The Great Devourer

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The Great Devourer
The Great Devourer.png




[List of appearances]
...the Great Devourer, an evil that will consume all of the land turning day into night!
―Part of the legend of The Great Devourer, as recited by Zane.

The Great Devourer is a large Ninjago snake released in the set 9450 Epic Dragon Battle. It is mainly lime and earth green, has two silver fangs, and large red eyes.

Background[edit | edit source]

A legendary ancient serpent beast that was corrupted by the Overlord and can grow forever as long as it consumes. It was so powerful that not only can it not be killed, but it also can devour and consume all of Ninjago. Its venom can change the purest of souls and make them evil. It would have consumed Ninjago had it not been for the legendary flutes of the people of Ninjago. Then the good people of Ninjago used their sacred flutes to control the Serpentine, they cast them in their tombs, and locked them up. The Great Devourer was controlled by the flute as well. It then sleeps in the lost City of Ouroboros. It has slept for hundreds of years since the Serpentine once ruled Ninjago. Since the tombs are condemned, they forgot the flute's wisdom. Years later since, Lloyd Garmadon released the Hypnobrai, to fight the ninja for humiliating him, which caused the release of all the tombs of the Serpentine, most notably the Anacondrai, of which Pythor P. Chumsworth is the last living member of the Anacondrai and declares himself to be destined to reawaken The Great Devourer. But the only way to awake it is to find all four silver Fang Blades which are used to awake the beast. Lord Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer as a child, changed by its terrible venom, when the Devourer was a child itself, causing Garmadon to turn evil. It could only be stopped by the Ancient Serpentine Flute. Unluckily, for the ninja and all of Ninjago the last flute has been stolen by Pythor. Now the ninja need the help of the Green Ninja, the only force in all of Ninjago that can defeat Lord Garmadon and The Great Devourer. In the TV series, Lord Garmadon defeats it.

Even after its death, in the 2nd half of Season two, the venom that came when the Devourer exploded caused the revival of the Stone army, making it an indirect major antagonist. In The Curse of the Golden Master it was revealed that the serpentine used the Devourer to scare people underground so they'll be protected against the golden master(Overlord), but that failed. In Secrets Discovered the ninja learned that the Vermillion were the Great Devourer's offspring and possessed the same desire to consume everything.

The Devourer's attack also resulted in the deaths of Harumi's birth parents, and contributed to her eventually becoming the leader of the Sons of Garmadon. Due to Lloyd's role in unleashing the Serpentine and thus inadvertently bringing about the Devourer's release, she blamed him for her parents' fate and saw Lord Garmadon as a hero for destroying it.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • In 9450 Epic Dragon Battle there is a feature where you can place a minifigure into its mouth.
  • When Lord Garmadon was little, The Great Devourer bit his hand, which eventually turned him evil. And this is apparently the "mysterious connection" Garmadon has with the Serpentine.
  • When Pythor P. Chumsworth released the Great Devourer, he was "scared", a little later Fangtom and Skales and other remaining Serpentine rushed into the Fangpyre tomb because they were terrified of getting eaten by him.
  • In the TV show, The Great Devourer seemed to devour Sensei Wu and Pythor P. Chumsworth.
  • In the TV show, his tail seems to have a sharp spike at the end, making him resemble a glass lizard, a species of lizard with a spike at the end of its tail that shatters to pieces when threatened.
  • It has a weak spot on the center of its forehead.
  • It is similar to the Basilisk from the LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4.
  • Like the rest of the Serpentine, the Great Devourer is weakened by the Sacred Flute.
  • In the commercial for the 9450 Epic Dragon Battle when he is destroyed he crushes the 2 Serpentine Generals Skalidor and Acidicus.
  • In Episode 20, The Stone Army, the Great Devourer's venom brings the Stone Warrior back to life. Because of this, and the fact that it turned Garmadon evil makes it the true main antagonist of the Ninjago theme.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

TV Series[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit Ninjago minifigures
Ninja team: Cole | Jay | Kai | Lloyd Garmadon | Nya | Sensei Garmadon | Wu | Zane
Skulkin: Samukai | Kruncha | Nuckal | Wyplash | Krazi | Frakjaw | Bonezai | Chopov
Serpentine: Anacondrai: Arcturus | Pythor P. Chumsworth
Hypnobrai: Skales | Slithraa | Mezmo | Rattla | Skales Jr. | Selma |
Fangpyre: Fangtom | Fangdam | Fang-Suei | Snappa
Constrictai: Skalidor | Bytar | Chokun | Snike
Venomari: Acidicus | Lizaru | Spitta | Lasha
Other: Snake villain | The Great Devourer
Stone Army: The Overlord | General Kozu | Stone Swordsman | Stone Warrior | Stone Scout | Giant Stone Warrior
Nindroid army: OverBorg | General Cryptor | Min-Droid | Nindroid Drone | Nindroid Warrior
Chen's henchmen: Chen | Clouse | Zugu | Eyezor | Chope | Krait | Kapau | Sleven
Ghost Ninja: Attila | Bansha | Cowler | Cyrus | Evil Green Ninja | Ghoultar | Ghurka | Hackler | Howla | Ming | Morro | Pitch | Pyrrhus | Soul Archer | Spyder | Skreemer | Wail | Wooo | Wrayth | Yokai | The Preeminent
Sky Pirates: Bucko | Clancee | Cyren | Dogshank | Doubloon | Flintlocke | Monkey Wretch | Nadakhan | Sqiffy
Vermillion: Krux | Acronix | General Machia | Commander Raggmunk | Commander Blunck | Rivett | Slackjaw | Tannin | Vermin
Sons of Garmadon: Harumi | Mr. E | Ultra Violet | Killow | Luke Cunningham | Chopper Maroon | Nails | Skip Vicious
Dragon Hunters: Iron Baron | Heavy Metal | Jet Jack | Daddy No Legs | Muzzle | Arkade | Chew Toy | Skullbreaker
Ninja allies: Cyrus Borg | Dr. Julien | Dareth | Echo Zane | Ed Walker | Edna Walker | Lou | Misako | Nelson | Ninja Robot | P.I.X.A.L. | Sensei Wu's dog | Falcon | Ronin | Tai-D | Hutchins | Mysterious baby
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Chamille | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Invizable | Jacob | Karlof | Maya | Neuro | Ray | Shade | Skylor | Toxikita
Creatures: Golden Dragon | Grundal | Leviathan | Mud Monster | Starteeth | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen | Nimbus
Other: Captain Soto | Captain Soto's Crew | First Mate | Carridi | Nobu | Karate Kid | Kirchonn The Invincible | Cardinsto | Barracudox | Time Ninja | Gahrann the Dreamer | Cragling | Bank Owner | Brad Tudabone | Gene | Fenwick | Claire | Postman | Jesper | Gorgon | Rogue | Sensei Yang | Chris | Martin | Emperor of Ninjago | Empress of Ninjago | List of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Characters
Note: indicates a character that only appears in media besides the sets

view · talk · edit Animals
Amphibians & Reptiles: Crocodile | Frog | Snake | Turtle
Arthropods: Ant | Butterfly | Scorpion | Spider |
Birds: Bird | Chicken | Crow | Duck | Falcon | Ostrich | Owl | Parrot | Penguin | Seagull
Land Mammals: Bat | Bear | Bison | Cat | Chimp | Camel | Cow | Dog | Elephant | Fawn | Foal | Giraffe | Goat | Hedgehog | Horse | Lion | Monkey | Mouse | Panda | Pig | Polar Bear | Pony | Seal | Squirrel | Rabbit | Rat | Zebra
Sea Animals: Clam | Crab | Dolphin | Dolphin (Friends) | Fish | Jellyfish | Lobster | Octopus | Sawfish | Shark | Starfish | Stingray
Non-avian dinosaurs: Brachiosaurus | Spinosaurus | Stegosaurus | Pteranodon | Raptor | Tyrannosaurus rex | Baby Tyrannosaurus rex | Triceratops | Coelophysis | Mosasaurus | Styracosaurus
Fictional Animals 1: Dragon | Baby Dragon | Jun-Chi | Lava Monster | Rock Monster | Tygurah | Unicorn | Yeti
LEGO Racers 2 animals: Martian Plant Animal
Avatar animals: Momo the Flying Lemur
Harry Potter animals: Aragog | Basilisk | Thestral | Hippogriff | Phoenix | Three-Headed Dog | Hedwig
Fictional Animals 2: The Lord of the Rings creatures: Cave Troll | Shelob | Mirkwood Spider | Warg | Great Eagle
Ninjago animals: Dragons | Ultra Dragon | The Great Devourer | Cragling | Grundal | Mud Monster | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen
Pharaoh's Quest animals: Cobra | Scarab | Scorpion | Sphinx
Star Wars animals: Acklay | Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Nexu | Rancor | Reek | Roggwart | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Varactyl | Wampa
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