012 in U.S.A.
  • Most of the TMNT minifigures have molds that were designed exclusively for them.

List of sets[edit | edit source]

Animated Series[edit | edit source]

Regular Sets
Image # Set Pieces Figures Price Released
79100 alt1.png 79100  Kraang Lab Escape  90  Foot SoldierMichelangeloThe Kraang   $12.99 / €14.99  December 2012 
79101 alt1.jpg 79101  Shredder's Dragon Bike  198  Donatello, Foot Soldier, Shredder   $24.99 / €29.99  December 2012 
79102 alt1.jpg 79102  Stealth Shell in Pursuit  162  FishfaceFoot SoldierRaphael   $19.99 / €26.99  December 2012 (US and Canada)
2013 (Rest of the World) 
79103 alt1.jpg 79103  Turtle Lair Attack  488  Dark NinjaFoot SoldierLeonardoRaphaelSplinterDummy   $49.99 / €49.99  December 2012 
79104 alt1.jpg 79104  The Shellraiser Street Chase  620  DogpoundFoot SoldierMichelangeloLeonardoThe Kraang   $59.99 / €69.99  December 2012 
79105 alt1.jpg 79105  Baxter Robot Rampage  397  April O'NeilBaxter StockmanDonatelloMouserRaphael   $39.99 / €49.99  December 2012 
12108914865 a4305761c0 b.jpg 79118  Karai Bike Escape    KaraiLeonardo   $12.99  2014 
79119.jpg 79119  Mutation Chamber Unleashed  196  RaphaelSpider BytezVictor   $24.99  2014 
79120.jpg 79120  T-Rawket Sky Strike  286  DonatelloMichelangelo, Dr. O'Neil, The Kraang   $34.99  2014 
12108914535 00082a61d3 b.jpg 79121  Turtle Sub Undersea Chase    DonatelloLeonardoLeatherheadKraang (x2)   $59.99  2014 
79122 alt1.jpg 79122  Shredder's Lair Rescue  478  MichelangeloRaphaelShredderFoot SoldierRobo Foot Ninja     2014 
Promotional sets

Live Action Movie[edit | edit source]

Image # Set Pieces Figures Price Released
79115-1.jpg 79115  Turtle Van Takedown  368  RaphaelMichelangeloVernFoot Soldier   $39.99  July 2014 
79116-1.jpg 79116  Big Rig Snow Getaway  743  April O'NeilKaraiRaphaelFoot Soldier (2)Leonardo   $69.99  2014 
79117-front.jpg 79117  Turtle Lair Invasion  888  SplinterDonatelloLeonardoShredderFoot Soldier (2x)   $99.99  2014 

Minifigures[edit | edit source]

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Gallery[edit | edit source]

References and Sources[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

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